View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 16th Sep, 2014

09-19-2014, 11:28 AM
Main Event Results / Report - 16th Sep, 2014
Location: Biloxi, Mississippi
Announcers: Byron Saxton and Michael Cole.

Dolph Ziggler and R Truth vs Miz and Damien Sandow

Sandow and Miz are more in sync than usual and it shows with their sunglasses removal. Miz and Truth start things off and Truth with a waist lock. Miz with an elbow and knee to the midsection. Truth with an Irish whip and Miz floats over and he hits a clothesline. Miz with a wrist lock and he tags in Sandow who punches Truth. Truth punches Sandow followed by a wrist lock and arm wringer to Sandow.

Truth with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Ziggler tags in and they hit a double back elbow followed by a double elbow drop. Ziggler with a hip toss to Miz and then he clotheslines Miz over the top rope to the floor. Sandow goes to the floro as well to discuss strategy while Ziggler and Truth strut in the ring.

Sandow returns to the ring and they lock up. Sandow with a knee to the midsection followed by a head butt. Sandow with a front face lock but Ziggler with an inside cradle for a near fall. Sandow with a shoulder and Miz tags in and he kicks Ziggler. Miz mocks Ziggler’s gyrations and then he misses a punch. Ziggler with a near fall with a rollup. Miz tags in Sandow.

Sandow misses a punch and Ziggler with a hip toss and drop kick. Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and he hits the turnbuckles and Sandow with punches to Ziggler.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with a rear chin lock on Ziggler. Miz turns it into a reverse chin lock but Ziggler with elbows and a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Sandow and Truth tags in and Truth with clotheslines and then he knocks Miz off the apron. Truth with a splash into the corner and he connects with punches on the turnbuckles and he tries for the neck breaker but Miz distracts Truth and Sandow hits Truth from behind.

Sandow with knees to Truth and Miz punches Truth while Sandow deals with the referee. Sandow gets a near fall. Miz tags in and he kicks Truth. Miz with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Miz with a front face lock but Truth tries to get to his corner to make the tag. Sandow distracts the referee and Miz knocks Ziggler off the apron.

Truth with a back body drop and Sandow tags in. Sandow with an elbow drop and a leaping knee drop. Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Truth punches Sandow but Sandow with a drop toe hold to keep Truth from making the tag. Miz tags in and he punches Truth on the mat. Ziggler tries to get into Miz’ head but Miz returns to focusing on Truth. Truth with punches.

Miz with an Irish whip and Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline and he connects. Miz goes up top and he has something to say to Ziggler before hitting the double sledge to the top of the head. Miz gets a near fall. Sandow tags back in and he kicks Truth. Sandow with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a front face lock followed by knees to the chest. Sandow tells Truth to stay down. Sandow with an Irish whip and he sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Truth comes out of the corner and hits a clothesline.

Both men are down. Miz and Ziggler tag in and Ziggler with clotheslines and he knocks Sandow off the apron. Ziggler with a splash into the corner followed by a neck breaker. Ziggler misses a Fameasser and Miz goes for the Reality Check, but Ziggler avoids the second neck breaker and he gets a near fall with a backslide. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler with a front face lock. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Ziggler with a snap mare. Ziggler counters a figure four leg lock.

Truth makes the blind tag and he hits the hesitation DDT after Miz sends Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Sandow with a knee to keep Ziggler out of the ring. Truth with a Zig Zag to Sandow but Miz is the legal man in the match and he hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Truth for the three count.

Winners: Damien Sandow and Miz

Renee Young is in the interview area with Seth Rollins. Renee asks Seth about his loss to Roman Reigns on Raw and whether he thinks that was a setback. Seth asks if the briefcase looks like a setback. What about Dean Ambrose being MIA? Is that a setback? After he gets rid of Roman on Sunday to be the last member of the Shield standing, is that a setback? Seth says that he is a man of opportunities and he will show in his match against Big E that it is brains over brawn. When he is finished with Big E, Seth says that he will turn his attention to Roman Reigns. Seth says that his brain will tell his foot to curb stomp Roman Reigns’ head into any object he wants.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young had a chance to talk to Nikki Bella earlier today. Renee asks Nikki about the disaster that is her relationship with Brie and why she attacked Brie after their match on Raw. Nikki says that throughout their lives, Brie has walked all over her. Nikki says that it hurt to have Brie take her boyfriends and call her the worst bridesmaid ever. It will all change when she wins the title on Sunday. Then everyone will kiss her voluptuous derriere.

Brie Bella vs Cameron

Cameron is still unable to finish her makeup before the match starts. Cameron goes after Brie but Brie with an arm drag and Cameron goes to the apron. Brie with a wrist lock. Cameron with forearms but Brie continues to work on the wrist. Brie with a rolling single leg crab and Cameron pounds the mat as she gets to the ropes. Cameron sends Brie into the middle rope and Cameron gets a near fall. Cameron slams Brie’s head into the mat and she chokes Brie in the ropes. Cameron gets a near fall.

Cameron with a reverse chin lock. Brie with punches but Cameron sends Brie to the mat and she gets a near fall. Cameron with a suplex and a split leg drop and she gets a near fall. Cameron stretches Brie but Brie gets Cameron on her shoulders and she runs Cameron into the corner. Cameron kicks Brie.

Brie with a running clothesline and drop kicks. Cameron leans against the ropes and Brie with a running knee followed by a missile drop kick for a near fall. Cameron with a knee to the midsection but Brie with a kick and X Factor for the three count.

Winner: Brie Bella

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael and Byron talk about the WWE World Championship match. We take a look back at what has happened between the two since SummerSlam.

Michael Cole mentions that he will be interviewing Brock Lesnar on wwe.com tomorrow at Noon Eastern.

Big E vs Seth Rollins

Rollins goes to the floor as the bell rings to listen to the You Sold Out chants. He returns to the ring and Rollins with a waist lock. Big E with a hip lock take down and Rollins goes back to the floor. Rollins returns to the ring and Rollins with kicks and punches to Big E followed by forearms to the back while he has Big E in a front face lock. Big E runs Rollins into the corner and he connects with shoulders.

Rollins goes to the floor again and he eventually returns to the ring. Rollins goes into the ropoes and then he punches Big E while the referee was in the way. Rollins with kicks and elbows. Rollins with a punch to the midsection but Big E with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.

Big E with a punch to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner. Big E with another Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner. Big E with more punches to the midsection. Rollins with a kick followed by back elbows. Rollins tries for a suplex and Big E blocks it. Big E tries for a suplex but Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins goes for a cross body but Big E catches him and Big E with a series of back breakers while holding on to Rollins. Big e gets a near fall.

Big E clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor and Big E follows. Big E with a punch and he sends Rollins into the announce table. Big E with a forearm to the kidneys and then he Irish whips Rollins into the ringside barrier. Big E presses Rollins over his head and he sends Rolins back into the ring.

Rollins goes for a springboard move and Big E stops him but Rollins drops Big E on the top rope and Rollins with a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins clips Big E’s leg and Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Big E throws Rollins across the ring. Rollins with a kick to get a near fall. Rollins chokes Big E in the ropes. Rollins kicks Big E as he methodically wears down his opponent. Rollins with a knee drop and he returns to the rear chin lock. Rollins climbs on Big E’s back but Big E backs Rollins into the corner to get out of the hold. Rollins sends Big E into the turnbuckles and Rollins with a running forearm into the corner.

Rollins taunts Big E and slaps him. Rollins with kicks to Big E. Big E with a uranage as Rollins charges into the corner and both men are down. Big E with clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline from Rollins and Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rollins with a back heel kick and kick to the chest. Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Big E with an Ultimate Warrior Splash for a near fall.

Big E runs into an elbow. Rollins is sent to the apron and he kicks Big E in the chest when Big E tries for a shoulder. Big E with a spear through the ropes and they both hit the floor. The referee checks on both men. Big E sends Rollins back into the ring and Big E with a clothesline and the straps are down. Rollins gets to the ropes to avoid the Big Ending and Rollins with an enzuigiri from the apron. Rollins moves and Big E goes shoulder first into the ring post. Rollins sends Big E shoulder first into the opposite corner.

Rollins with the Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

We go to credits.