View Full Version : NXT Results / Report - 25th Sep,, 2014

09-29-2014, 01:37 PM
NXT Results / Report - 25th Sep,, 2014
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Announcers: Renee Young, Rich Brennan, and Jason Albert

Mojo Rawley versus Bull Dempsey

They fight outside the ring before the bell rings but they get into the ring and Rawley with punches and forearms. Dempsey goes to the floor but Rawley sends him back into the ring. Dempsey with an Irish whip and uppercut by Rawley. Bull with a body block and he goes up top for the diving head butt and he connects for the three count.

Winner: Bull Dempsey

After the match, while Rawley is down in the ring, Tyler Breeze appears in the arena and he makes his way to the ring.

Rawley bumps into Breeze as they pass on the ramp and Tyler sends Mojo shoulder first into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Baron Corbin vignette.

Justin Gabriel vs Tyler Breeze

Tyler with kicks to the midsection and he sends Gabriel into the corner and he kicks Gabriel until the referee warns him. Tyler with punches to Gabriel and the referee warns him again. Tyler runs into a drop kick to the knees by Gabriel and Gabriel with a sliding flatline for a near fall. Gabriel punches Breeze and kicks him. Gabriel with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Gabriel with another kick to the back and another near fall.

Gabriel with more kicks to the back. Gabriel with a forearm that sends Tyler into the corner. Gabriel with a kick to the midsection. Gabriel with a punch and Irish whip but Gabriel misses a charge into the corner but Gabriel lands on the turnbuckles and hits a side kick for a near fall. Gabriel goes up top but Breeze gets up and Gabriel leaps to the mat.

Gabriel with an STO and quebrada for a near fall. Gabriel with a side slam and he goes to the apron and top turnbuckles for the 450 splash but Breeze moves. Breeze with a super kick and Beauty Shot for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

William Regal says that there is someone outside with a package for him.

Natalya stops by to talk to William and she doesn’t want Tyson to know that she came to him. She asks William to give Tyson another shot against Adrian Neville. William points out that it was Tyson who got pinned. Natalya says that Tyson can prove himself with another shot. William will give Tyson another shot, but if he cannot win this time, he will never get another title shot against Adrian Neville.

We go to commercial.

Alexa Bliss vs Bayley

Bayley with a waist lock but Alexa stays on her feet. Bayley with an arm drag but Alexa with a cartwheel. Bayley with another waist lock and Alexa escapes and applies a waist lock of her own. Bayley backs Alexa into the turnbuckles. Bayley runs Alexa into the turnbuckles to work on the back and then she gets a near fall.

Bayley with an Irish whip and Alexa with a floatover into a sunset flip for a near fall. Alexa with another near fall. Alexa with a head scissors and Bayley goes into the corner. Alex and Bayley high five each other and Bayley with a wrist lock and arm drag. Bayley with a wrist lock as she continues to work on the arm. Bayley with an elbow drop to the arm. Bayley with an arm bar and Irish whip.

Alexa tries to float over but Bayley does not run into the corner. Bayley with an arm drag and arm bar. Bayley gets a near fall. Alexa tries to reverse the wrist lock but Bayley rolls through with her and Bayley gets a near fall. Alexa with a flying forearm and drop kick followed by an attempted moonsault but Bayley moves out of the way. Alexa lands on her feet but Bayley with the belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Bayley

After the match, Bayley gets the mic and she asks for Charlotte to come to the ring.

Charlotte makes her way to the ring.

Bayley tells Charlotte that since Takeover, she has not been able to sleep. She let herself down. She let everyone here in the NXT Universe down. Her mom watched her lose. Bayley wants another title match.

Charlotte says that Bayley did not let her down because Bayley earned her respect. Charlotte says the second verse will be the same as the first, but she will accept the challenge and she will see her next week.

It is time for the latest video of Colin Cassady, Enzo Amore, and Carmella. Enzo asks Carmella why she said she was his sister. The enter the gym but Carmella wants to know where the ring is. Enzo says that she has to get into shape first. Enzo points out that Carmella is a hairdresser and not Divas ‘hot’.

Enzo gets on the treadmill and he says that if you treat women like dirt, you will never get hurt.

Carmella changes into her gear and Enzo gets distracted by Carmella stretching and he falls off the treadmill.

We go to commercial.

Enzo comments on Marcus’ headgear as he makes his way to the ring. He says that it looks like he encountered a problem at Takeover. It looks like he ate some pie that caused him to lose his hair. Colin runs through types of pies. Colin says that Marcus isn’t fooling him with his new do. Colin spells out what he thinks of Marcus’ hair.

Marcus Louis (with Sylvester Lefort) vs Enzo Amore (with Colin Cassady)

Marcus misses with punches and clotheslines but Enzo with a punch and he goes for the headgear. Marcus with a back elbow and he connects with forearms. Marcus sends Enzo into the turnbuckles. Marcus with a forearm to the back. Marcus with a slam and he works on Enzo’s neck. Marcus with a knee to the midsection.

Marcus sends Enzo to the floor and Colin makes sure that Sylvester doesn’t do anything to Enzo. Marcus loosens the straps on the headgear and Enzo drops Marcus on the top rope and he takes the wig off. Enzo with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Enzo Amore

Tyson Kidd says that his wife’s heart is in the right place but his actions speak louder than words. He does not need his wife to ask for a title shot. If he wants one, he will just ask for it. Adrian Neville has the title, but Tyson says that he will take it from him. This is his last chance at the NXT Championship and that puts the power in his court. Adrian has lost two matches this year and Tyson points out that he is the one to beat him in both of those matches.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sami Zayn is asked about Tyson’s match against Adrian Neville. Sami says that it is pitiful that Tyson’s wife had to beg for the match. Tyson is desperate so that makes him dangerous. Neville has been showing how desperate he is to keep the title. It does not matter who wins because he still wants that title.

Match Number Five: Kalisto and Sin Cara versus Konnor and Viktor for the NXT Tag Team Titles

Konnor and Cara start off and Konnor with punches and he gets a near fall. Konnor with another near fall. Konnor with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Cara with an arm drag out of the corner followed by a drop kick and Kalisto is tagged in and Cara sends Kalisto onto Konnor with a wheelbarrow splash. Konnor with a punch to Kalisto.

Viktor tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and Viktor gets a near fall. Viktor with a chop and he sends Kalisto into the turnbuckles. Viktor tries to biel Kalisto but Kalisto with a cartwheel and head scissors. Kalisto with a waist lock but Viktor with a standing switch. Cara tags in and Kalisto with a head scissors followed by a clothesline from Cara and he gets a near fall.

Kalisto tags in and Cara with a slam and Cara sends Kalisto onto Viktor for a moonsault and he gets a near fall. Viktor with a knee and Irish whip. Konnor tags in and he takes Kalisto down with a side head lock take down. Konnor sends Kalisto around the ring with rolling side head lock take downs and he gets a near fall. Konnor with a reverse chin lock.

Viktor tags in and he connects with palm strikes to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Viktor with knees to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kalisto with punches to get out of the hold. Viktor with a slam and he gets a near fall. Konnor tags in and gets a near fall. Konnor with a slam and he gets a near fall. Konnor with a reverse chin lock. Konnor with a back breaker and Viktor makes the tag and he hits a double sledge to the back and gets a near fall. Viktor with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall.

Viktor with a reverse chin lock and Kalisto with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Viktor sends Kalisto into the turnbuckles and he tags in Konnor and they both slam Kalisto and get a near fall. Konnor with a body scissors and forearms to the chest. Viktor tags in and he kicks Kalisto. Viktor with a Canadian Lifter for a near fall.

Viktor sends Kalisto into the turnbuckles but Kalisto with a boot to Viktor. Cara tags in and hits a springboard head butt and springboard cross body. Cara with a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Cara with a kick and Kalisto tags in. Kalisto runs into an elbow from Viktor and Viktor sends Cara to the floor.

Hideo Itami’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage. Konnor and Viktor get focused on Itami and Kalisto hits the Salida Del Sol for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

After the match, Konnor goes up the ramp after Itami but Itami fights back as we go to credits.