View Full Version : ** SPOILERS ** For This Week's WWE SmackDown

Role Model
12-31-2014, 04:29 AM
Thanks to Sherrod Jones for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Norfolk, Virginia:

* Edge and Christian kick off SmackDown. Edge apologizes for what happened on RAW but Christian says they're here to have fun. They're interrupted on the big screen by Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble getting out of a limousine in the back. The Stooges walk to the ring with a folder from The Authority. It says Seth Rollins and Big Show are not responsible for what happened on RAW. It also says The Authority has sent Mercury and Noble to oversee Edge and Christian tonight. Edge announces Ryback vs. Big Show and Rusev vs. Roman Reigns.

* Bray Wyatt defeated Erick Rowan in a solid opening match. Wyatt won with Sister Abigail.

* Wyatt cut a promo after the match and said Dean Ambrose will pay the ultimate price in Monday's Ambulance Match.

* Ryback vs. Big Show was a surprisingly good match with back and forth action. The Russian flag appears and out comes Rusev with Lana to distract, allowing Show to knock Ryback off the ropes. Show wins via count out. Rusev attacks Ryback after the match but Ryback clotheslines him out of the ring.

* Tyson Kidd and Cesaro used a new double team move off the ropes to defeat Los Matadores. The crowd was dead for most of the match.

* Dean Ambrose gets a big pop and comes out to face Curtis Axel. Ambrose attacks before the bell hits and the match doesn't begin. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Axel and cuts a promo on Bray Wyatt. Ambrose walks towards an ambulance but it drives off.

* The Ascension squashed two local wrestlers.

* The Usos and R-Truth defeated Stardust, Goldust and Adam Rose.

* Backstage segment with Edge and Christian drawing on pictures of Stephanie McMahon.

* Roman Reigns vs. Rusev ended when Big Show came to the ring and Reigns hit him with a Superman punch. The match ends in DQ as Reigns and Show brawl at ringside. Show goes for a spear but Reigns moves and Show flies over the announce table. Reigns turns the announce table over on Show to end SmackDown.

The Anthority
12-31-2014, 03:10 PM
WWE put two great workers known as Cesaro and Kidd as a tag team and the crowd is dead, woaaah. Damn, these two are both great individually and as a team, it's twice more but when the audience will learn that there is more than goodies sellers. You came for what ? Wrestling ? I don't think so.

Big Evil
12-31-2014, 07:17 PM
This is the problem with wrestling nowadays. The parents bring their kids to shows for a night of entertainment. The hardcore wrestling crowd has moved on and grown up. The people who attended raucous crowds in the Attitude Era as teens have grown up and want to have their kids experience the same, but a bunch of kids don't keep a lively crowd. That is up to those who are more experienced at what makes a good crowd. I don't know if they are too concerned with their vanity to lose their shit and have fun, or if the adults taking their kids today just aren't really into the wrestling thing but take them because the kids want to go. It's a problem that I wish could be solved, but instead we have to cherish the shows with a live crowd that take us back to the excitement and ignore the shows and matches that have a crowd that couldn't care less.

The Anthority
12-31-2014, 08:13 PM
I expect crowds like the RAW crowds after WManias for example. Entertaining.

12-31-2014, 11:43 PM
Tyson Kidd is a crowd killer and a channel changer. You cant blame the crowd because they dont like him . How long have they been trying to get Kidd over ? Maybe the WWE crowd needs more than a spot monkey with no personality . Times have changed .