View Full Version : Smackdown Results / Report - 19th Sep, 2014

09-20-2014, 03:33 AM
Smackdown Results / Report - 19th Sep, 2014
Location: Biloxi, Mississippi
Announcers: Tom Phillips, Michael Cole, and John Layfield.

Before our first match, Goldust and Stardust are in the Goldman Box with comments. Stardust says that it doesn’t matter who they hurt or what damage they cause. They will harness the power of a supernova and take the cosmic key. Goldust say U-So Long to the Tag Team Titles.

Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) vs Stardust (with Goldust)

They lock up and they go around the ring. Stardust with a punch but Jimmy with a punch and chop. Stardust with a kick and Irish whip but Jimmy slides into the corner and he connects with a clothesline. Jimmy with a waist lock and Stardust gets into the ropes. Stardust with an elbow. Jimmy with a few kicks and Jimmy tries for a Samoan drop but Stardust escapes and he hits a neck breaker.

Stardust with a boot to the midsection and then he connects with a forearm to the back. Stardust chokes Jimmy. Stardust sends Jimmy’s head into the turnbuckles. Jimmy with a punch but Stardust with a kick and then he connects with a drop down kick to the head.

Stardust runs into a boot in the corner and Jimmy sets for a super kick but he misses. Stardust with a kick but he misses a kick of his own. Jimmy goes for a super kick but Stardust blocks it. Stardust goes for an O’Connor Roll but Jimmy holds on to the ropes and then he hits a super kick for the three count.

Winner: Jimmy Uso

After the match, Goldust tries to attack the Usos but Goldust is met with a double super kick.

We go to commercial with Sheamus walking in the back with R Truth and Dolph Ziggler.

Miz and Cesaro (with Damien Sandow) vs Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus (with R Truth)

Ziggler and Cesaro start things off and Cesaro goes for a take down but Ziggler escapes. Ziggler with a waist lock but Cesaro with a side head lock and take down. Ziggler with a head scissors and Cesaro escapes into a side head lock. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle and he mocks Ziggler. Cesaro with a side head lock and take down. Ziggler tries for a hip toss but Cesaro blocks it.

Ziggler avoids a clothesline and then Ziggler tries for a sunset flip but Cesaro picks up Ziggler by the neck and he presses Ziggler over his head before dropping Ziggler behind him. Ziggler lands on his feet and hits a drop kick. Miz tries to interfere but Ziggler goes after Miz. Ziggler goes for a splash into the corner but Cesaro catches Ziggler and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.

Miz tags in and he kicks Ziggler in the head. Miz decides to take off his sunglasses and then he connects with another boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Miz punches Ziggler and he kicks Ziggler in the chest. Miz with a front face lock and he goes for a suplex but he takes too long and Ziggler with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ziggler with a neck breaker and then he goes for the Fameasser but Miz moves out of the way. Miz goes for the Reality Check and he hits it and gets a near fall.

Miz punches Ziggler and we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with an Awesome Clothesline to Ziggler and then he goes up top and hits a double sledge for a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock but Ziggler with a jawbreaker and both men are down. Cesaro tags in and he tries to knock Sheamus off the apron but Sheamus with a punch and Ziggler with a back body drop.

Cesaro grabs Ziggler’s ankle to keep Dolph from making the tag and he Irish whips Ziggler. Ziggler with an uppercut when Csearo charges. Cesaro catches Ziggler again and he tries for the pop up European uppercut but Ziggler counters with a DDT and both men are down. Sheamus and Miz tag in and Sheamus with two running double sledges.

Sheamus runs Miz into the turnbuckles and then Sheamus goes after Cesaro on the apron. Sheamus sends Miz to the apron for the forearms across the chest and then he hits the Finlay Slam and gets a near fall. Miz with a kick to Sheamus but Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall. Cesaro breaks up the cover and Ziggler sends Cesaro to the floor. Miz sends Ziggler to the floor.

Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl power slam. Sandow tries to interfere but Sheamus grabs him. Sandow gets to the floor but Truth attacks Sandow. Miz with a rollup for a near fall followed by a DDT for another near fall. Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Truth distracts Miz and the referee. Ziggler with a super kick and Sheamus with a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winners: Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus

After the match, Cesaro tries to go after Sheamus but Ziggler and Truth join Sheamus in the ring. Sheamus holds the belt out for Cesaro but Cesaro returns to the floor.

We go to commercial.

Heath Slater (with Titus O’Neil) vs Adam Rose

Slater with punches to Rose and he continues the attack in the corner. Slater with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot from Rose. Rose with a cross body for a near fall. Rose with a side head lock take down. Slater with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a double sledge to the back and punches. Slater with a kick to the midsection.

Slater with punches and a kick to the chest. Slater gets a near fall. Slater chokes Rose in the corner and the referee warns Slater. Slater with a slam and Heath goes to the turnbuckles but he comes off the turnbuckles into Rose’s boot. Rose with an inside cradle for a near fall. Slater misses a splash into the corner and Rose with clotheslines followed by a spinebuster. Rose with the Slice into the corner and then he punches Slater. Titus grabs Rose’s foot and that allows Slater to hit a leg lariat for a near fall.

The bunny hops into the ring and across to Titus and he hits a pescado onto Titus. Slater gets distracted and Rose with a kick and he hits the Party Foul for the three count.

Winner: Adam Rose

We take a look back at the end of Raw when Mark Henry had his Rally for America.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Rusev and Lana. Renee asks about Rusev’s match against Roman Reigns. Lana speaks in Russian and then she lets Rusev speak and he talks in Bulgarian.

Lana tells Renee that RUSEV CRUSH.

We go to commercial.

Big Show, Fernando, and Diego (with El Torito) vs Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, and Bray Wyatt

Fernando chops Rowan with the match joined in progress. Fernando holds on to the ropes and then he throws up a stop sign for Rowan followed by an Ole. Fernando goes for a sunset flip but Rowan picks him up and throws him into the turnbuckles. Fernando with a punch and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Rowan catches him.

Rowan with a fallaway slam and Wyatt tags in. Wyatt with a kick to Fernando followed by a suplex and a back senton. Wyatt tags in Harper and Luke with an elbow drop and fist drop for a near fall. Harper with a European uppercut but Fernando with a sunset flip for a near fall. Harper with an elbow for a near fall. Harper with forearms to Fernando and he walks across his upper chest.

Rowan tags in and hits a knee drop to the chest. Rowan with a double atomic noogie. Fernando with punches to Rowan and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Fernando lands on his feet and he tags in Show who hits two clotheslines followed by an Irish whip and running butt splash into the corner. Rowan stops Show with a shoulder tackle to Show’s knees. Wyatt tags in and he kicks and punches Show.

Wyatt with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Harper tags in and he kicks Show. Harper with a kick to Show and then he takes Show down with a front face lock and a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Show with punches but Harper with a drop kick and he tags in Rowan. Rowan with a kick and he gets a near fall. Rowan kicks Show and Show goes to the floor. Wyatt tags in.

Wyatt punches Show on the floor but Show blocks a punch and he gives Wyatt a head butt. Wyatt stops Show from making the tag and Harper tags back in. Harper with a kick to the midsection. Harper with a reverse chin lock. Show with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Show gets up first and he goes to the turnbuckles for a Banzai Drop but Harper moves. Harper knocks Fernando off the apron. Wyatt tags back in and he applies a reverse chin lock.

Show with a belly-to-back suplex to Wyatt to get out of the hold. Diego tags in and he hits a chop from the turnbuckles followed by a corkscrew back elbows. Diego with punches and then he flips over Wyatt’s back. Diego with a drop toe hold that sends Wyatt into the ropes. Wyatt with a flying cross body. Harper, Rowan, Fernando, and Show fight on the floor.

Wyatt punches Diego. Diego with a suicide dive onto Harper. Diego drops Wyatt on the top tope and then he goes up top. Wyatt grabs Diego as he runs the ropes and Wyatt hits Sister Abigail for the three count.

Winners: Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, and Bray Wyatt

We take a look at the match on Raw between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

Renee Young is with Roman Reigns in the interview area. Renee asks Roman about his match against Rusev tonight. He doesn’t care if his opponents are Russian, American, or little green Martians because he doesn’t discriminate. It is one versus all. Tonight he brings the fight to Rusev. On Sunday he brings the fight to Rollins . . . again.

We go to commercial.

We are back and AJ Lee has joined John, Tom, and Michael at the announce table.

Nikki Bella vs Paige in a Non Title Match

Paige tells Nikki that she doesn’t want to get involved in the sister fighting. Paige pushes Nikki but Nikki pushes Paige down and Paige with a double leg take down and punches. Paige puts Nikki into the corner. Nikki with an elbow and then she hits a round kick off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Nikki tries to pull Paige into the ring from the apron but Nikki with a knee to knock Paige to the floor.

Nikki rolls Paige back into the ring and Paige with a round kick to knock Nikki off the apron. Paige rolls Nikki back in and Paige with a body scissors and reverse chin lock. Nikki powers out of the hold. Paige with forearms to Nikki but Nikki with forearms.

Paige with a thrust kick but Nikki with a clothesline and drop kick followed by a back body drop. Nikki with a face buster for a near fall. Paige with a super kick and then she picks up Nikki and hits the Paige Turner for the three count.

Winner: Paige

After the match, AJ grabs the title belt and brings it into the ring. AJ holds the title belt like it is a baby. Paige demands that AJ give her the title belt. Nikki grabs the belt from both of them. Nikki kicks Paige and then hits AJ and Paige with the title belt.

We go to commercial.

Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) vs Bo Dallas

They lock up and Swagger backs Bo into the corner. The referee pulls Swagger out of the corner. They lock up again and Swagger backs Bo into the ropes and the referee warns Swagger. Bo punches Swagger and he goes to the floor. Swagger follows after Bo and he hits a clothesline, followed by a We the People.

Swagger slams Bo’s head into the announce table and then he rolls him back into the ring. Bo with a kick as Swagger returns to the ring and Bo with a swinging neck breaker. Bo kicks and punches Swagger followed by a clothesline. Bo gets a near fall. Bo with a side head lock on Swagger. Swagger with an elbow and punches but Bo punches back.

Swagger with an Irish whip and boot to the chest. Swagger goes for the Double Jump Swagger Bomb and he hits it. Bo goes to the floor and Swagger follows after him. Bo tries to get to the floor on the other side but Swagger grabs Bo’s leg. Bo drops Swagger’s arm on the top rope and Bo hits the BoDog for the three count.

Winner: Bo Dallas

After the match, Bo tells Jack that it looks like he lost his ‘swagger’. He asks Jack if he wants to end up like Zeb, a haggard, old, senior citizen. Bo says that Zeb stole three packets of sugar and that he is a bad tipper. It is obvious that Jack is a slow learner. If you want to be successful in the WWE and in life, all you have to do is . . .

Swagger kicks Bo in the head and Bo falls to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video feature on the match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar on Sunday night at Night of Champions.

Brock Lesnar was interviewed by Michael Cole on wwe.com about what happened on Monday. Brock says that he is a prize fighter whose job is to promote his fights. John Cena was fired up for the match on Sunday. On Sunday, John will get another ass beating.

Renee Young is with Mark Henry in the interview area. Mark is asked about how he is feeling. Mark says he is feeling good now. In 1992, he was defeated by a Russian. In 1996, even though he had to bow out due to injury, he was beaten by a Russian. On Sunday, he will not only have an opportunity to win for himself, he has a chance to win for his fans and his country. Mark Henry crush Rusev.

We go to commercial.

Roman Reigns vs Rusev (with Lana)

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and they fall to the floor. Rusev with a kick to Reigns and he pushes Reigns’ head against the ring post but Reigns punches Rusev and sends him back into the ring. Reigns with an elbow and uppercut. Rusev with a round kick to the ribs. Rusev with a forearm to the back.

Rusev with more kicks and he sends Reigns into the turnbuckles. Rusev kicks Reigns in the corner. Rusev with a punch and bear hug. Reigns with an elbow to the head and he gets out of the hold. Reigns with a punch and he sends Rusev into the turnbuckles. Reigns goes to the turnbuckles for a clothesline and he hits a running shoulder tackle.

Rusev with a jumping spin kick and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev returns to the bear hug and he takes Reigns to the mat. Reigns with head butts but Rusev with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner. Rusev runs into a boot in the corner. Reigns moves when Rusev charges into the corner again. Reigns misses a Superman punch into the corner but he hits a clothesline out of the corner and both men are down.

Reigns with a clothesline but Rusev with a body block. Reigns with a Samoan drop and he punches Rusev. Reigns with a clothesline into the corner followed by a flying clothesline and he gets a near fall. Reigns with a clothesline into the corner followed by an uppercut and Rusev falls into the ropes. Reigns goes to the floor for the Juggernaut Drop Kick.

Reigns sets for the Superman punch but Seth Rollins comes to the ring and gets on the apron. Reigns goes after Rollins and Rusev with a thrust kick. Rusev turns Reigns around and he stomps on the back to get ready for the Accolade. Rusev sets for the Accolade but Reigns counters into a uranage.

Rollins goes up top to try to hit Reigns with the briefcase, but Reigns moves and he hits Rusev. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Rusev (by disqualification)

After the match Reigns clotheslines Rollins over the top rope and then Reigns with a Superman punch to Rusev. Rollins pulls Reigns out of the ring and they fight at ringside and over the announce table.

They take the battle into the crowd.

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mark Henry’s music plays and he comes to the ring and he shows Rusev the American flag that has replaced the Russian flag. Rusev kicks Henry as he gets into the ring. Rusev with punches but Henry gets back to his feet and he pushes Rusev away. Henry picks up Rusev when he charges at Henry and Henry hits the World’s Strongest Slam.

We go to credits.