View Full Version : Smackdown Results / Report - 5th Sep, 2014

09-09-2014, 11:48 AM
Smackdown Results / Report - 5th Sep, 2014
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Announcers: Michael Cole, John Layfield, and Tom Phillips

Tonight’s show starts off with a look back at the major announcement by Triple H last week that John Cena would be facing Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions. We see the video package for Cena and Lesnar.

John Cena makes his way to the ring to start off the in ring portion of the show.

John says that he must be wearing the right color tonight (since he is wearing red at the University of Nebraska). John explains that they are at the University of Nebraska. In three weeks, he will face Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. No more talk about if he has changed or if it is best for business. He will face Brock Lesnar in three weeks for the WWE Championship.

The match is made, so enough. Stop talking about if it is right or wrong, if he is ready or not, if he should or he shouldn’t. He has been here for 12 years and had thousands of matches. After one match at SummerSlam, everyone, including the Authority is looking at him like he is at the end of his rope. He is being treated like he is a fragile old man who should come to the ring to do the “Queen’s wave” because it is best for business.

John reminds everyone who he is and that he is a WWE Superstar and he fights. He fights because he wants to be the champion. He wants to be the champion because that is the symbol of excellence. The day that he doesn’t want to be champion is the day that he walks out of the ring and never comes back.

You understand but everyone in the WWE, after one match, does not get it. John says that it was one match with the most destructive force to set foot in the WWE, Brock Lesnar. Since 2012, he has destroyed everything in his path. Brock is for real. He is everything that Paul Heyman says he is, and more.

John says that he will get his redemption at Night of Champions. He does not care if Brock is a bad ass, if Paul Heyman is a loudmouth, if Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels don’t think he has a chance, if Hogan knows best, or if Triple H cannot make a decision, he will come in the ring and tell you to line them up so he can knock them down.

John says that he is going to Night of Champions not to beat Brock Lesnar, but to beat Brock Lesnar . . .

Kane’s music interrupts and he is joined by Seth Rollins as they walk to the ring.

Kane says that he has to be honest because he thinks that John is starting to lose it.

Seth says it is like when a 50 year old guy goes out and buys a dozen sports cars. Are you having a big career crisis?

Kane says that is called overcompensating.

Cena says that now he is getting psychological advise from a Hellraised Demon who is the brother of a dead guy who looks like the poster child for Men’s Warehouse. And he is with Mr. Plan B. He tells Seth to kiss his Plan A and sit in the corner because the grown ups are talking.

Kane says that while he is a competitor, he is also in a position of power so he can put John in a match that will test his limits. He tells John to watch his tone.

Roman Reigns’ music plays and he makes his way through the crowd and to the ring with John Cena.

Roman says this Monday on Monday Night Raw, he finishes his business with Randy Orton. He would love to start right now, but Randy is not here tonight. Roman says that he can focus all of his attention on these two corporate suck ups. He wants to make their lives a living hell, so let’s get that done right now.

John Cena says that he can believe that.

Kane tells John and Roman that they thought they were going to face ‘them’?

Seth says that is why ‘you are you’ and ‘we are us’. When you think you are catching up, the Authority is ten steps ahead of you.

The lights go out and back on and the Wyatts now stand between the four men.

Do not fear, the numbers have been evened out and Chris Jericho is joined by Mark Henry and Big Show and they have surrounded the Authority and Wyatts. What can happen next?

Triple H’s music plays and he has something to say. Hunter says no matter how much you love your job, there are some things that are a burden to do. You don’t want to come out to do it, but you have to. Hunter says that he is here to do this busy work. He doesn’t want the almighty John Cena to think the Authority cannot make a decision.

Hunter tells everyone what he is going to do, playa. It will be Kane, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan against . . . you know the drill, it is a ten man tag starring everyone here, including Roman Reigns and John Cena.

Hunter throws out another playa and a holla before going to the back.

Dolph Ziggler and Cesaro walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus is at ringside to join the announce team for the next match.

Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Cesaro with a waist lock take down and he floats over and slaps Ziggler on the back of the head before applying a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a top wrist lock but Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ziggler tries for a hip toss but Cesaro blocks it. Cesaro misses a clothesline but Ziggler does not miss a neck breaker and he hits a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.

Cesaro with an Irish whip and he runs into an elbow. Ziggler comes off the turnbuckles but Cesaro catches Ziggler and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro with a boot to the head. Cesaro chokes Ziggler in the ropes and he hits a running European uppercut from the floor. Cesaro says something to Sheamus before returning to the ring and he gets a near fall.

Cesaro with a cravate but Ziggler with punches and a sunset flip for a near fall. Cesaro punches Ziggler and then he hits a leaping elbow drop of his own and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a cravate on Ziggler. Dolph with a chop and he tries for another sunset flip but Cesaro picks Ziggler up and then gets him on his shoulders for a gutbuster and he gets a few near falls before we go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro with a cravate but Ziggler with a jawbreaker to get away from Ceasro. Ziggler with a drop kick and he goes for the splash into the corner but Cesaro knows what is coming and Cesaro with a leaping European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro sets for a Gibson Driver but Ziggler counters with an X Factor and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler with a satellite sleeper and Cesaro backs Ziggler into the corner to escape the hold. Ziggler tries for a super kick but Cesaro blocks it. Ziggler is able to counter the pop up European uppercut and he hits the hesitation DDT but he can only get a near fall. Ziggler goes for the Fameasser but he misses and Cesaro with a clothesline. Cesaro sets for the Gotch Style Neutralizer but Ziggler counters with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Cesaro attacks Ziggler. Sheamus comes into the ring and he has something to say to Cesaro. Sheamus decides to let Cesaro see the title belt and he tosses it to Cesaro and Sheamus with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus stands over Cesaro.

We go to the back and Stardust is in a good mood. He says that we almost have it. They crave what they have. Usi has hurt his knee. He is a liar. That scream is like an ionized hole screeching through the atmosphere. It is driving him mad.

Goldust enters to add someone to the conversation Stardust is having with himself. Goldust says that we all go mad some times. They’ll get what they deserve. At Night of Champions, we will get what we deserve.

Stardust says if the stars don’t align, we will align them ourselves.

Goldust says the Usos will never forget the name of Gold . . .

and Stardust.

We go to commercial.

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs Heath Slater (with Titus O’Neil)

They lock up and Slater backs Jimmy into the corner. Slater misses a punch but Jimmy does not miss with a chop. Jimmy with another chop. Slater with an Irish whip but Jimmy slides into the corner. Slater misses a charge into the corner and Jimmy does as well. Slater with a neck breaker for a near fall. Slater with kicks and then he kicks Jimmy in the midsection.

Slater with a punch and reverse chin lock. Jimmy with elbows and a punch to send Slater to the mat. Slater sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and Slater with punches and he chokes Jimmy in the corner. Slater with some air guitar but Jimmy with a savate kick followed by a corkscrew moonsault and he gets a near fall.

Titus gets on the apron and Jey hobbles towards Titus and swings his crutch. Jimmy with a super kick to Titus that knocks him off the apron. Slater with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Slater goes for a DDT but Jimmy with an Irish whip. Slater with a knee in the corner but he is met with a super kick as he comes off the turnbuckles. Jimmy goes up top for the Superfly Splash for the three count.

Winner: Jimmy Uso

We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from Raw of Stephanie giving everything to Nikki Bella.

We go to Stephanie McMahon’s office for a pre-recorded statement. She says on Monday night, she granted a Divas Title match to a woman who she thinks deserves it, Nikki Bella. That decision met some resistance from the rightful number one contender AJ Lee. After careful consideration, she is going to do what is best for business. At Night of Champions, Paige will defend the Divas Title against AJ Lee and Nikki Bella in a Triple Threat match.

Byron Saxton is with Nikki Bella in the interview area. Byron asks Nikki for her reaction to Stephanie’s announcement. Nikki thanks Stephanie for this amazing opportunity. She says that she is starting to realize what it is like to have a real sister. With this turmoil out of the way, she can get away from Brie’s shadow.

Byron mentions Brie’s apology. Nikki says that she is shocked. What Brie did was wrong and it hurt her emotionally. She knows why Brie apologized. Brie has hurt her emotionally her entire life. She will not apologize. She wishes Brie ‘good luck’ in her match against Paige tonight.

Rusev and Lana make their way to the ring to respond to Mark Henry. We go to commercial.

Lana says that this is America’s heartland. She tells everyone to ‘Shut Tup’. She says this is what you call an oxymoron because America has no heart. If it did, it is Made in China. America once was a very powerful entity, but it has passed it prime and is on its way to be irrelevant, just like your Mark Henry.

The Russian flag drops from the rafters.

Lana says that Rusev, the Super Athlete defines Russia. . .

Mark Henry interrupts Lana and he tells Lana that she runs off at the mouth too much. He says that y’all shown him their true colors the last few weeks. It isn’t the colors on the flag. Mark reminds Rusev that he made a challenge for him, but the question is will Rusev accept the challenge or hide behind that loud mouth woman that looks like an escort.

Lana tells everyone to Shut Up. She says that they will prove America’s inferiority when they defeat your Olympic Champion at Night of Champions.

Henry says at Night of Champions, he will give Rusev a good old red, white, and blue ass whooping.

We go to commercial with Brie Bella walking in the back and Paige is skipping in the back.

We are back and Jerry Springer will be on Raw for a Bella Intervention.

Nikki Bella is at ringside with the announce team and on the other side, AJ is ready to provide some commentary during the match.

Brie Bella vs Paige in a Non Title Match

Paige mocks Brie’s family issues and Brie with forearms and the referee has to pull Brie off Paige. Paige with a knee but Brie with a waist lock take down. Brie with punches but Paige slams Brie’s head into the mat. They lock up and go to a stalemante.

They lock up again and Brie with a clean break. They lock up one more time and Brie with a take down and Paige goes to the floor. Brie and Paige stare each other down on the apron. Paige pulls Brie off the apron and Brie lies down in front of her sister. Brie gets back into the ring and Paige with forearms to the back and then Paige crawls on top of Brie and Paige with a head butt.

Paige pulls Brie over the middle rope and Paige with a series of knees. Brie with a flying clothesline and drop kick. Brie with a knee to the midsection and Brie with the running knee to the head. Brie with a second running knee to the head.

Brie with a missile drop kick to Paige while AJ and Nikki have a confrontation. Nikki pushes AJ and AJ pushes back and AJ punches Nikki. Brie makes the save for her sister and Brie almost gets counted out while she suffers a psychological conflict. Paige hits the Rampaige when Brie returns to the ring and she gets the three count.

Winner: Paige

Luke Harper says that he is the serpent and unfortunately for you, little rat, you cannot out run your fate.

Bray tells Chris it is too late. The reapers are calling you out by name. The wicked will be punished. Monday is all for you. You are going to pay for your sins.

Erick tells everyone to RUN.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bo Dallas is in the ring for his match.

Bo Dallas vs Zack Ryder

Ryder with a drop kick but Bo with a knee and forearm. Bo with a belly-to-back suplex and a knee to the head followed by a punch. Ryder sends Bo face first into the mat. Bo runs into knees from Ryder but Bo pulls Ryder out of the corner and then he hits the BoDog for the three count.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match, Bo tells his fellow Americans that since you all live in Nebraska, something terrible has happened in your life. If Jack Swagger can turn it all around then America can turn it all around. You can turn your lives around. There is one thing you need to do . . . You need to rise and put your hand over your heart and say . . .

Jack Swagger’s music plays and he comes out with his giant flag and Zeb Colter. Swagger runs to the ring and Bo with punches. Swagger with punches to Bo and he puts him in the corner. They go back and forth with punches. Bo with knees to Swagger’s ribs but Swagger with a belly-to-belly slam and he punches Bo.

Swagger with more punches and forearms. Swagger goes for the leg and he tries for the ankle lock but Bo kicks Swagger away. Swagger with a boot to Bo and he leaves the ring.

Zeb says that if you are going to say something, say it right.

We take a look back at what happened to Dean Ambrose three weeks ago on Raw. Then we look at what Seth Rollins and Kane did to Roman Reigns the next week.

Seth Rollins, Kane, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan vs Roman Reigns, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, and Big Show

Show and Rollins start things off and Rollins with kicks to the leg but Show sends Rollins into the corner and he punches Rollins and then he chops him in the corner. Show with a Shhhhh chop to Rollins and then he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles. Henry tags in and Mark gets Irish whipped into Rollins in the corner. Henry with a head butt to Rollins and then he gets to his knees for some JYD head butts.

Henry sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and Show is tagged back in. Show with a running butt splash to Rollins. Show presses Rollins over his head but Rollins gets to his feet and he tags in Wyatt. Wyatt runs at Show and Show with a hip toss. Wyatt laughs and then he punches Show, but Show sends Wyatt into the corner. Rowan tags in and he kicks and punches Show. Show with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Show with a flying shoulder tackle and head butt. Show sends Rowan into the turnbuckles and he gives Rowan a chop. Show sends Rowan into the turnbuckles and Henry tags back in. Henry gets Irish whipped into Rowan in the corner. Henry with shoulders in the corner. Jericho tags in and he goes up top and hits an elbow to the back of the head. Jericho with a drop kick to the temple and we go to commercial.

We are back and Show chops Kane in the corner. Kane with a punch and kick followed by an uppercut. Show with a punch and Irish whip followed by a running butt splash. Kane with a drop kick to the knee and Wyatt tags in and he kicks Show and then hits an elbow drop before punching Show. Harper tags in and he kicks Show. Harper with a reverse chin lock into a side head lock.

Show with punches but Harper with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Harper is sent to the floor and he tags in Rollins. Rollins with a kick and an elbow drop to the leg. Rollins with a kick to the back and then he tags in Kane and Kane with a boot to the head. Kane with a kick to the ribs and then he tags in Wyatt.

Wyatt with more kicks and punches to Show. Show with punches to Wyatt. Wyatt with a kick and DDT for a near fall. Harper tags in and he gives Show a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Show with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Reigns tags in and he clotheslines Harper a few times and then he knocks Kane off the apron. Reigns with a leaping clothesline and clothesline into the corner followed by an uppercut and Samoan drop.

Reigns knocks Rollins off the apron and Reigns sends Rollins into the ringside barrier. Harper sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Harper runs Reigns into the ringside barrier and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan with the double atomic noogie to Rowan. Reigns with a head butt to Rowan but Rowan side steps Reigns and Reigns goes through the ropes and into the ringside barrier. Rollins tags in and he kicks Reigns against the ringside barrier. Rollins sends Reigns into the ring post and then the ringside barrier. Rollins rolls Reigns back in and Rollins with a side head lock.

Rollins with a rear chin lock but Reigns with punches to Rollins. Rollins with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Harper tags in and he kicks Reigns. Harper tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it three times. Reigns with a suplex and both men are down. Harper with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Kane tags in and he kicks Reigns.

Kane puts Reigns on the turnbuckles and he connects with an uppercut. Kane goes for a superplex but Reigns punches Kane and pushes him off the turnbuckles. Reigns with a flying clothesline and both men are down. Jericho tags in and he chops Kane and hits a running forearm. Kane sends Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and goes up top for a chop to the head.

Jericho with a bulldog and then he goes for the Lionsault and he connects. Kane grabs Jericho by the throat but Jericho with elbows. Jericho with an enzuigiri to Kane and then he goes for the Walls of Jericho but Wyatt interferes. Kane with a boot to Jericho. Harper tags in and he connects with elbow drops as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a wraparound clothesline to Jericho and he gets a near fall. Rollins punches Jericho while Show has something to say to Rollins. Rollins chops Jericho to taunt Show and his chops. Jericho sends Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Rollins gets back into the ring and he stops Jericho. Wyatt tags in while Rollins holds the leg.

Wyatt punches Jericho and connects with a head butt and reverse chin lock. Jericho gets back to his feet but Wyatt takes Jericho back to the mat. Jericho gets back to his feet again and Wyatt with a flying cross body and he gets a near fall. Wyatt with a crab walk as he approaches Jericho. Wyatt rolls over and he sets for the uranage but Jericho escapes and he hits a drop kick.

Rollins tags in and so does Cena. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and then he signals for the five knuckle shuffle and he hits it. Cena gets Rollins up for the Attitude Adjustment but Kane with an uppercut. Reigns with a Superman punch to Kane. Harper with a super kick to Reigns. Henry with a clothesline to Harper. Rowan with a clothesline to Henry. Show with a super kick to Rowan. Wyatt with a flying cross body to Show. Jericho knocks Wyatt to the floor. Rollins with a springboard knee to the back. Cena with an STF to Rollins and the Wyatts attack Cena and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: John Cena, Big Show, Mark Henry, Chris Jericho, and Roman Reigns

After the match, Henry and Show get in the ring and so does Kane. All ten men battle in the ring. Show with elbows to Harper. Reigns punches Kane and head butts him. Rollins kicks Cena. Wyatt with a splash to Henry. Jericho with a Codebreaker to Wyatt. Show grabs Harper and gives him a choke slam while Henry hits a World’s Strongest Slam on Rowan. Reigns spears Kane while Cena gives Rollins an Attitude Adjustment.

We go to credits.