Shootkick Man
02-25-2015, 02:57 AM
The current plan is for Undertaker not to make a live appearance until Wrestlemania 31.
Undertaker will respond to Bray Wyatt's challenge but not appear live before the audience as a way to build anticipation for his first appearance since losing to Brock Lesnar the year before.

Big Evil
02-25-2015, 07:19 AM
I really, really hope Undertaker has taken all this time to get into performing shape and that he can go at 'Mania for a full match without issue. If he can't go, then he really needs to hang it up. I've been a fan of this man for a long time and I don't want to know that he pushed himself so far that he has to live in pain and suffer for the work he has done. Sadly he is already experiencing that. I still look forward to this match, but let's face facts... if he cannot do one match a year then you have to consider calling it done.

02-25-2015, 10:26 PM
I looked the other way for a few years, with the HHH and Michaels matches, because he atleast showed up for a couple months before hand and they could sell the matches on the back of the streak, but theres really no excuse to let a guy show up for one night, make a couple hundred grand that could go to other wrestlers, and compete in a match that doesnt mean anything. The guy looked like my grandpa dressed in drag last year, I doubt he looks better a year older.