View Full Version : Bill DeMott Stepping Down As NXT Head Trainer

03-06-2015, 11:13 PM
In light of recent allegations made toward him, Bill DeMott announced Friday that he is stepping down from his role as head trainer for NXT effective immediately.

"I deny the recent allegations made about me, however, to avoid any embarrassment or damage to the WWE, I've decided to step down from my role effective immediately," he wrote on Twitter.

DeMott has come under fire in recent days after Austin Matelson and other former developmental workers accused him of physical and verbal abuse during their time with the company. WWE investigated the matter and claimed to find no evidence of such abuse.

Big Evil
03-07-2015, 10:19 PM
This guy is so full of crap. You wouldn't be stepping down if the allegations were completely untrue. I'm glad he's out of a lead role as he is a terrible person to be in charge of anything. How dare he treat these people like that who are only trying to make it into this business. There is nothing wrong with pushing people to their best, but he took it way too far.

03-07-2015, 11:39 PM
I didnt want to believe this at first . I like Demott but some of the stuff coming out is inexcusable .