View Full Version : WWE RAW Results (9/25): Bischoff Returns!

Dangerous Incorporated
09-26-2006, 08:01 AM
WWE RAW Results (9/25): Bischoff Returns!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Airdate: Monday, September 25th, 2006
Location: The Ford Center in Oklahoma City, OK
Results by PowerWrestling.com

During the pyro for Raw the lights went out in the arena. JR said they blew a fuse.

Lilian Garcia spoke on the microphone but couldn't be heard.

Candice is coming to the ring and the main lights are still out. Lita vs Candice in the 1st round of the Womens Title Tournement. Lita announces that Edge will be the referee of this match. JR mentioned that Edge is once again the No. 1 contender to the WWE Title. Edge speared Candice and counted to 3, so Lita wins. John Cena runs down to the ring and Edge and Lita run for cover.

After a break, the lights are back on as Cena cuts a promo. Edge comes back out with Lita. Cena said the lights came back on because everyone wants to see him beat Edge's ass. Edge said he has a rematch clause and he will take it when he wants it and that will not be tonight. This segment is really odd. It seems like it was out there on the fly for some reason. They are just spouting off about a bunch of nonsense and none of it IMO seems planned or scripted. Lita said even she is a better wrestler then Cena. Cena said its nice to know that she has balls. Edge announces that later tonight it will be Cena with one arm tied behind his back vs Lita.

They showed highlights from this past weekend's tour of Mexico.

IC Title Match Johnny Nitro vs. Kane. Umaga is banned from being involved in this match. Umaga runs in and hits Kane with a chair causing a DQ. Umaga put Kane's head against the ring post and gave him a very fake looking shot with the steel steps.

Backstage HBK was reading the article on Triple H in last month's WWE magazine. Triple H walked up and they started plugging all their merchandise. Maria asked DX their thoughts on running the gauntlet tonight on Raw. Triple H said if you think your gonna stop DX we got two words for you. Maria says No Way. Triple H tells her it's suck it in her ear and she shakes her head. Eugene walks up and Maria tells Eugene that DX told her to suck them.

This week in WWE history is shown with Andre The Giant vs Gorilla Monsoon in a boxing match from Shea Stadium.

Backstage, Coach asked Shelton why he think's he is being overlooked because he is black. Shelton says it's true. Coach said he has been given numerous chances and he always fails. Coach sayd Vince's hero is Martin Luther King Jr. and he's not racist. Benjamin says who cares and calls Coach a white wash. He tells him that Dick Cheney has more soul then him. Jeff Hardy walks past them and Coach says up next it will be Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy one on one. Edge walks up and Coach tells him that Lita vs Edge will be No Holds Barred but Edge can not touch Cena at all during the match or he will lose his shot at the WWE Title.

Ric Flair vs Mikey of the Spirit Squad. Ric Flair pins Mikey after a punch to the face, and no I am not joking.

Highlights are shown from the taping of John Cena on Madtv. The episode will air this Saturday night.

A video aired with highlights from the Hell in the Cell match at Unforgiven. Only the clips where DX were in control were shown.

DX vs The Highlanders. DX wins in 5 seconds following a Super Kick from HBK. DX vs Viscera & Charlie Haas. DX win after a Pedigree from Triple H on Haas, setting up DX vs Cade & Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch win on a DQ when Triple H used a chair on Cade.

Toby Keith was shown sitting in the front row.

A Cryme Tyme vignette aired where they robbed a guy after he took money out of the ATM.

Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin. Jeff Hardy wins with a small package.

Carlito & Super Crazy vs Chris Masters & Randy Orton. Carlito pins Masters with the Back Cracker. After the match, Orton gave Carlito the RKO.

Eric Bischoff comes to the ring with his book in hand and cuts a promo.

Lita vs John Cena with one arm tied behind his back. Cena wins the FU. After the match, Cena is attacked and beat down by King Booker, William Regal, and Finlay for nearly 8 minutes. Very boring.

Edge got on the mic and said next week, it'll be Cena vs. Edge for the WWE title in a steel cage match.