View Full Version : More On The Seth Rollin's Photo Leak

02-11-2015, 01:41 AM
Regarding the Seth Rollins nude photo leak last night, the photos appeared on his profile page on WWE.com because his social media accounts are linked to the site. WWE deactivated the feed last night and as of this writing, it hasn't been added back to his profile page.

At the NXT : Rivals conferance Triple H said about the Seth Rollins nude photo leak, calling it the "Colby Lopez situation." He called it an "unfortunate personal incident."

- Shortly after the nude photo of Schreiber was made public Rollins' fiancee, Leighla Schultz, sent out a tweet writing "Zaharah?" and posting a pair of nude photos of Rollins, which were later removed. Schultz's Twitter account has since been deleted.