View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - 13th Nov, 2014 (Glasgow, Scotland)

11-19-2014, 01:20 PM
Opener was Cesaro challenging Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title. Huge pop for Dolph. Great match ended with the ZigZag for the pin.

Next was a 6 Diva Tag Match, which saw Naomi, Emma & Nattie go over Cameron, Alicia Fox & Summer Rae when Rae tapped out in the Sharpshooter.

NXT Title match in a 3 way elimination match. Neville retained against against Tyson Kidd & Sami Zayn. I didn't hear them say it was an elimination match so was shocked when Kidd pinned Zayn.

Dean Ambrose defeated Kane with Dirty Deeds. Ambrose got a monster pop, up there with any I've heard live. The guy is money.

Sin Cara beat Fandango in a surprisingly good match. Some nice back & forth moves early. Scottish crowd was in to Fandango.

Gold & Stardust beat The Usos to retain the Tag Titles. Crowd were hot for the match. The Stardust character reminds me of The Riddler in the original Batman (Adam West) with his mannerisms. Maybe just me!

Y2J beat Brat Wyatt with The Codebreaker in a Street Fight. Great plunder in the match. The Wyatt entrance is awesome live. The music, the atmosphere, the torchlights. Awesome. Kane came out to assist Bray, which brought out Dean Ambrose for the biggest pop of the night. Place blew up for him coming out. If they screw him up, they are doomed. Y2J put him over on the mic as the next big thing.

All in all, a fantastic show. Only downside was the merchandise. As a PG product, they had only ONE kids t-shirt available for sale. No prizes for guessing it was a Cena one. Shame my kid hates Cena..