View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - 5th Oct, 2014 (Allentown, PA)

10-08-2014, 12:09 AM
Los Matadores beat Slater Gator (Slater Gator was more over with the crowd).

Adrian Neville pinned Tyler Breeze - great work by both, but crowd was not into it until the Red Arrow.

Divas had a "dance off" which led to a 6-woman match of: Brie Bella, Naomi, and Emma beating Nikki Bella, Cameron, and Leyla. Got a lot of "Yes" chants at the end. Some good work, but they kept the Bellas apart until a quick Yes Lock after the match.

Big E and Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods beat Gold and Star Dust in an entertaining bout. Got a lot of crowd reaction.

Adam Rose pinned Damien Mizdow. Sandow was great as the heel in this one. My wife who doesn't watch a lot, thought he was the best performer of the night. Rose was ok, but gimmick doesn't seem to let him look strong enough to win without the bunny.

Mark Henry beat Rusev by DQ when Rusev used a chair. Was a weak shot, but enough I guess. Lana was great on the mic and crowd ate up her work.

Dean Ambrose and Big Show beat Randy Orton and Kane. Ambrose pinned Kane. Ambrose was the last out and the last to leave as well. Super over with the live crowd though he didn't use the mic which disappointed me. Ambrose worked most of the match as Big Show looked slow or to be hurting. Orton was also very over. People want to cheer him.