View Full Version : Superstars Results / Report - 7th Mar, 2015

03-11-2015, 09:30 AM
Superstars Results / Report - 7th Mar, 2015
Location: Newark, New Jersey
Announcers: Rich Brennan and Byron Saxton

Konnor and Viktor vs Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Konnor and Titus start off and they lock up. Konnor with a knee but Titus with a punch and forearm. Titus with a shoulder tackle and Viktor tags in while Titus barks. Titus punches Viktor and then he biels him across the ring. Titus with an Irish whip and shoulder tackle. Titus with a forearm across the chest. Viktor with a kick and forearm followed by a wrist lock and he tags in Konnor.

Titus with a punch to Viktor and then to Konnor. Konnor with a kick but Titus with forearms and Konnor goes to the floor and he grabs Titus for Viktor to kick him. Titus charges into a boot from Viktor and he kicks Titus until he tags in Konnor.

Konnor continues to kick Titus before Viktor is tagged back in. Viktor with an arm bar as Titus fights out of it. Viktor with a fist drop and then he sends Titus into the corner and he punches him. Viktor with a kick and forearms as Konnor tags back in and he punches Titus.

Konnor with a reverse chin lock and Viktor tags back in and he kicks Titus but Young breaks up the cover and the referee warns him. Viktor with a sleeper on Titus and Titus with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Titus crawls and he makes the tag to Young. Young with a forearm and jabs followed by a clothesline. Young with an overhead belly-to-belly to Viktor and then he knocks Konnor off the apron.

Young with a gutbuster from a fireman’s carry position. Konnor breaks up the cover and Titus sends Konnor to the floor but Viktor sends Titus to the floor. Titus gets back in the ring and the distraction allows for the Ascension to hit Fall of Man for the three count.

Winners: Konnor and Viktor

We go to comments from Zack Ryder where he announced he was entering the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and he says he will win for the Ryder Revolution. Zack is asked about Adam Rose. He says it will be more important to eliminate Rose first than win the Battle Royal.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Byron and Rich wonder if John Cena will wrestle at Wrestlemania. We go to his comments from Monday night when he could not do what every other wrestler has been able to do and that is announce that they are in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

We see the match between Curtis Axel and John Cena from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Seth Rollins/John Cena situation from Monday night.

We go to commercial.

Adam Rose vs Zack Ryder

They lock up and Ryder with a clean break. They lock up again and Rose with a wrist lock. Ryder rolls trough and gets away with an arm wringer followed by a few arm drags and an arm bar. Ryder with head butts to the arm but Rose with a punch to Ryder to get out of the hold. Rose kicks Ryder but Ryder with a flapjack and a clothesline that knocks Rose over the top rope to the floor. Ryder with a drop kick to knock Rose off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rose is now in control as he kicks and punches Ryder. Rose sends Ryder over the top rope but Ryder lands on the apron. Rose with a forearm and then he goes up top but Rose stops him and Rose with forearms to the back. Rose sets for a superplex and he hits it and he gets a near fall. Rose with forearms to the upper chest and then he connects with a fist drop.

Rose gets a near fall. Rose grabs Ryder by the ears and then he hits a back breaker and gets a near fall. Rose with a forearm to the back and he applies a rear chin lock. Ryder gets to his feet but Rose sends Ryder back to the mat with a handful of his hair. Rose with an Irish whip and clothesline followed by a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Rose with a kick to the back and he returns to the rear chin lock. Rose with a forearm to the back but Ryder sends Rose face first into the mat and then Rose charges into the corner but is met with knees from Ryder and then he hits a missile drop kick that sends Rose into the opposite corner.

Ryder with a running forearm and it is time for the Broski Boot and he connects. Ryder misses a Rough Ryder and Rose with a spinebuster for a near fall. Rose runs Ryder into the turnbuckles and then he tries again but Ryder with a rollup for a near fall. Ryder with the Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the newest Hall of Fame inductee announced for this year . . . Alundra Blayze.

We go to footage from the main event from Raw.

We go to credits.