View Full Version : Triple H Appears On ‘Good Morning America,’ Talks About Consoling Fan

01-24-2015, 12:45 AM
There was a lot of buzz on the internet this week concerning Triple H’s actions this past Monday night during RAW. As John Cena was taking on Seth Rollins, Kane, and Big Show in the main event of the show, Twitter photographs showed Triple H breaking character to console an upset fan who was ringside. This morning, Good Morning America featured a piece looking at the incident.

Original reports about the incident said that the fan, 8-year-old Lucian Deering, was upset about John Cena taking a beating during the last match of the show. However, Triple H’s version of the story told a much different tale.

“As we were sitting ringside, the young man was behind me and he was chanting my name, over and over. It was just me being in character. I said, with eye brows up, ‘Hey, stop messing with me. I’m trying to do my job over here.'”

Apparently that was what upset the young fan, as Triple H’s words caused the kid to cry. After seeing this, Triple H broke character and consoled the fan. Breaking from character is a rare occurrence in the WWE, but Triple H told Good Morning America that’s exactly what he did.

“I broke out of character, and put my head to his and messed his hair up. I just said, ‘Hey, buddy, it’s OK. I’m just playing around.'”

The whole event would have likely gone unnoticed if it weren’t for Chris Olds, a fan who was also in attendance at RAW in Dallas on Monday night. He proceeded to document the entire exchange between Triple H and Deering on Twitter. A small act of courtesy quickly became a social media trending topic.

Triple H wasn’t alone in his actions, as his real life wife, WWE’s Stephanie McMahon, also broke character to talk to the fan at ringside. The two of them proceeded to invite Deering and his family backstage after the show, where they were able to snap some pictures with their favorite stars and pick up some new merchandise to add to the collection.

The whole turn of events really impressed Deering’s father, who told Good Morning America that Triple H’s actions will leave an imprint on his son for the rest of his life.

“For him to come out of character in front of all those people on live TV… it’s a pretty bold statement of, in reality, he’s pretty cool. It’s a huge impression for an 8-year-old little boy that I can pretty much guarantee you he will never forget.

At least stay in character in the ring for fucks sake - Slayer_x