View Full Version : WWE House Show Results 12/28/14 in Hershey, PA: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

Role Model
12-29-2014, 04:59 AM
Dolph Ziggler retains with the Zig Zag against Luke Harper.

Fandango vs. Jack Swagger in a dance off, really? Swagger wins but we are all winners for seeing Rosa.

Connor the Crusher promo, The whole Giant Center will be in tears soon.

Santino Marella is guest ring announcer for next match. Divas match Emma and Alicia Fox vs. Bella Twins. The Bellas win with a Nikki Rack Attack. Nikki cuts a promo saying she will be the only Divas champ in 2015. Paige comes out and decks her.

Ryback vs Curtis Axel up now. Ryback is huge. And the Bellas look amazing in person. Ryback with Shellshock for the win.

Kane and Randy Orton up now. Orton with an RKO in a very short match. Divas tag was longer

NXT Title Match, Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville. Neville working as a heel. Should be a good match if they give them time to work. Zayn wins in a decent match, not as good as their TV matches.

Miz and Mizdow and Big Show vs. Usos and Erick Rowan up now. Decent promo by Miz. Uso Splash on Miz after Big Show clocks Mizdow. Good “stunt work” by Damien. Cena-Rollins Street Fight next.

Long heel promo by Rollins while Cena was down. Lots more downtime than action in the match. Rollins hit a Curb Stomp and outs Cena through a table but Cena wins with an AA through another table from the top rope.

Good crowd, lower level full except for stage area. Upper level mostly empty.