View Full Version : RAW Results / Report - 5th Jan, 2015

01-14-2015, 01:43 PM
RAW Results / Report - 5th Jan, 2015
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Announcers: John Layfield, Michael Cole, and Booker T

Tonight’s show starts off with the Cutting Edge Peep Show featuring Seth Rollins and all of the events leading to the return of the Authority, including spliced in comments about how John Cena was the only way that the Authority could come back.

The wrestlers are in and around the ring as we start things off.

John Cena is in the center of the ring and he has a mic. He says the Authority is back in power. Their first order of business was to gather the entire WWE roster so they can address the roster face to face. John says that he wants to apologize to everyone, including his co-workers. He says that his word is his bond and he went back on his word when he had to bring the Authority back.

He figured that maybe he could slide into the ring like Superman to save Edge, but he thought maybe he couldn’t. It was more important for the safety of a father and that is why the Authority if back.

Speaking of the Authority, the six weeks of hell are officially over because Stephanie McMahon and Triple H make their way onto the stage.

Stephanie says that she hasn’t said anything yet and the people are booing. She says that is no way to kick off the first show of the year, being all sad.

Stephanie welcomes everyone to Raw. She says that she hopes everyone had a great New Year. They did because they knew they were coming back to do what they were born to do. They know what is best for you and what is best for business.

Hunter says it was less than two months ago when everyone was cheering and laughing because they thought the Authority was gone thanks to that face painted goof Sting. He reminds everyone that he said you would be begging for them to come back. HO HO Hogan and the Computerized General Manager were funny.

This was a sinking ship when they were gone. Thanks to one man, the ship has righted its course. The WWE is back where it always should have been. That was due to one man. That man is the undisputed future of the WWE. That man is Mr. Money in the Bank. Hunter brings out Seth Rollins.

Stephanie says this feels good.

Seth says one thing. He says hello to his good friend in yellow, John Cena. He tells John ‘Happy New Year’.

Hunter says everyone in attendance owes Seth a debt of gratitude. They also owe Seth a debt. They will make it right for Seth. Because you made an epic choice, he will give Seth a chance to make history again. At the Royal Rumble, John Cena will compete against Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship.

Hunter says as of this moment, that match is now a Triple Threat Match. Congratulations Seth, you are now in the match with John Cena and Brock Lesnar.

Stephanie says there is one other man they have to thank. That is Mr. Hustle Loyalty and Respect himself John Cena. You showed them something. You showed your true integrity when you decided to break your promise not only to yourself and the roster, you also broke it to the entire WWE Universe. You showed deep down that you know what is best for business. You will not be punished tonight, you will be honored. Tonight is John Cena Appreciation Night.

You may appear to be conflicted, but your attendance is not optional, it is mandatory. She will turn his frown upside down because she promises, no guarantees, that the Authority will deliver.

Hunter says that this is a new era for the Authority. There are no agendas or ulterior motives. In the WWE, you will get out what you put in. Everyone will get what they deserve.

As for tonight, what a show. Dolph Ziggler, don’t go anywhere, you are going to defend your Intercontinental Championship against the man who never really lost it . . . Bad News Barrett.

We are told that Big Show will face Roman Reigns tonight. Seth Rollins will face Ryback as well.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler versus Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Title

Ziggler goes for the leg but Barrett with a wrist lock. Ziggler with a reversal and a side head lock. Barrett with a punch on a break and he follows with kicks. Barrett with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Barrett tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and he hits a drop kick and he follows with a leaping elbow drop. Ziggler with punches but Barrett with an Irish whip.

Ziggler tries to float over but Barrett catches him and he kicks Ziggler in the ribs for a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Barrett pulls Ziggler to the mat by the hair and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a knee drop and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Ziggler with punches and then Ziggler with a crucifix for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Barrett attacks Ziggler and he sends Ziggler to the floor. Barrett throws Ziggler into the ringside barrier a few times. Barrett sends Ziggler into the announce table. Barrett Irish whips Ziggler into the ring steps. Barrett sends Ziggler into the ring steps and then the apron. Barrett Irish whips Ziggler around the ring post. Barrett runs Ziggler back first into the apron.

Barrett sends Ziggler into the ring post from the apron. Barrett sends Ziggler shoulder first into the ring post.

Kane’s music plays and he appears on the stage. He apologizes and he says that he forgot to mention that this match is two out of three falls. He tells the referee to continue the match.

Fall Two

Barrett waits for Ziggler to get up and he hits a running boot to the head and then he gets Ziggler up for Wasteland to pin him.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to commercial as the medical staff checks on Ziggler.

We are back and the referee checks on Ziggler and he rings the bell.

Fall Three

Barrett with another kick and Wasteland but Ziggler kicks out. Barrett with another near fall and then he punches Ziggler. Barrett chokes Ziggler in the ropes and then he puts him in the ropes and connects with knees followed by a boot to the head. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett stretches Ziggler but Ziggler with punches and he has a drop kick swatted away by Barrett. Barrett with a knee drop for a near fall.

Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with punches and Barrett misses a clothesline. Ziggler with a drop kick but he misses a Vigilante Stinger Splash. Barrett with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Barrett puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle and he connects with forearms to the back. Barrett kicks Ziggler in the midsection and Ziggler falls to the mat. Barrett gets a near fall.

Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jaw breaker and he struggles to get back to his feet. Ziggler moves when Barrett charges into the corner and Barrett hits the turnbuckles. Ziggler with a Stinger Splash followed by a neck breaker. Ziggler with a kick to the knee but he misses the Fameasser. Barrett with a Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett prepares for the Bullhammer.

Ziggler gets back to his feet and he avoids the Bullhammer and Ziggler with a super kick for a near fall. Ziggler super kicks Kane off the apron when he tries to interfere. Barrett with a Bullhammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We take a look back at John Cena’s debut on Smackdown in 2002.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that Big Show and Roman Reigns will wrestle tonight.

In case you missed what happened last week between Roman Reigns and Big Show, we see footage.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Roman Reigns. She asks Roman about what can we expect.

Reigns says that he doesn’t know what we can expect. Show can expect a man that’s faster than a speeding bullet. A man who can leap over a tall building in a single bound. A man more powerful than a locomotive. Big Show can expect him. Believe that.

Bray Wyatt appears in the smoke and he asks what is your New Year’s Resolution Dean? Is it to be a better person or get to know your criminal father better? You are going away. You are going to do your time. You have made your bed and you are going to lay in it. When you are put in that ambulance and the door is closed, it will end our journey.

He says the devil is real. It is not a man with a tail and horns. He is pain. He will be beside him tonight.


We go to commercial.

Viktor takes the mic and he says through the history of the WWE, there have been many so called dominant teams. Like Ax and Smash, they will destroy Demolition. Viktor mentions the Road Warriors. Konnor says they will throw them off the road. Viktor does the WHAT A RUSH and Konnor says What a joke.

Match Number Two: Konnor and Viktor versus Your Guess is as Good as Mine

Viktor pushes down his opponent and hits an STO and then he tags in Konnor, but Viktor with chops and Canadian Lifters. They hit the Fall of Man and get the three count.

Winners: Konnor and Viktor

Lana says in two days we will celebrate Russia’s Christmas. She offers a gift. Rusev tells America to keep their nose out of Russia’s business. You want to be the World’s Policeman. There is only one man who can lead this world to peace and prosperity and his name is Vladimir Putin.

Lana says that there is only one undefeated man and he rises above the rest. His name is Rusev.

We are back with footage from Wrestlemania 21 when John Cena became the WWE Champion when he defeated Bradshaw.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Roman Reigns

Reigns punches Show when he avoids a punch from Show. Reigns with more punches but Show with a spear for a near fall. Show with punches to the midsection as he works on his recent injury. Show with a forearm to the back to send Reigns to the mat one more time. Show smothers Reigns and rakes the face. Show picks up Reigns and he slams him. Show kicks Reigns in the midsection and then he stomps on the chest.

Reigns with a punch but Show with a series of punches to the midsection followed by a kick to the ribs. Show walks across Reigns’ chest. Show with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Show taunts Reigns and then he continues to kick Reigns. Show with another kick to Reigns. Reigns punches Show and then Show catches Reigns and applies a bear hug.

Reigns with elbows to try to get out of the bear hug and he eventually gets free. Reigns with clotheslines but Show stays on his feet. Reigns with a flying clothesline and he takes Show down. Reigns with a Samoan drop and then he sets for the Superman punch. Reigns is stopped and Show grabs him by the throat and sends Reigns over the top rope to the floor.

Show goes to the floor and Reigns runs Show into the apron. Show stops Reigns from sending him into the steps and then he connects with a thrust kick. Show picks up the stairs and he hits Reigns with it and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Roman Reigns (by disqualification)

After the match, Show sends Reigns back into the ring. Show wants to use the stairs but Reigns with a spear and the stairs fall on top of Big Show.

Michael Cole mentions that Raw is live in India for the first time.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see why Tyson Kidd is not at ringside.

Before the match starts, Paige makes her way to the ring to hug Natalya.

Match Number Four: Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella) versus Natalya

Natalya runs Nikki into the turnbuckles and punches her. Nikki with a head scissors and clothesline for a near fall. Natalya slaps Nikki and hits a side Russian leg sweep and then she tries to apply the Sharpshooter but Nikki kicks her away.

Nikki avoids a clothesline and then she hits a forearm. Paige attacks Brie on the floor and sends her into the ringside barrier. Natalya with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Natalya

After the match, Nikki attacks Natalya from behind. Paige comes in and she hits a super kick and Nikki leaves the ring.

Dean Ambrose is in the back and he tells Bray Wyatt he is not one to make New Year’s Resolutions. It is a lost cause to be a better person. All he cares about is kicking Bray’s ass and putting him in the ambulance. There is no happy ending to this fairy tale. This match will be brutal and dangerous. That is how he lives his life and that is how he will end Bray’s.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Erick Rowan versus Luke Harper with Guest Referees Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury

They lock up and Rowan backs Harper into the corner and the referees hold Rowan for Harper to connect with kicks. Harper with punches but Rowan with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Rowan with an Irish whip and Mercury and Noble get in the way to prevent Rowan from connecting with a splash. Rowan with a spin kick and neither man will make the count.

Harper with a LARIATOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for the three count.

Winner: Luke Harper

After the match, Mercury and Noble attack Rowan but Rowan pushes them away. Harper returns to the ring and Harper with another LARIATOOOO. Noble and Mercury hit a double drop kick to the temples on Rowan.

We are back with a moment from Raw in 2005 when John Cena got drafted by Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that the WWE World Title Match at the Royal Rumble is now a Triple Threat Match.

JBL mentions that the United Kingdom and Ireland are finally going to get the WWE Network in two weeks.

In case you missed it last week, the Usos defeated the Miz with Damien Sandow to win the Tag Team Titles.

There is going to be a six person tag match. The Usos and Naomi will face Miz, Damien Sandow, and Alicia Fox tonight.

Naomi was getting ready earlier today and Alicia enters the room. Alicia points out that while they are on opposite sides in the match, they are still friends. Alicia mentions that she makes her Total Divas debut on Sunday and then Alicia brings up that Naomi is no longer on the show. Naomi says that she is okay with it. Alicia apologizes and then she slams Naomi’s head into the table and powder is flying. Emma, Cameron, and Summer check on Naomi.

We take a look at the genesis of the feud between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt, all the way back at Hell in a Cell, at the end of October.

We see the ambulance and that match is next.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Dean Ambrose versus Bray Wyatt in an Ambulance Match

They exchange punches as the bell rings. Ambrose with a cross body and punches but Wyatt rolls to the floor. Ambrose kicks Wyatt against the ringside barrier and then he sends Wyatt into the ring steps. Ambrose welcomes Booker to commentary by sending Wyatt onto him. Ambrose with a punch and then he hits a running forearm off the announce table. Ambrose sends Wyatt into the crowd and Ambrose punches Wyatt.

They fight to the ambulance and Ambrose sends Wyatt into the ambulance. He opens the back of the ambulance but Wyatt stops him and then he sends Ambrose into the ambulance but Ambrose kicks Wyatt away. Ambrose with a neck breaker on the floor and then Dean gets a few tables from the back of the ambulance.

Wyatt sends Ambrose into the ambulance but Ambrose with head butts. Wyatt slams the ambulance door into Ambrose’s leg. Wyatt focuses on the knee and he runs a stretcher into the leg as Ambrose lays on the ramp. Wyatt with a punch but Ambrose kicks Wyatt away with his good leg. Wyatt rolls Ambrose into the ring and Ambrose drops Wyatt on the top rope. Ambrose hops towards Wyatt and Wyatt with an uppercut. Wyatt picks up Ambrose and he runs Ambrose knee first into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt says something to Ambrose before punching and kicking him. Wyatt sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he hits a splash. Wyatt wants Ambrose to get up but Ambrose is still holding his injured knee. Wyatt with a clothesline and then he slaps Ambrose. Wyatt tells Ambrose to run and then he punches Ambrose again.

Ambrose with a forearm but Wyatt tries for Sister Abigail. Ambrose escapes and he is sent into the ropes but Ambrose bounces out and hits a clothesline. Ambrose tries to get feeling back into his leg and he punches and chops Wyatt. Ambrose with a kick but he hobbles off the ropes and Wyatt with a clothesline and Ambrose is down.

Wyatt tells Ambrose ‘no more’ and he picks up Ambrose and sends him to the floor. Wyatt tries to pull Ambrose up the ramp but Ambrose holds on to the ring skirt. Wyatt sends Ambrose into the ringside barrier. They get closer to the ambulance and Ambrose punches Wyatt but Wyatt pushes Dean against the ramp and stage. Ambrose clotheslines Ambrose onto the stage.

Wyatt takes one of the tables from the ambulance and he sets it up on the floor near the stage. Ambrose kicks Wyatt and Dean leaps off the stage with a clothesline and both men are down. Ambrose punches Wyatt but Wyatt sends Ambrose into the ambulance. Ambrose throws a chair at Wyatt and hits a press onto Wyatt out of the ambulance and he punches Wyatt.

Ambrose has Wyatt in the ambulance and one of the doors is closed. Wyatt gets out of the ambulance and he closes both doors and Wyatt sends Ambrose into the ambulance twice. Wyatt tries to put Ambrose on the stretcher but Ambrose stops him. Ambrose uses the stretcher to rebound and hit a clothesline. Ambrose gets the back board and he hits Wyatt with it. Ambrose puts it under Wyatt’s throat and sends the other end against the ambulance.

Ambrose moves the table in front of the back of the ambulance and he puts Wyatt on top. Ambrose hobbles to the stage and then he finds a way to get on top of the ambulance. Ambrose surveys the landscape and he hits an elbow drop off the roof of the ambulance through the table. Ambrose tries to pick up Wyatt to put him in the ambulance and he has trouble. Wyatt recovers and hits Sister Abigail into the ambulance.

Wyatt opens the doors and he puts Ambrose inside. Wyatt closes one door but Ambrose kicks Wyatt before he can fully close the ambulance. Wyatt with a second Sister Abigail. Wyatt picks up Ambrose and he puts Dean in the ambulance and closes the door.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

We are back and Seth Rollins will be on MizTV on the final Friday Night Smackdown.

Match Number Seven: Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Naomi versus Miz, Damien Sandow, and Alicia Fox

The women start off and Naomi with a take down and punches. Alicia gets away but Naomi wit forearms and a biel. Naomi with a clothesline and Miz tags in. Jey comes in and he connects with an uppercut and chop. Jey with a flying shoulder tackle and Miz goes to the apron. Jey brings Miz back into the ring from the apron and Sandow follows. Miz with Reality Check and he gets a near fall.

Miz punches Jey and he has something to say to Jimmy before kicking Jey in the face and he gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches but Miz with knees and then he sends Jey to the floor. Sandow wants to tag in and Miz makes the tag. Sandow is stopped by Miz before diving to the floor and he tags himself back in and hits a double sledge off the apron.

Miz says something to Jimmy and rolls Jey into the ring. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Jey gets back to his feet and he punches Miz. Miz goes for the Reality Check again but he only hits the first neck breaker. Both men with clotheslines and they are both down, along with Sandow. Jimmy tags in and he clotheslines Miz and hits a thrust kick to the knee and follows with a Samoan drop. Jimmy sets for the running butt splash but Alicia gets in the way.

Naomi with a rana and Miz takes advantage of a distraction for the three count with a rollup.

Winners: Damien Sandow, Miz, and Alicia Fox

We are back and before our next match, Kane comes out and he is dressed to maybe wrestle and he says this is not his night to remember things. This match is a handicap match. His opponents are Seth and him.

Match Number Eight: Ryback versus Seth Rollins and Kane (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble)

Kane starts off but Ryback goes after Rollins on the apron and Kane with uppercuts and punches. Ryback with an Irish whip but Kane with an elbow. Ryback with a Thesz Press and splash for a near fall. Ryback with a side head lock and Kane sends him into the turnbuckles. Ryback with a boot and he goes to the turnbuckles for a clothesline followed by splashes for a near fall. Ryback with a front face lock.

Kane backs Ryback into the corner and Rollins tags in and he kicks Ryback and punches him. Rollins with jabs to Ryback followed by punches but Ryback with a chop in the corner followed by a forearm to the back. Ryback with more chops. Rollins goes to the floor and Kane tries to interfere but Ryback sends him to the floor. Ryback press slams Rollins off the turnbuckles and then he clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a side head lock but Ryback with punches. Kane with an Irish whip and splash into the corner followed by punches. The referee pulls Kane out of the corner and Rollins gets in a shot on Ryback. Ryback with a belly-to-belly suplex to Kane and then he hits a clothesline in the corner but Rollins with a drop kick and a near fall. Rollins chokes Ryback in the ropes.

Rollins with a running forearm into the corner and then he kicks Ryback in the ribs and stomps on the back. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Ryback gets Rollins on his back and he backs Rollins into his corner. Kane tags in and after Ryback snap mares Rollins, Kane with a kick and he gets a near fall. Kane with a short arm clothesline while Rollins talks to Joey and Jamie. Kane with a drop kick and a near fall.

Kane with a reverse chin lock. Ryback with punches but Kane with an uppercut and he gets a near fall. Rollins tags in and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a forearm off the turnbuckles and Ryback goes into the ropes. Rollins kicks Ryback but Ryback chops Rollins. Rollins chokes Ryback in the ropes and the referee warns Rollins. Rollins with a forearm from the floor to Ryback.

Kane tags back in and he kicks Ryback. Ryback blocks a suplex and he suplexes Kane instead. Kane makes the tag to Rollins but Rollins misses a splash into the corner. Ryback with a back body drop and then he presses Rollins into a power slam. Ryback sets for a power bomb but Rollins punches him and Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins misses a round kick and Ryback with a spinebuster.

Ryback sets for the lariat, but Mercury and Noble distract Ryback. Rollins tries for an O’Connor Roll but Ryback holds on to the ropes. Ryback with a clothesline and he tries for the musclebuster. Kane stops Ryback but Ryback gets Kane on his shoulders. Rollins with Black Out. Rollins goes for a second Black Out and he hits it for the three count.

Winners: Kane and Seth Rollins

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paige will face Nikki Bella on Main Event.

Match Number Nine: Adam Rose versus Big E (with Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods)

They lock up and Rose with a waist lock but Big E with a hip lock and then they lock up. Big E with a break and Rose with kicks to Big E. Rose with forearms to Big E. Rose with a chop. Big E misses a clothesline and Rose with a sleeper. Big E flails around and Big E drops to his knees. Big E gets a second wind and Rose gets on his back. Big E with a snap mare and clotheslines followed by a belly-to-belly suplex after avoiding a clothesline. Big E sets for the Warrior Splash and one of the Rosebuds clotheslines Big E and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Big E (by disqualification)

After the match, two masked Rosebuds hit a WristClutch Powerbomb and Blockbuster combination. They take off their masks and reveal themselves as Tyson Kidd and Cesaro.

Triple H and Stephanie are talking to Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, and Kane but not loud enough to be heard by the microphones.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the main event and Triple H and Stephanie make their way to the ring.

Stephanie McMahon says that it is with great honor for her to stand in front of everyone in this office, or audience. It is time to celebrate something that is a decade in the making. It is John Cena Appreciation Night. John knows what is best for business. Stephanie introduces the man of the hour, the man responsible for bringing back The Authority . . . John Cena.

John comes to the ring and Hunter introduces him.

In case you didn’t know it was John Cena, Hunter introduces him two more times.

He says that this will be an emotional roller coaster ride, but first, Hunter wants John to remember why we are here tonight.

Hunter comments on the way that Cena said the Authority can come back.

Stephanie says a hero is someone who can preserve under extreme circumstances. Maybe you did that or maybe you didn’t. Stephanie tells John he is her hero.

Hunter says they have had problems in the past and most of them were probably his fault. When you first camed in here, he told Shawn Michaels ‘he sucks’ when he was asked about John. Hunter says John changed and he changed faster than anyone before. He saw something bigger. Hunter says he saw this greatness before everyone. Maybe that is why he was harder on John. He says John achieved heights no one thought he would get to. He saw a change last week. Maybe you started to see past all of this ‘hustle, loyalty, and respect’ crap. All that matters is this ring and what is best for business.

Hunter says that he is seeing a different John Cena. If not, he says that he appreciates John.

Hunter says that he wants to bring out some more people, who if they don’t appreciate John yet, by the end of the night, they are going to appreciate you.

Hunter brings out Ryback, Erick Rowan, and Dolph Ziggler.

Hunter welcomes them to John Cena Appreciation Night. You probably have great admiration for John Cena, when you unwisely joined his team at Survivor Series. There would be consequences for joining their team. There were not going to be any consequences because the Authority was gone. Now you are back in the fire because John brought the Authority back.

Hunter says Erick came into this at the last second, but then at the end he was brought in on some unguided freedom thing. He entered the match sheepishly. Erick, you have to be punished. Hunter suggests a 30 day suspension.

What about the turncoat Ryback? The power hungry big guy. The one who joined the Authority only to join Team Cena. He needs double that so 60 days.

What do you do for Dolph Ziggler. Dolph put the final nail in the coffin, with the help of the painted up goofball Sting. If Rowan gets 30 days, Ryback gets 60, what does Dolph get? Dolph suggests 90 and they think about it.

Hunter and Stephanie think about this. They leave the ring with Cena, Ryback, Rowan, and Ziggler in the ring.

Hunter lets Stephanie tell everyone. Instead of suspending, Dolph, Ryback, and Rowan, you’re all fired. She says that you can all thank and appreciate John Cena, the man standing behind you for losing your livelihoods in the ring.

Hunter says that you have made three men lose their livelihoods while reinstating the Authority. Hunter wants everyone to give it up for John Cena.

Patriotic music plays and confetti falls from the ceiling along with balloons.

We go to credits.