View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 11th Sep, 2014

09-13-2014, 03:15 AM
Superstars Results / Report - 11th Sep, 2014
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Announcers: Renee Young and Tom Phillips

Naomi vs Summer Rae (with Layla El)

Naomi with a waist lock but Summer with a standing switch. Naomi with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Summer with a wrist lock but Naomi with a leg sweep to escape the hold. Naomi gets a near fall. Naomi goes to the apron and Layla distracts Naomi long enough to allow Summer to kick Naomi. Summer with a knee while Naomi hangs over the middle rope. Summer gets a near fall. Summer with a leg drop.

Summer does some dancing in the ring and Layla dances on the floor. Summer with an Irish whip and she chokes Naomi in the corner. Summer pulls Naomi out of the corner and gets a near fall. Summer with a Cobra Clutch on Naomi. Summer gets a near fall. Summer with a knee to the back and she applies a reverse chin lock on Naomi.

Summer adds a body scissors. Naomi gets back to her feet and Summer with an Irish whip and a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Summer returns to the reverse chin lock and she takes Naomi to her knees one more time. Naomi with elbows followed by a drop kick or two. Naomi with a belly-to-back suplex and Naomi kips up. Naomi with a kick to the midsection followed by a sit out jawbreaker for a near fall.

Layla gets on the apron and Naomi sees that Summer is coming on the TitanTron. Naomi with an O’Connor Roll and Backlund Bridge for the three count.

Winner: Naomi

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Steel Cage Match between Chris Jericho and Bray Wyatt from Raw.

We go to commercial.

In case you missed the problems between the Bellas, we take a look back at the Reconciliation and the Intervention.

We see Randy Orton’s attack of Chris Jericho on Raw. They will be opponents at Night of Champions.

We go to commercial.

Justin Gabriel vs Sin Cara

The lights go down and they lock up for a moment. Gabriel with a waist lock and forearms to the back and head. Gabriel with a chop and then he flips over Cara. Gabriel misses a round kick but Cara with an arm drag and bridge for a near fall. Cara with an arm bar. Gabriel gets to the ropes and Cara releases the hold. They lock up and Cara with a hammer lock but Gabriel with a forearm.

Gabriel tries to remove the mask or make it harder for Cara to look out of his mask. Gabriel with a forearm and chop in the corner. Gabriel with a punch and Irish whip but Cara goes to the apron and he connects with a forearm. Cara with an arm drag off the turnbuckles and then he drop kicks Gabriel to the floor. Cara goes to the apron but Gabriel moves. Cara with a kick and then he hits an Asai Moonsault.

Cara rolls Gabriel into the ring and he goes for a springboard move but Gabriel with a forearm to send Cara to the floor. Gabriel with a pescado onto Cara and both men are down on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel with a hammer lock but Cara with elbows. Gabriel takes Cara to the mat and he holds on to the hammer lock. Gabriel with a wheelbarrow suplex and he gets a near fall. Gabriel kicks Cara and then he hits a side Russian leg sweep into a modified Koji Clutch. Cara with elbows to get out of the hold.

Gabriel with punches and kicks to Cara. Gabriel with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Gabriel gets another near fall. Gabriel with a waist lock but Cara with a standing switch and he hits a German suplex and both men are down. Cara with a kick and springboard head butt and springboard cross body. Cara with a head scissors to Gabriel. Cara with a cannonball into the corner and then he goes up top.

Gabriel recovers and he crotches Cara on the turnbuckles. Gabriel sets for a super rana and he connects. Gabriel goes for a quebrada and he connects but only gets a two count. Gabriel waits for Cara to get up and he runs into the corner but Cara with a rollup and then he picks up Gabriel for a one arm power bomb but he gets a two count. Gabriel with a DDT and he goes to the turnbuckles for a 450 splash but Cara stops him. Cara with an enzuigiri.

Cara goes up top and he tries for a super rana but Gabriel holds on to the ropes. Gabriel hits a 450 splash for the three count.

Winner: Justin Gabriel

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the John Cena and Paul Heyman segment from Raw.

We return to Raw for the main event between Roman Reigns and Randy Orton.