View Full Version : HBK Asked If He Would Return to Wrestle HHH Again

Shootkick Man
02-22-2015, 03:40 PM
Lee Sanders of The RCWR Show recently asked Shawn Michaels during an interview if he would come out of retirement to wrestle Triple H at WrestleMania if Triple H asked him to. The WWE Hall of Famer had the following to say:

"Well obviously I think I'd consider it but I guess I know my buddy well enough I don't think he'd ask. But of course, let's put it this way, I've had some folks already ask me some pretty moving things about their last matches or matches they've wanted. I've given all of them some thought but again, to your point earlier about 'you have a great body of work', I want to keep that body of work.

Michaels continued, "He'll always be my buddy, but right now we're not on the best of terms. I don't agree with things that he's doing I just feel like I left on as close to a perfect situation as you can and I always just I want to make sure that I honor that and take care of that. So, certainly, I'd consider it because he's my buddy, and I'd do anything for my buddy so it'd be something that we'd certainly discuss but I think he'd understand if I turned it down."

02-25-2015, 10:40 PM
I hate when wrestlers talk in character.

the madscotsman
02-26-2015, 03:31 PM
We really don't need to see that again. I just wish HHH would retire as well, then the two of them could go hunting together and fulfill their fantasy of re-creating Brokeback Mountain.