View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 7th Oct, 2014

10-08-2014, 02:53 AM
Main Event Results / Report - 7th Oct, 2014
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Announcers: Michael Cole and Byron Saxton.

Cesaro has joined Michael and Byron at the announce table for the opening match.

Before the match, Bo Dallas says that he met one of his BOLIEVERS in catering. There was only one cheesesteak left and she gave it to him so he would have enough strength to defeat Dolph Ziggler tonight. He took that cheesesteak and he threw it in the trash can because it is a heart attack on a bun. Mark Henry took that cheesesteak out of the trash can and ate it. Bo says that he will win tonight without any help. All he has to do is BOLIEVE.

Bo Dallas vs Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up and Ziggler with a wrist lock into a hammer lock and side head lock. Bo with a forearm and top wrist lock. Ziggler with an arm drag and hip toss followed by an attempted leaping elbow drop but Bo moves. Bo punches and kicks Ziggler in the corner. Bo kicks Ziggler in the ribs and he gets a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock.

Bo pulls Ziggler to the mat by the hair. Bo with a knee to the ribs and he gets a near fall. Bo returns to the reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jaw breaker to escape the hold. Ziggler with a clothesline and splash into the corner but Bo avoids the neck breaker. Ziggler tries for a kick against the ropes but Bo moves and he sends Ziggler through the ropes and to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler punches Bo to get out of a side head lock. Bo blocks a drop kick and he catapults Ziggler into the turnbuckles to get a near fall. Bo with knee drops followed by a hesitation knee drop for a near fall. Bo with clotheslines in the corner and Ziggler moves when Bo charges at him and Bo hits the turnbuckles in his sternum.

Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Ziggler with flying clotheslines followed by a splash and neck breaker. Ziggler sets for the Fameasser but Bo moves and Bo with a belly-to-belly slam and he gets a near fall. Bo sets for a Gibson Driver but Ziggler counters with a back body drop and he hits a hesitation DDT for a near fall.

Bo blocks a super kick and Bo with a double underhook DDT but Ziggler kicks out at two. Bo shows some frustration and lets that be the focus instead of continuing to work on Ziggler. Ziggler rolls to the apron and Bo with forearms and punches. Ziggler with a shoulder from the apron and he tries for a sunset flip but Bo drops down and he grabs the ropes. The referee sees Bo using the ropes and he stops the count. Ziggler with a Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

It is time to relive Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb’s appearance on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tyson Kidd tells Kane that he is more than Nattie’s husband. Kane says that we know that she wears the pants in her family. Tyson demands a match tonight. Kane tells Tyson he already has a match because Nattie demanded that he get a match against Jack Swagger. Kane tells Tyson not to tap out to Swagger like he does to his wife.

Nikki Bella, Summer Rae, Cameron, and Layla El vs Brie Bella

Summer starts off and she pushes Brie to the mat but Brie tries for a single leg crab. Brie with drop kicks to Summer and she gets a near fall. Summer with a knee and Layla tags in and hits a thrust kick. Layla with a knee to the midsection followed by a DDT for a near fall. Layla slams Brie’s head into the mat and then she applies a rear chin lock. Brie with a forearm but Layla with a forearm of her own.

Layla slams Brie’s head into the mat again. Cameron comes in and hits a clothesline and she mocks the Yes Chant. Brie gets a near fall but Cameron with a kick to Brie. Cameron chokes Brie in the ropes. Cameron follows with a reverse chin lock. Cameron sends Brie to the mat and then she hits a suplex followed by a split leg drop to the waist for a near fall.

Cameron with a surfboard on Brie but Brie is able to escape the hold with a snap mare. Brie with a running knee to the head and she goes to the turnbuckles for a missile drop kick. Brie knocks Nikki off the apron with a forearm but Cameron with an elbow but Brie clotheslines Layla when she tries to interfere.

Cameron with a kick and then Summer kicks her in the back. Nikki tags herself in and Nikki mocks Brie and hits a running knee to the head. Nikki gets Brie up for the Torture Rack and gets the three count.

Winners: Cameron, Layla El, Summer Rae, and Nikki Bella

We take a look at the return of the Rock to confront Lana and Rusev on Raw.

Jack Swagger is in the back with Zeb Colter as we go to commercial.

We are back and Zeb Colter tells Tyson this is not an American or a Canadian thing. This is a manhood thing and everyone knows where you keep yours. You keep it in Natalie’s purse and he heard it wasn’t that big of a purse.

Tyson Kidd (with Natalya) vs Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Kidd is pushed away by Swagger but Tyson kicks Swagger in the leg and connects with punches and kicks. Kidd chokes Swagger with his boot. Kidd with a drop kick to the temple and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a front face lock. Swagger backs Kidd into the corner and Swagger with a series of shoulders. Kidd with a drop kick to the knee and he connects with a kick and elbow to the head.

Kidd with a front face lock. Swagger picks up Kidd and sends him across the ring. Kidd rolls to the floor and Swagger follows. Kidd gets to the apron and Swagger blocks the running kick and Swagger sends Kidd face first into the apron. Swagger with a knee into the corner and then he hits a biel. Swagger with the double jump Swagger Bomb but Kidd gets his foot up. Swagger sees that and he tries for the ankle lock but Kidd gets to the ropes.

Kidd with an enzuigiri from the apron and then he gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Tyson Kidd

After the match, Natalya is ignored by Tyson during his celebration.

We see the comments that Joan Lunden made last night on Raw.

We are back with the Raw Rebound, a look back at the situation surrounding Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and John Cena.

We go to commercial.

Goldust and Stardust were in the Goldman Box. Goldust says that the Usos don’t believe in the stars, but the stars believe in them. Stardust says that they are the children of the cosmos.

Match Number Four: Stardust (with Goldust) versus Jey Uso (with Jimmy Uso)

Stardust with a kick and forearms and then he throws Jey to the floor. Jey with uppercuts to Stardust and then he clotheslines Stardust over the top rope to the floor. Jey with a suicide dive onto Stardust. Jey sends Stardust back into the ring and he tries to kick Goldust but Jimmy takes care of Goldust.

Stardust kicks Jey when he comes back into the ring and then he hits a swinging neck breaker in the ropes and he gets a near fall. Stardust with punches and he chokes Jey in the ropes, right in front of his brother. Stardust with a punch and he rakes the back. Stardust rips off Jey’s shirt and he punches him in the head. Stardust chokes Jey with his leg.

Stardust with a snap mare and then he applies a double underhook. Stardust with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Stardust with a boot to the back and midsection. Stardust punches Jey but Jey punches back. Stardust sends Jey to the mat with a punch and he chokes Jey in the ropes. Stardust with a biel to Jey. Stardust runs into a boot when he charges into the corner. Jimmy goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.

Jey with chops and a thrust kick and uppercut. Jey tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Stardust lands on his feet and he drops down for a kick. Jey with a Samoan drop and running butt splash. Jey goes to the apron and he goes up top but he takes too long and Stardust recovers and pushes Jey off the turnbuckles and to the floor.

Jey with a super kick from the floor when Stardust leans over the ropes. Jey with a superfly splash to the back and he gets the three count.

Winner: Jey Uso

We go to credits.