View Full Version : RAW Report / Results - 9th Mar, 2015

03-12-2015, 04:51 AM
RAW Report / Results - 9th Mar, 2015
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Announcers: Booker T, Michael Cole, JBL

We begin with a look back at last week’s Raw when Randy Orton said he had Seth Rollins’ back, but it did not look like he was needed. However, in the end, it was Orton who helped Seth win. What will happen tonight when they are tag team partners against Roman Reigns?

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show, Jamie Noble, and Joey Mercury are already in the ring.

Kane tells Randy that they could have done this in private, behind closed doors before the show started, but they wanted to do this in the ring in public, to prove to everyone that you are one of us to rub it in their face and show their ignorance.

Kane says that he welcomes Randy back into the Authority.

Big Show says they go back a long time . . . and then Show waits to deal with the ignorant ‘You Sold Out’ chants before continuing. Show says that when he looks at Randy, he sees the most talented and sadistic Superstar. He is so ruthless that he would RKO his own father if he stood in the way of what he wanted. Show says that he stood up for Randy and told them what he could provide. He welcomes Randy back into the Authority.

Jamie Noble says that he is proud . . . he calls Randy a no good snake who cannot be trusted.

Seth tells Randy to excuse Jamie because he has always been the sensitive one. He asks Jamie if he was offended when Randy gave him an RKO. He says that Jamie is 100% thrilled that Randy is back, just like Joey.

Joey doesn’t want to say anything.

Seth tells Randy to cut them some slack. He wants to address the elephant in the room. Everyone in the WWE Universe has been saying the same thing. They are saying that Randy Orton is not part of the Authority. Randy is just biding his time until he gets his revenge on Seth Rollins. You guys must feel like the biggest idiots on Planet Earth right now.

Seth says it is not because you live in Pittsburgh, but because he is standing side by side with Randy Orton in the same ring as proud members of the Authority.

Seth says everyone had a little bit of doubt, including himself. He is willing to say that he had some doubt. Everyone had doubts, even Big Show, but no one cares what Big Show thinks. Seth wonders why everyone is so stressed out. He says they are all back together as one big happy family. Seth says that he wants to extend his hand and welcome Randy home.

Seth wants everyone to give it up for Randy Orton.

Randy says that was very touching. He thanks everyone for the kind words and he felt it in the bottom of his heart. It left him thinking about something. What the hell happened to the Authority? You guys are kissing his ass. Who do you think you are?

Kane was the Devil’s Favorite Demon, now are you the Devil’s Favorite Dumbass? Are you kicking ass and taking names or kissing ass and making coffee?

Why isn’t Big Show the most dominant man in the WWE. Instead, you bitch and moan about yourself. From the most dominant superstar to the most pathetic.

Jamie, you speak from your gut, but why do you despise him so much? Is it because people know who he is or is it because Randy can get on all the rides at Disneyland. Randy says his daughter feels the same way, but she is six years old.

Randy ignores Joey completely before going to Seth. You are the self proclaimed future of the WWE. You have been blinded by your ego so much that you cannot see. Randy has been getting close to your ‘family’ to make sure that you are safe and secure. At that time, he will strike. Not only will he beat Seth, he will make Seth his bitch. You are going to feel every stomp, kick, and punch as he takes him apart piece by piece until there is no future for Seth Rollins.

Randy says that he is just playing around with you. He is messing around and Seth laughs with him.

Seth tells Randy he had him good and maybe Randy should take over for Jon Stewart. Wait until you see what him and his partner do tonight when they really have fun when they dismantle Roman Reigns and derail him on his Road to Wrestlemania.

We go to commercial.

We are back and R Truth is at the announce table to join commentary.

Non Title Match
Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett (c)

They lock up and Bryan with a wrist lock and hammer lock. Barrett with an elbow but Bryan with a knee to the midsection. Bryan with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Bryan with a hammer lock and he takes Barrett to the mat and he applies a knee drop to the arm. Barrett with an elbow after he backs Bryan into the corner. Barrett kicks Bryan and the referee warns him. Barrett with a snap mare but he misses a knee drop.

Bryan with a kick to the back of the leg and then he works on the arm. Bryan with a double underhook and he follows with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Bryan goes back to the hammer lock. Barrett with a forearms and Irish whip but he runs into a boot from Bryan and then Bryan kicks Barrett into the corner but Bryan goes for the running drop kick, but Barrett with a boot to the head.

Barrett puts Bryan in the ropes and he connects with a series of knees and follows with a running boot that sends Bryan to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett has Bryan on the top turnbuckle and Barrett with a knee to the midsection and then he goes for a superplex and hits it. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett gets Bryan on his shoulders but Bryan escapes. Bryan with a crucifix for a near fall and then he follows with the flying knee and he gets the three count.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

After the match
Bryan celebrates and Barrett hits Bryan with a Bullhammer when Bryan turns around as he comes off the turnbuckles.

Dean Ambrose’s music plays and he attacks Barrett with a running forearm.

We go to commercial.

Dean Ambrose vs Stardust

Stardust secures the title belt on the turnbuckles due to the recent situation with the belt. Stardust rolls around and he tries to avoid hearing the ‘Cody’ chants. Stardust with a head scissors and Ambrose escapes. Ambrose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ambrose with a forearm across the chest and then he punches him. Ambrose with a snap mare and sliding clothesline followed by a snap elbow drop.

Ambrose with a suplex that is blocked and Stardust with a gourdbuster. Ambrose with a knee to the midsection and a drop kick to Stardust against the ropes. Ambrose runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose. Stardust with a kick and then he drops down and kicks Ambrose. Stardust with a cartwheel and then he gets in Ambrose’s face but Ambrose with a slap and then he clotheslines Stardust over the top rope to the floor.

Ambrose with a suicide dive that sends Stardust onto the announce table. Ambrose rolls Stardust back in but Stardust with a forearm and then he holds Ambrose’s leg and punches him and follows with a dragon screw leg whip to the leg that he was holding. Ambrose rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Stardust with a single leg crab but Ambrose kicks Stardust away. Ambrose with a boot to Stardust when he charges into the corner. Ambrose with punches and chops followed by a running double sledge. Ambrose with a running forearm into the corner followed by a bulldog. Ambrose tries to get some feeling back into his injured leg and then he goes to the turnbuckles and leap over Stardust. Ambrose with a snap mare, but Stardust with a punch and then Ambrose bounces off the ropes with a clothesline followed by a double underhook DDT for the three count.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

After the match
Ambrose takes the title belt off the turnbuckles.

Wade Barrett attacks Ambrose from behind, because his music did not play. Daniel Bryan comes out and he goes after Barrett. Bryan kicks and punches Barrett. Luke Harper comes out and he attacks Bryan. Dolph Ziggler comes out and he goes after Barrett.

While these six men battle in the ring, R Truth grabs the title belt and he puts it in his bag of tricks.

Ambrose sends Barrett to the floor while Stardust hits CrossDust on Ambrose. Ziggler with a super kick to Stardust. Harper with a discus lariat to Ziggler. Bryan with a flying knee to Harper. Barrett with a Bullhammer to Bryan.

Barrett wants his title back from Truth. Truth tells Barrett to calm down. He grabs a sack, but is it the one with the title? Barrett goes into the crowd without looking in the bag.

Truth runs to the back and then Barrett thinks to look in the bag and it is a replica title belt.

Truth shows the real title belt on the stage.

Michael Cole talks about the Hall of Fame and we see information about the next inductee. It is Conor Michalek, the first recipient of the Warrior Award.

We go to commercial

We are back and Paul Heyman is in the ring. Paul reminds us who he is. Paul says that he wanted to come out live to watch a video instead of viewing it earlier in the day like the WWE wanted.

Roman talks about his time in FCW, the debut of the Shield, the break up of the group, his victory at the Royal Rumble. He is asked about the pressure to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. He says it is the biggest moment of his career. You can build a mystique and have Paul Heyman behind him. Brock has backed it up, but Roman says that he can beat Brock. You will see a level of intensity you have never seen before. He has been told that he cannot win. He says that he can . . . and he will.

Paul says that Roman has made some interesting points, but he will retort with the current and reigning WWE Champion of the World.

Brock makes his way to the ring.

Paul says he understands what a fan pleasing video that was, to his client that was nothing but sheer propaganda. If it came out of the rear end of a bull, it wouldn’t have smelled any different. Paul mocks what was said.

Paul says he has known that family since he was 14 years old. He already stooged this to his client, but he will tell everyone. When Roman was 9 years old, his father who is one generation removed from cannibals, he would take Roman and his family to bars to fight with football players. Then his uncle would take Roman and his family to the beach and tell him the same thing about muscleheads. The same thing is going to happen at Wrestlemania.

Paul says it is a powerful and profound motivation, but there is one problem. Roman Reigns, you will not beat Brock Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania. Paul says that Brock will not lose the title to you at Wrestlemania. Just because he is paranoid does not mean the whole world is against them. If the Authority has it in their head to somehow get the title from Brock Lesnar and put it on Roman Reigns so Seth Rollins can cash in on Roman because Seth is not man enough to face Brock because Seth is cheaper than Brock. If anyone tries to pull a Montreal Screwjob on Brock, anyone who is involved in that scenario will not leave that stadium alive.

While Roman is coming into Wrestlemania with the mindset to be a part of his family. If Roman bites his face off, he can get stitches. The beating that Roman is going to get, the people will respect him. Everyone will say that Roman took an ass kicking better than anyone else he has seen . . .

Paul appears to have some mic problems again.

Paul says that what he likes the most about it is that the eyes behind the curtain like to turn off his microphone instead of taking it out of his hands. Just like someone will not take the title from Brock Lesnar. Go ahead and take the title. Grab a leg and take your best shot. If Brock wants to spend his summer unifying the WWE and winning the UFC title, that is what he will do.

Paul says if Brock decides to go to Las Vegas and try to slap around Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, that is what he is going to do.

This title no longer belongs to WWE. This title belongs to Brock Lesnar. Brock is not giving it back.

In 2002, they took a rookie and put him in the ring with the Rock because they thought the Rock would make headlines beating a former college champion. Rock went off to Hollywood. In 2014, they fed this man to the Undertaker. Not only did he end the streak, but he almost ended the Undertaker. Now Bray Wyatt has to resurrect him.

At Summerslam, one man suplexed John Cena out of the main event at Wrestlemania. Who did that to the Rock? Who did that to the Undertaker? Who did that to John Cena? What do you think will happen to Roman Reigns? The answer is Brock Lesnar.

Bray Wyatt appears and he says Wrestlemania is almost here. The reaper awaits you Dead Man. Where are you? Tonight . . . find me.

We go to commercial.

Kane and Big Show vs Erick Rowan and Ryback

Ryback kicks and punches Kane and Ryback with a shoulder tackle. Ryback with shoulders in the corner. Ryback with a Thesz Press and a spinebuster to Kane. Ryback sets for a clothesline but Kane with a boot to the head. Show tags in and he hits a spear. Show with a kick to the midsection followed by a biel. Show punches Ryback. Show with a chop to Ryback in the corner and then he sends Ryback into the turnbuckles and he chops Ryback again.

Kane tags back in and he hits a boot to the head. Kane with another kick to the head and he tries to suplex Ryback but Ryback blocks it and he suplexes Kane instead. Both men are down and Ryback is able to tag in Rowan. Rowan with a double sledge to Kane followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Rowan goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back elbow and gets a near fall.

Rowan knocks Show off the apron but Kane with an uppercut. Show and Ryback try to get in but the referee deals with Ryback. Show tries to hit Rowan but he punches Kane instead. Ryback with a clothesline to Show on the floor and Rowan gets the three count.

Winners: Erick Rowan and Ryback

After the match
Show gets into the ring and Kane wants to know what he was doing. He tells Show all he had to do was punch Rowan.

Stephanie McMahon’s music plays and she wants to know what is wrong with them. Why can’t they act like professionals? We are three weeks away from Wrestlemania and you are going to act like this? You are representing the Authority, and as a result the WWE. Maybe Randy Orton was right. Maybe you are too busy whining and kvetching while Kane is too busy getting coffee. She wants the Giant and the Monster back.

Stephanie tells them to get out of her ring.

Kane says they can work it out themselves, but Stephanie tells them to pack their stuff and get out of the arena so they can think about what is best for business.

We take a look back at the Niagra commercial starring Miz and Damien Sandow that premiered last week.

Miz says his background is in musical theater. He suggests a merger between him and Wiz Khalifa. We see Wiz think about it. Miz suggests ‘Miz and Wiz’. Wiz says he likes Miz, but after that ad thing, he isn’t sure if that is going to happen. He says he already found an A Lister. He introduces Wizdow.

Sandow raps and Miz storms off.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wiz Khalifa comes out.

At the end of the performance, Sandow makes his way onto the stage.

We take a look back at last week’s Divas Title Match when Brie caused a disqualification to save her sister’s title reign. That brought out AJ Lee to make her return.

AJ and Paige are in the back as they skip and walk their way into commercial.

We are back and we see the Bellas watching themselves in the new Flintstones Movie. Byron Saxton asks them about their roles while they are dressed like they are back in Bedrock. Nikki points out that they were the only Divas asked to be in the movie. Brie says they will be little pieces of rubble when they are done with them. They will knock them back into the Stone Age at Wrestlemania.

AJ Lee (with Paige) vs Summer Rae (with Cameron and Eva Marie)

Summer kicks AJ after sending her to the mat. AJ with a victory roll after countering a hip toss. AJ with a drop kick followed by a head scissors. AJ with a knee and then she goes for a wheelbarrow move but Summer with a front driver for a near fall. Summer punches AJ and applies a reverse chin lock and she gets a near fall. AJ with a Thesz Press and punches followed by a clothesline. AJ with a neck breaker followed by a kick and DDT for a near fall. AJ with a kick to the back of the leg but Summer with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. AJ with the Black Widow and Summer taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

After the match
AJ and Paige mutually celebrate AJ’s victory.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to hear from Sting about why he wants to face Triple H.

Sting says that he has been called a vigilante, but he is more than that. He is the face of retribution. He is the silencer of injustice. He is Sting. He has been watching you. He knows how power and ego can corrupt and destroy lives. When WCW perished, it fell on a broken authority. He tried to save WCW, but he failed. He knows pain. He knows the pain of loss.

After Wrestlemania, you will too. You talk about control, but you cannot control vengeance. You will collapse beneath your thirst for control. Sting says he loyalty never changed. You need to be taken down. He has been waiting 14 years to do it. At Wrestlemania . . . Game Over.

Booker says that Sting is a standup dude and we will see what happens at Wrestlemania.

Rusev walks in the back with Lana and . . . he is stopped by John Cena.

Rusev tells Cena he won’t get a match. Cena does not care. He knows that wrestling at Wrestlemania is a privilege, not a right. You have had the privilege to come to this country to support your family. Be a proud hero of the Russian Federation. It does not give you the right to go to the ring every week to denigrate this country.

Cena says he has the right to shut Rusev’s mouth. Cena tells Rusev to say one word about the United States, we won’t need a match at Wrestlemania.

We go to commercial.

Rusev (with Lana) vs Curtis Axel

Rusev kicks Axel as he enters the ring and the referee pulls Axel away before he will start the match.

Axel punches Rusev but Rusev with a jumping thrust kick. Rusev rolls Axel over and stomps on his back and applies the Accolade and Axel taps out.

Winner: Rusev

Rusev takes his time to release the hold, but he does.

Rusev wants a mic but Lana suggests that maybe he stay silent tonight.

Rusev will not listen to Lana and he says that this title represents each and every one of you because he is delusional. In the real Hulkamania days, America was strong. You live in the past. You Americans want to negotiate. You are spineless. If you had a spine you would be made of jello. If you had a heart, it would be full of disease. If you had a soul, God would look down and spit on it.

Rusev is pleased with what he had to say, but John Cena comes out and he is not in a mood to talk.

Cena makes his way to the ring and Rusev kicks Cena but Cena with a double leg take down and he puts Rusev in the STF. Cena leans back to apply more pressure and Rusev passes out.

While the medical staff checks on Rusev, Cena comes back into the ring with a bottle of water and he revives Rusev. Cena reapplies the STF and Rusev taps.

Lana tells Cena to please let him go. Lana agrees to give Cena the match at Wrestlemania. And she says the match will be for the United States Title.

Bray Wyatt is back and he says that he would walk through the fires of hell to see you. He cannot wait much longer. Tonight, he raises the dead. Find me.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev is being checked out in the back and Rusev starts to speak in Bulgarian and he talks to Lana. Lana explains what happened.

The New Day appeared in the Goldman Box and Xavier says they can see the top of the mountain, Wrestlemania. Kofi says they are going to clap their way to the top. Big E says they will be the new Tag Team Champions at Wrestlemania.

Non Title Match
Big E and Xavier Woods (with Kofi Kingston) vs Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (with Natalya)

Kidd and Woods start things off and Kidd with a waist lock into a side head lock. Woods with a head scissors and Irish whip followed by a forearm into the corner. Big E tags in and he sends Woods into Kidd in the corner and Big E gets a near fall. Big E with a back breaker and he holds on for a second one. Woods tags in and Big E with a third one and he sends Kidd into the turnbuckles for snake eyes and Woods with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall.

Kidd with an elbow and he kicks Woods and goes to the apron. Cesaro tries to interfere but Woods takes care of him. Cesaro clips Woods and he kicks Woods. Cesaro with a European uppercut and he tags Kidd back in and he kicks Woods and works on the injured leg. Cesaro slams the injured leg into the mat and Kidd with a step over toe hold. Cesaro tags in and he kicks Woods in the injured leg.

Cesaro with a single leg crab on Woods. Woods kicks Cesaro away but Kidd tags in and he takes care of Big E. Woods with a front driver out of a wheelbarrow position after Natalya distracted Tyson and Woods gets the three count.

Winners: Big E and Xavier Woods

After the match
The Usos make their way to the ring with Naomi.

Naomi (with Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) vs Natalya (with Tyson Kidd and Cesaro)

The match is joined in progress and Natalya moves when Naomi tries for a splash into the corner. Natalya with a slingshot drop to the mat. Naomi with a double leg take down when Natalya tried for a drop kick after running over Naomi’s back. After a series of near falls, Natalya tries for a backslide. Naomi does a split when sent to the mat and Natalya gets a near fall. Natalya tries for the Sharpshooter with Kidd telling her how to lock it in.

Naomi sends Natalya into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold and Kidd checks on his wife. The Usos take care of Cesaro and Kidd. Natalya misses a discus clothesline and Naomi with Rear View for the three count.

Winner: Naomi

Natalya takes the tag title belt from Tyson and goes up the ramp.

Los Matadores comes out and they see Tyson and Cesaro as they get ready to go to the back.

Fernando and Diego (with El Torito) vs Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso (with Naomi)

Diego and Jey start things off and they lock up. Jey with a clean break. Diego with an Irish whip and Jey tries to send him to the apron but Diego with a headstand and head scissors to Jey.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jimmy does some dancing and he punches Diego. Jey tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop and Jey gets a near fall. Diego stops Jey and gives an Ole followed by a drop toe hold. Diego with a splash to the floor and then Fernando tags in and he hits a slingshot senton for a near fall. Fernando with an arm bar.

Jey with a punch but Fernando with an Irish whip and gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Diego tags in and Fernando with a punch followed by a knee lift from Diego. Both men go for a cross body at the same time and both men are down.

Jimmy and Fernando tag in and Jimmy with a cross body for a near fall. Fernando with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Fernando comes off the turnbuckles but Jimmy with a super kick. Diego breaks up the cover. Diego goes to the floor and Jey gets back in the ring but he hits a plancha. Jimmy with a Samoan drop to Fernando. El Torito gets on the ropes an Fernando pushes Jimmy into Torito and Fernando gets the three count with a rollup.

Winners: Fernando and Diego

Seth Rollins is in the office with Jamie and Joey. Jamie tells Seth that Randy cannot be trusted.

Seth reminds them that they work for him. He knows what he is doing. He asks them if he has ever steered them in the wrong direction. He knows when people are lying. They are working together. Maybe there was some truth to what Randy said. Would Randy be so stupid to lay out his plan for what he would do. It doesn’t make sends.

Jamie says they have a bad feeling.

Seth asks if either of them masterminded the destruction of the Shield or the plan to bring back the Authority.

Jamie says he was the architect.

Seth says that Randy is family and they need to focus on Roman Reigns. Tonight, Roman gets what he deserves. He tells Jamie and Joey to trust him.

We are back and Bray Wyatt is in the ring with his lantern.

Bray says he never sleeps, but he is always dreaming. In the darkness of these dreams, I start to see things. He sees things not for what it is, but what it should be. It lays barren to the virus that destroyed it. He sees governments crumbling. He sees everything laid to ruin. There is such beauty in chaos. In these dreams it is the buzzard that guides him. He follows them and when he finally reaches them by what he sees.

Below the buzzards is a shell of a man. Below the buzzards lays the mighty Undertaker. It was always about you. Pride has always been his favorite sin. When pride brought him to this world to walk among you. He does not want to stand by the Undertaker’s side. He wants to walk over the Undertaker’s bones to assume his throne. He is the new face of fear.

You know fear because the people used to fear you. It is not your fault. It was pre-ordained. Bray says that he was chosen. You always knew the streak was going to end. You thought you would be carried off on your shield. Instead, the cruel hands of fate stole your destiny. Wrestlemania will be your resurrection and your requiem. Your final resting place. What say you Undertaker? Will you answer me? Will you accept the challenge? Where are you?

Bray points to the urn and he asks if this is how he brings you back. All of your power locked inside a jar. Can this urn bring back the dead?

Bray opens the urn and Bray says the urn is empty. It is empty and shallow and hollow . . .

Smoke comes from the urn and the building turns blue and there is lightning on the TitanTron.

We have a gong as the lights go out.

A chair appears in the center of the ring and it looks like the one that Dean Ambrose destroyed earlier. There is a spotlight over the chair as the gongs continue to go off. On the TitanTron it says the Man Comes Around at Wrestlemania. A voice says you shall Rest in Peace.

A lightning bolt strikes and destroys the rocking chair and sets it on fire.

Seth Rollins and Randy Orton (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble) vs Roman Reigns

Orton wants to start things off but Rollins wants to start the match. They have a discussion and Orton goes to the apron.

Rollins locks up and Reigns sends Rollins to the mat. Reigns punches Rollins but Rollins sends Reigns into the turnbuckles. Reigns punches Rollins and then he goes after Rollins against the ropes but Reigns goes to the floor. The referee sees Noble and Mercury try to interfere so he sends them back into their corner. Reigns punches Rollins and Orton tells Mercury and Noble to behave.

Reigns with a uranage for a near fall. Reigns works on the shoulder but Rollins with a punch. Reigns gets Rollins on his shoulders but Rollins with elbows and he clips Reigns. Rollins with a Slingblade for a near fall. Rollins kicks Reigns in the midsection and he chokes him in the ropes.

Mercury and Noble tell Orton to punch Reigns but Orton will not be told by them so Orton punches Noble. Mercury takes Noble to the back. Reigns with a series of clotheslines in the corner and then he hits a flying clothesline. Orton tries to make the tag but Reigns keeps him away from his corner. Rollins with a boot to Reigns and then Reigns misses a splash.

Rollins with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Orton refuses the tag and Rollins is shocked. Rollins wants the tag but Orton moves to the steps. Orton flips Rollins the bird, or he flips off the Wrestlemania sign considering how high he held his arms. Rollins turns around into a spear for the three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

After the match
Reigns leaves the ring while Orton stays on the ring steps.

Orton goes to the apron and then he enters the ring. Orton tells Rollins shame on your for not thinking he would do something. Orton slaps Rollins in the head. Orton sends Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Rollins tries to crawl away as Orton follows. Orton with a clothesline. Orton Irish whips Rollins into the ring steps and a camera man. Orton rearranges the ring steps and he puts Rollins’ head on the step and he asks Rollins if he remembers what he did to him.

Orton slams Rollins’ head into the ring steps. Orton Irish whips Rollins into the other ring steps. Orton asks Rollins if he is crazy to think he is part of Rollins’ family? How stupid is Rollins to think he would join the Authority. Orton has Rollins against the border to Yeatonville and he connects with a series of European uppercuts and Rollins is sent into the crowd.

Rollins tries to get away from Orton but Orton takes a chair and goes into the crowd after Rollins. Orton hits Randy in the back with the chair. Orton hits Rollins with the chair. Orton hits Rollins in the back with the chair because the people would not get out of the aisle. Orton asks Rollins who does Rollins think he is.

Orton says that he is going to show Rollins. Orton with a European uppercut. Orton hangs Rollins on the ringside barrier and he hits an IEDDT. Orton hits the mat to signify an RKO is coming and then he pounds the floor. Orton looks at a motionless Rollins and then he sees the announce table. Orton throws Rollins over the announce table. Orton rearranges the announce table and he gets on top. Orton picks up Rollins and he sets for the RKO on the announce table and he hits in and we see hundreds of wires from under the table.

Orton walks away as we go to credits.