View Full Version : Main Event Results / Report - 14th Oct, 2014

10-16-2014, 11:48 AM
Main Event Results / Report - 14th Oct, 2014
Location - Birmingham, Alabama
Announcers - Byron Saxton and Michael Cole.

We start off tonight’s show with the latest episode of MizTV and Miz makes his way to the ring, but without his ‘better half’ Damien Sandow.

We see footage of Miz getting the win over Sheamus two weeks ago on Raw. Then we see what happened last night on Raw when Sheamus was outsmarted by Miz to get a count out victory.

We are told that Sheamus will face Miz at Hell in a Cell for the United States Championship.

Miz thanks everyone and he tells everyone to stop. Two weeks ago, he defeated Sheamus. Last night, in an epic blockbuster sequel, he defeated Sheamus again. Yet, here he stands with no gold around his waist. He has been snubbed. He will not complain. He will invite Sheamus to come out on MizTV.

Sheamus makes his way to the ring and he has a slightly different look because it appears that Damien Sandow has decided to emulate Sheamus for a night.

Miz says that Sheamus hasn’t looked better. He says it is official that Sheamus will face Miz at Hell in a Cell.

Sheamus says that Miz deserves it and he says that he is not out here to be aggressive. He is out here in peace, laddie. Sheamus says that he loves to fight, but he did not come out here to fight Miz because Miz owns him every time they step into the ring. It is bad enough that he is far better looking than him. It is bad enough that Miz is more talented than him in any way possible. Miz is a better fighter than him.

Sheamus says that just like his song says and he sings some new lyrics and then he says even his stunt double is better. Miz tells Sheamus not to improvise.

Sheamus then says that Miz is better than everybody in the WWE Universe. Sheamus says that Miz deserves to be the US Champion, not some pasty petrified offender who was mistaken for a clown. He comes out here to publicly hand him the United States Title. Sheamus hands the title to Miz and his music plays again.

An impostor who looks like Sheamus makes his way to the ring.

Sheamus and Sheamus stand next to each other and the resemblance is uncanny.

Sheamus shows Miz his belt and he says that his is way bigger than yours. You know, he has to say that this is a great show. This is quite a laugh. This is great, but to think that you deserve this title for doing absolutely nothing is gold. It is the Miz we have come to expect.

Miz tells a Sheamus the fact that he beat him twice means that he has done something. Miz says that he is an A List movie star. He doesn’t have to do anything to get what he wants. His talent speaks for itself.

Sheamus says that he likes that Sandow is impersonating him. He has pasty skin and red hair. He talks funny because Sheamus has an accent. Sheamus tells Miz he can be funny too fella. He is considered a bit of a comedian. It is a different kind of funny. Sheamus hits Sandow and he says that is called slapstick. He wants to know where Miz is going because he let Sandow get knocked out for him.

Sheamus says that his next performance is called ‘Ain’t it a Kick in the Head’ and he gives Sandow a Brogue Kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tyson Kidd says that there are two things that will not lie to you . . . cats and facts. He acknowledges that he is married to Natalya, but he does wear the pants in the family. He proves that he is more than just Nattie’s husband. That is more than the truth, that is a fact.

Tyson Kidd (with Natalya) versus R Truth

They lock up and Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle and he wants to know ‘what’s up’. Kidd tries for a leap frog but Truth holds the ropes and then he gestures at Natalya and Tyson tells Natalya to move. Truth punches Kidd but Kidd with a back heel kick and drop kick to the head. Kidd kicks Truth in the corner.

Kidd with more kicks to Truth and he chokes him again. Tyson sends Truth into the turnbuckles and he puts Truth in the tree of woe. Kidd wants Natalya to cheat while he distracts the referee so he has to choke Truth. Tyson says something to Natalya before returning to the ring and kicks Truth.

Kidd with a slingshot into a turnbuckle and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a kick and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Truth with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Kidd runs into an elbow followed by a clothesline from Truth. Kidd with a dragon screw leg whip and Natalya gets on the apron when Tyson tries to apply the Sharpshooter. Kidd releases the hold and Truth hits the Truth Detector for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

After the match, Natalya looks like she is sorry, but it does not look sincere.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro was in the Goldman Box. He tells Dolph he promises him that he will be in the swing of things while he will be the next Intercontinental Champion.

Cesaro versus Justin Gabriel

They lock up and Cesaro with a wrist lock. Gabriel with a drop toe hold to escape the hold. Cesaro with a waist lock but Gabriel with a hammer lock but Cesaro backs Gabriel into the corner. Cesaro with an elbow. Cesaro chops Gabriel and sends him into the turnbuckles. Cesaro with more chops but Gabriel chops back. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Gabriel floats over and connects with a head scissors.

Gabriel with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Cesaro sends Gabriel into the turnbuckles and he connects with a series of punches. Cesaro with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock using Gabriel’s arm to add more pressure. Gabriel with an elbow but Cesaro with a back body drop for a near fall. Cesaro with a double stomp.

Cesaro kicks Gabriel in the head and then he punches Gabriel. Gabriel punches back and then they exchange a few punches before Cesaro kicks Gabriel in the corner. Cesaro pulls Gabriel into the center of the ring and he gets a near fall. Cesaro returns to the reverse chin lock. Gabriel with a jawbreaker but Cesaro remains in control. Gabriel lands on his feet on a back body drop and Gabriel with a spinning heel kick and cross body into the corner.

Cesaro avoids a springboard move but Gabriel with a tornado inverted DDT and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with a forearm and when Cesaro holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip attempt Gabriel with more elbows. Gabriel goes up top and misses a moonsault. Cesaro with the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Cesaro

We are back and it is time to recap what happened on Raw with the Hell in a Cell matches at Hell in a Cell.

Lana has something to say before the main event, but she tells everyone to shut up first. Last night on Raw, your coward Big Show lost the match. The pathetic Mark Henry, who also lost to Rusev, had to save Big Show from being CRUSHED. If America was an animal, New York would be the head, Los Angeles would be the tail, and the unshaved armpit would be Birmingham.

Rusev tells Big Show you will be the stinking anus. Next time I meet you, I will turn you inside out. That is how you are going to talk . . . through your anus . . . and speak through your anus.

Rusev (with Lana) versus Big E

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and neither man is able to get an advantage. They both go for shoulder tackles and neither man goes down. Rusev with punches and head butts to Big E. Big E with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rusev goes to the floor to stop Big E’s momentum in the match.

Rusev drops Big E on the top rope and he kicks and punches Big E. Rusev punches Big E in the corner as he works on the ribs. Big E with an Irish whip and shoulder in the corner. Big E with another Irish whip and shoulder in the corner. Rusev goes back to the floor and Big E follows.

Big E punches Rusev and Rusev tries to send Big E into the ring post but Big E is able to stop Rusev. Rusev sends Big E into the ringside barrier and he hits a fallaway slam on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev with a front face lock on Big E. Big E with punches but Rusev with a knee and forearms. Rusev with kicks to the back and ribs. Rusev with a chin lock with the arm trapped. Big E with punches to the midsection. Rusev tries for a suplex and Big E blocks it. Big E with a suplex of his own and both men are down.

Big E misses a charge into the corner and he hits the ring post with his shoulder. Rusev with a kick to the chest and he chokes Big E. Rusev returns to the front face lock and he turns it into the chin lock with the arm trapped. Big E with punches to Rusev to get out of the hold. Rusev with a hip to Big E in the corner. Rusev with a running hip tackle into the corner.

Big E grabs Rusev and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Both men are down. Rusev and Big E get back to their feet at the same time. Rusev and Big E exchange punches but Rusev with kicks and knees. Rusev misses a clothesline and Big E tries for the belly-to-belly but Rusev with head butts. Big E with clotheslines followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall.

Big E with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner. Rusev with a back heel kick and he runs into an uranage but Rusev kicks out at two. Big E pulls Rusev into the center of the ring and the straps go down. Rusev gets up and hits the jumping thrust kick. Rusev is given the safe word and he stomps on Big E’s back and he applies the Accolade. Big E has to tap out when Rusev leans back to add more pressure.

Winner: Rusev

The Russian flag comes down from the rafters and we go to credits.