View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 22nd Sep, 2014

09-24-2014, 02:06 AM
RAW Results / Report - 22nd Sep, 2014
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RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 22nd Sep, 2014
Location - Memphis, Tennessee
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole.

Last night in Nashville, WWE presented Night of Champions. Some were able to walk out with their title belts, one with help from Mr. Money in the Bank. Some new champions were crowned. What did Mr. Money in the Bank do with his briefcase?

Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring after making his return last night at Night of Champions after being away from Raw after the attack by Seth Rollins and Kane.

Dean tells everyone he is not dead. The WWE’s ugly stepchild is back. Ever since what happened to him, he has been a little messed up in the head. He has been replaying things in his head time after time. He says that he can appreciate teaming up against him and stomping his head on cinder blocks. We take a look at what happened to Ambrose.

Dean says he has to admit that he is flattered that the Authority would go to those lengths to try to get rid of him. He is not satisfied and he can hold a grudge. He is sick of the way the Authority is protecting their golden child. He will not leave the ring until he gets his hands on Seth Rollins because he enjoys punching Seth Rollins in his face.

Dean goes to the ringside area and gets a chair and throws it into the ring and takes a seat.

John Cena’s music plays and he comes to the ring.

Dean tells John that he is going to be real honest with him. He kicks the chair to the floor and he tells John that he is really bothered and he does not like the fact that John is standing in the ring with him. He is flying close to the flame. Dean tells John not to give him a reason to not like him.

John says that this is an unfortunate turn of events because they have a similar agenda. Seth tried to take him out. John says that he had Brock beat until that selfish, slimy, close minded rubber suit wearing jackass got involved. John says that he should be the WWE Champion.

John says that he is cashing in. He is cashing in his Ass Kicking in the Bank Briefcase on Seth Rollins. John tells Dean that no one is going to stop him.

Dean tells John he warned him once. Don’t get in my way.

John takes off his hat and shirt and he is ready for a fight.

Ambrose removes his jacket and . . .

Triple H’s music plays and he is joined by his Wife (and principal owner of WWE) Stephanie McMahon, Kane, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins.

Hunter tells them to relax before they get into a pinch fight over something they have no control over. They both want to fight Seth Rollins but that won’t happen tonight. Seth won’t be fighting anyone tonight.

John interrupts and he goes after the Authority and so does Dean Ambrose. Seth is in the ring and Cena and Ambrose go after him. Ambrose follows Rollins into the crowd and Ambrose works over Rollins Ambrose chases Rollins to the back.

Hunter, Kane, and Orton follow Stephanie to the back while we see Dean and Seth fighting in the back and John Cena joins in.

Rollins runs away from Ambrose and Cena and he pushes someone down and takes his rental car. Ambrose throws a suitcase in anger.

Cena and Ambrose look at each other.

Thanx to Role Model

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at the pandemonium between Seth Rollins, John Cena, and Dean Ambrose.

Kane and Randy Orton are in the back and they are joined by Triple H. Hunter says that there is a problem and they will take care of it. Hunter tells Kane that he will be facing Ambrose while Orton faces Cena.

Kane wants to know why they have to fight. Stephanie says that Rollins isn’t here and after what we just saw, maybe they want some retribution.

Orton tells Stephanie and Hunter he is sick of Mr. Money in the Bank setting fires that they have to put out.

Intercontinental Championship
Miz (c) (with Damien Sandow) ves Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler with a waist lock and he gets a near fall. Miz backs into the corner. They lock up and Ziggler with another waist lock. Miz escapes but Ziggler with a reverse atomic drop followed by a clothesline and elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with a side head lock and Miz backs Ziggler into the corner. Miz with a kick and side head lock.

Miz with a shoulder tackle and he reminds us who he is. Ziggler tries for a hip toss but Miz blocks it. Miz misses a clothesline but he does not miss with a knee and Miz punches Ziggler. Miz with a knee to the back and a reverse chin lock. Ziggler punches Miz in the midsection and he chops Miz in the chest. Miz with a drop kick to the knee and Miz starts to set up for the figure four leg lock.

Ziggler sends Miz shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler with a clothesline and splash into the ropes but Ziggler does not connect with the neck breaker. Miz kicks Ziggler in the ropes and then he hits a neck breaker in the ropes and Ziggler falls to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz gets a near fall. Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline and he connects. Miz goes up top but Ziggler with a drop kick while Miz comes off the turnbuckles. Ziggler gets back to his feet and he hits two clotheslines followed by a splash into the corner and a neck breaker. Ziggler misses the Fameasser. Miz goes for the Reality Check but Ziggler escapes the second neck breaker. Ziggler with a hesitation DDT for a near fall.

Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Ziggler avoids it. Miz blocks a super kick. Ziggler with an elbow and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Miz stops him and applies the figure four leg lock. Ziggler’s shoulders are down and Miz gets a near fall. Ziggler crawls towards the ropes and is able to get to them so Miz has to release the hold.

Ziggler falls to the floor. Miz goes to the floor and Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler clotheslines Sandow as well. Ziggler rolls Miz into the ring and Miz with a kick as he returns to the ring and Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale but Ziggler kicks out at two. Miz misses a boot and Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall.

Miz holds on to the ropes on a Zig Zag attempt. Ziggler with a super kick to Sandow on the apron when Damien tries to interfere. Miz goes for a repeat of last night with a rollup with a handful of tights, but Ziggler rolls through and gets the three count with a handful of tights.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Thanx to Role Model

Michael Cole tells us that we will get an update on Roman Reigns’ medical condition.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at what happened last week between Bo Dallas and Jack Swagger. Who will win the rubber match?

Bo Dallas vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

They lock up and Swagger backs Bo into the corner and the referee has to pull Swagger out of the corner. They lock up again and Bo with a kick and forearm in the corner. Bo with more punches and an elbow to the back of the head. Bo with a short arm clothesline followed by knees to the chest. Bo with another knee drop and he gets a near fall.

Bo with more knees but Swagger with punches and he sends Bo into the turnbuckles. Bo with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock. Swagger with punches and a kick to the head. Swagger with a clothesline and a running knee into the corner. Swagger with an Irish whip and boot to the head. Swagger sets for the double jump Swagger Bomb and he connects. Swagger tries for a belly-to-belly slam but Bo escapes and he kicks Swagger and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Bo with clotheslines in the corner and he punches Swagger while the crowd chants USA in this battle of Americans.

Swagger applies the ankle lock and Bo taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

After the match:
Zeb asks Bo why does he look so dejected. Zeb tells Bo that he BOLIEVES . . . that Jack Swagger made you tap out.

We go to commercial.

Before the next match, Summer Rae says that it is so hard to be the most attractive in the room. Jealousy breeds hatred and that is why Nattie is so mad at her. She does not need any of the Total Divas to be friends. Summer may be over, but it is never over for her and Layla.

Summer Rae (with Layla El) vs Natalya (with Rosa Mendes)

Natalya goes after Summer, but Summer goes into the corner. Summer with a shot to the nose followed by a kick and more punches. Summer with kicks and a body scissors. Summer with a Lotus lock but Natalya bridges back and gets a near fall. Summer holds on to the body scissors and Natalya turns over and punches Summer. Summer with a guillotine choke.

Natalya sends Summer to the mat and then Natalya runs over Summer’s back and hits a drop kick. Natalya with a discus clothesline and then she punches Summer in the corner. Layla interferes and Summer with a near fall on a rollup but Natalya counters into the Sharpshooter. Rosa takes care of Layla on the apron and Summer taps out.

Winner: Natalya

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened at the start of Raw.

Dean Ambrose vs Kane

Ambrose punches Kane and Kane pushes Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose with a kick to the thigh followed by more punches. Kane with an uppercut. Ambrose with a double leg take down and punches to Kane. Ambrose goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back elbow for a near fall. Kane backs Ambrose into the corner and he connects with shoulders. Kane punches Ambrose.

Ambrose slaps Kane and then hits a drop kick with Kane in the ropes. Kane grabs Ambrose by the throat but Ambrose with an elbow and then Kane charges at Ambrose and Ambrose drops down and Kane goes over the top rope to the floor. Ambrose with a suicide dive and then he grabs some chairs but Kane with a boot to the head.

Kane Irish whips Ambrose into the ring steps and then back into the ring. Kane with a near fall. Kane with an arm bar. Ambrose with forearms to Kane and then Kane runs into a boot. Ambrose comes off the turnbuckles and is met with an uppercut and Kane gets a near fall. Kane returns to the arm bar. Ambrose with punches but Kane with a knee. Ambrose with a DDT and both men are down.

Ambrose with jabs to Kane but Kane with a punch. Ambrose bounces off the ropes and he hits a clothesline. Ambrose goes up top and hits a missile drop kick and gets a near fall. Ambrose goes for a tornado DDT but Kane pushes Ambrose away and Kane tries for a choke slam but Ambrose escapes and he hits the Dean Driver but Rollins attacks Ambrose and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Dean Ambrose (by disqualification)

After the match:
Rollins continues the attack on Ambrose and then he goes to the floor and gets the chair but Ambrose with a double leg take down and Ambrose clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Kane with a forearm to stop a suicide dive by Ambrose. Kane choke slams Ambrose and leaves the ring.

Rollins returns to the apron but Ambrose has recovered and Seth decides to fight another day.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Seth Rollins and Kane are stopped by Triple H. Hunter tells Seth to stop setting these fires. He says people are getting tired . . .

Dean Ambrose attacks Rollins and then he goes after Kane for a moment before Dean returns to Seth. The agents grab Ambrose and carry him out of the building. Stephanie tells them to put him in the janitor’s closet instead.

Stephanie calls Dean a loose cannon and she says they have him under control.

We take a look at Scott Stanford’s coverage of the Roman Reigns situation over the weekend.

Sheamus and Usos make their way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Sheamus (c), Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso vs Goldust, Stardus (c)t, and Cesaro

Goldust and Jey start things off and Goldust with a punch but Jey punches back. Goldust sends Jey to the floor but Jey returns to the ring and he connects with an uppercut. Jey with a chop and Jimmy tags in and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Jimmy with a back body drop and Goldust goes to the floor and Stardust checks on his brother. Cesaro holds the ropes open for Goldust while Goldust tells the referee to keep Jimmy back.

Stardust tags in and Jimmy runs him into the corner. Stardust with a punch and Jimmy slides into the corner on an Irish whip. Jimmy with an uppercut. Jimmy sets for a super kick but Stardust goes to the floor after avoiding it. Stardust returns to the ring and Cesaro tags in and he wants Sheamus.

Sheamus with an Irish whip and clothesline followed by punches in the corner. Cesaro with a kick and forearm. Sheamus with more punches but Cesaro with a European uppercut. Goldust tags in and he punches Sheamus. Goldust punches Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus with an Irish whip and knee in the corner. Sheamus with a clothesline and Jey tags in and he hits a shoulder in the corner and then hits a splash for a near fall. Jey with an arm wringer but Goldust with a punch and he tags in Stardust.

Stardust with a waist lock and forearms to the back followed by kicks. Stardust with a kick to the ribs. Stardust works over Jey in the ropes. Jey with chops to Stardust and he sends Stardust into the turnbuckles. Jimmy tags in and he hits a leaping clothesline and gets a near fall. Jimmy with an arm bar.

Goldust tags in and he kicks Jimmy and punches him. Stardust tags back in and he trips Jimmy and then Stardust hot shots Jimmy and gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Stardust with a chin lock on Jimmy but he runs into boots when he charges into the corner and both men are down. Sheamus tags in and he connects with two running double sledges and a shoulder into the corner. Sheamus misses the knee lift when Stardust moves but Sheamus hits the Finlay Slam. Sheamus tries to get Stardust set for the forearms on the apron but Goldust tries to stop him. Sheamus hits the ten forearms and then he goes for a power slam but Sheamus goes after Stardust and goes over the top rope but hits Cesaro.

Cesaro pulls Sheamus off the apron when he goes for a slingshot shoulder tackle. Cesaro picks up Sheamus and rolls him into the ring. Cesaro goes to the turnbuckles and hits a double sledge to the head and gets a near fall. Cesaro with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a modified Anaconda Vice. Sheamus gets to his feet and he punches Cesaro but Cesaro punches back and connects with a European uppercut that sends Sheamus to the mat.

Goldust tags in and he punches Sheamus. Goldust with more punches to Sheamus and he gets a near fall. Goldust with a reverse chin lock. Stardust tags in and he kicks Sheamus and then he chokes him in the ropes. Cesaro with a kick when the referee was out of position and then Stardust gets a near fall. Stardust with a front face lock. Sheamus with a punch but Stardust with a kick and drop down kick.

Stardust goes for a double jump Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus with a double sledge to Stardust and both men are down. Jey and Goldust tag in and Jey with clotheslines and a thrust kick and uppercut. Jimmy tags in and Jey sends Goldust to Jimmy for a hot shot. Goldust and Stardust fall victim to a Jimmy corkscrew senton. Cesaro is knocked out of the ring and then The Usos with planchas onto Stardust and Cesaro. Goldust gets his knees up and he gets a near fall on Jimmy.

Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to knock Stardust off the apron. Cesaro dumps Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy with a super kick and then Jey tags in and hits the Superfly Splash for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Sheamus

Randy Orton is in the back and Seth Rollins stops by. Seth tells Randy that he is probably in no mood to talk. He says that Randy said he was tired of fighting his battles, but Seth tells Randy he appreciates him taking this battle with Cena. As a token of his appreciation, he may have a little surprise for Randy at ringside. Seth says that Kane and he will be at ringside to watch the match. Randy tells Seth that he likes surprises.

Mark Henry walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the five members of the arena security detail are still making sure that Dean Ambrose does not get out of the janitor’s room.

Mark Henry makes his way to the ring while JBL calls Mark Henry unpatriotic for losing to Rusev on Sunday night.

Mark tells everyone that he is out here to apologize. He feels like he let his country down. He is not 100% physically, but he is also a little bit heartbroke. He says that you are entitled to pick on him tonight. He tells the people they can what if they want tonight. Mark says that he is sorry and he hates that he let everyone down.

Rusev’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage with Lana.

Lana tells Mark he does not have to apologize because they will not accept Everyone here is so apologetic and pathetic just like Mark. Lana mocks the USA chants and she tells everyone to shut up. She says that Russians are proud people. Lana suggests that Mark get another chance. The people of Memphis want to see another match between Mark and Rusev.

She asks the people of Memphis if they want Mark Henry to stand up for them tonight.

Mark says that if the people will allow him and want him to destroy this man tonight . . . then bring it on.

Lana tells Rusev to CRUSH Mark Henry.

We go to commercial.

Mark Henry vs Rusev (with Lana)

Rusev with punches but Henry pushes Rusev away. Rusev with a kick and punches to the ribs. Rusev with kicks in the corner. Rusev with shoulders to the back. Henry with a biel but Rusev with punches and kicks. Rusev sends Henry down to the mat and he applies a chin lock. Rusev with knees to the ribs and kicks to the back before returning to the chin lock.

Rusev adjusts his arm position and he turns it into a choke but Henry gets back to his feet. Henry with an elbow. Rusev with a drop kick and he returns to the choke. Henry stomps on Rusev’s bare foot and then he hits a few clotheslines and a splash into the corner. Henry with a slam and they go to the floor.

Henry sends Rusev into the ring steps and then he slams Rusev’s head into the apron. Henry rolls Rusev back into the ring. Henry gets to his knees for a JYD head butt. Henry pulls Rusev into the corner for a Vader Bomb but Henry takes too long and Rusev pulls Henry off the turnbuckles and Henry lands on his chest.

Rusev growls like a Russian bear and then he stomps around Henry. Rusev screams something while Henry struggles to get back to his feet. Rusev applies the Accolade and Henry passes out.

Winner: Rusev

Adam Rose (with The Bunny) and Exotic Express walk backstage.

We go to commercial.

Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil vs Adam Rose and The Bunny

Rose and Titus start and Rose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Titus with a back breaker and he drops down to add more impact. Titus sends Rose into the corner and Slater tags in and he hits a jumping leg lariat for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Rose with an elbow but Slater pulls Rose to the mat. Slater with a forearm to the back of the head and he punches Rose. Slater appears to be distracted by the bunny. Slater stays with the reverse chin lock.

Rose with punches and he tries to make the tag going through Slater’s feet. Titus tags in and he hits an elbow drop to the back and he tosses Rose across the ring. The Bunny gets to the floor to avoid Titus and Rose with a drop kick. The Bunny and Slater tag in and the Bunny kicks Slater and hits a missile drop kick. The Bunny draws Titus in and he goes over the top rope to the floor. The Bunny with a leaping spin kick and then he hits a senton off the apron after tagging in Rose. Rose with the Party Foul for the three count.

Winners: Adam Rose and The Bunny lol

Thanx to Role Model

Nikki Bella is walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a graph to show us how much you paid for the Pay Per View on Cable compared to the WWE Network.

We see Security protecting the janitor’s room where Dean Ambrose is still located.

Nikki Bella comes to the ring.

Nikki says a lot of people made excuses why they didn’t win at Night of Champions, but she has a legitimate one. She says that she wasn’t going to watch her sister’s interview last night, but she is her flesh and blood so she could use the support before her match. Then she heard those toxic, horrible, and horrific words coming out of Brie’s mouth. That cost her the Divas Title Match.

Being fearless means taking things into your own hands. Nikki tells Brie to get her butt out here right now.

Brie makes her way to the ring.

Brie says that Nikki is doing what she does best. She is blaming everyone for her shortcomings.

Nikki says that Brie never supported her. It has never been about The Bella Twins, it has always been about Brie.

Brie reminds Nikki that she is the one who keeps calling her out here to insult her. Brie says that she is going to . . .

Nikki interrupts Brie to ask her what is she going to do. Nikki calls Brie an embarrassment to her and to the name ‘Bella’. She says that Brie doesn’t deserve to be called Bella. She should be called Nikki’s trashy sister. How about Quitter. She can call herself whatever she wants. She wants the Bella name exclusively. She wants to be known as THE Nikki Bella.

Brie says that she is not giving up the Bella name.

Nikki asks Brie why hasn’t she taken her husband’s name. Has someone got Buyer’s Remorse? Is she regretting getting married to a troll?

Brie attacks Nikki and she tries to apply the Yes Lock.

Nikki gets to the floor and Brie wants Nikki to return to the ring.

AJ Lee’s music plays and she skips out to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paige is at the announce table to watch the match.

Non Title Match
AJ (c) vs Nikki Bella

AJ blocks a punch and she applies a wrist lock. AJ with an arm drag into an arm bar. Nikki with an elbow but AJ with a head scissors take down. AJ with a clothesline into the corner followed by a neck breaker. AJ with another neck breaker and she gets a near fall. AJ with an Irish whip but Nikki with a clothesline out of the corner. Nikki gets a near fall.

Nikki sends AJ into the turnbuckles and then she puts AJ in the ropes and Nikki uses her rear end to do something to AJ before sending her to the floor. Nikki Irish whips AJ into Paige. Nikki sends AJ back into the ring and Nikki gets a near fall.

Nikki with a choke and she swings AJ around. Nikki with a knee to AJ and she gets a near fall. Nikki works on the arm and she applies a cross arm breaker. AJ clasps her hands to counter into a rollup for a near fall. AJ with a back heel kick but Nikki with an Alabama Slam for a near fall. Nikki with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner.

Nikki charges into the corner but AJ avoids Nikki and Nikki hits the turnbuckles. AJ applies the Black Widow and Nikki tries to get to the ropes but AJ pulls Nikki into the center of the ring and Nikki taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

Thanx to Role Model

Triple H stops by the janitor’s room to check on Dean Ambrose’s status and he is told that Ambrose is still in there.

They announce right after RAW on the WWE Network there will be a special 2K15 roster reveal (Part 1) with special guest superstars including Sting, Cena, Sheamus and more.

We go to commercial.

We are back and there is a black covering next to the announce table in the same position where the cinder blocks were.

John Cena vs Randy Orton (with KANE and Seth Rollins)

They lock up and Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a shoulder tackle and Orton poses. Cena with a shoulder tackle. Orton with a knee and forearm to the back followed by laces to the face. Orton with punches and kicks to Cena in the corner and he stomps on the ankle. Orton chokes Cena in the corner.

Orton punches Cena and head butts him. Orton wants to hear the crowd but that allows Cena to recover and he kicks and punches Orton followed by an Irish whip and bulldog for a near fall. Orton with a kick to the chest as he comes off the ropes. Orton kicks Cena.

We got to commercial.

We are back and Orton stands over Cena, who is on the mat. Orton with a knee to the head and we go to commercial. Cena goes for a shoulder tackle but Orton drops down and Cena rolls to the floor and against the announce table. Orton Irish whips Cena into the ring steps. Orton with a back drop driver onto the announce table. Orton pulls Cena off the announce table and then he rolls Cena back into the ring.

Orton sets for the IEDDT but Cena gets back into the ring and he sends Orton over the top rope to the floor with a back body drop. Orton and Cena with punches and Orton throws in kicks and head butts. Orton with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Orton with a hard Irish whip. Orton with boots to Cena’s back and he gets a near fall. Orton with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot.

Orton with a sleeper on Cena. Cena powers out of the hold but Orton with a kick. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena bends over Orton but Orton with a kick followed by a power slam for a near fall. Cena goes to the apron and Orton sets for the IEDDT but Cena gets into the ring and he tries for the Attitude Adjustment. Orton gets to the apron and he drops Cena against the ropes.

Cena tries for the STF after a drop toe hold but Orton kicks Cena away. Orton with a clothesline and Cena is down. Orton tries for a superplex but Cena powers out and he head butts Orton off the turnbuckles. Cena is crotched by Orton and Randy thinks about a super duper IEDDT and he connects. Orton gets a near fall.

Orton looks around and he twists to the mat and pounds on it before setting for the RKO but Cena pushes Orton away and Cena with a drop toe hold and he applies the STF. Rollins and Kane enter the ring and go after Cena and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: John Cena (by disqualification)

After the match:
They triple team Cena but Cena fights back until Orton kicks Cena and then Kane with a choke slam.

They pull Cena to the floor and then to the present but it was Dean Ambrose and he attacks Kane, Rollins, and Orton. Ambrose fights off all three men. Ambrose comes off the announce table and then he clotheslines Rollins. Kane grabs Ambrose by the throat and Cena makes the save. Ambrose with a DDT to Orton while Cena gives Kane an Attitude Adjustment.

Ambrose and Cena together in the ring.

We go to credits.