View Full Version : Superstars Report / Results - 13th Mar, 2015

03-16-2015, 02:47 PM
Superstars Report / Results - 13th Mar, 2015
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Announcers: Byron Saxton and Rich Brennan

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Konnor and Viktor

Kalisto and Viktor start off and they lock up. Viktor backs Kalisto into the corner and he gives a clean break. Kalisto with a kick to Viktor followed by a double knee take down from Kalisto off the turnbuckles. Cara is tagged in and they kick Viktor and then Cara lifts Kalisto in a wheelbarrow position for a senton and Cara gets a near fall. Viktor with an Irish whip and Cara goes ot he apron and then he goes up top and sends Viktor into the opposite corner.

Cara with a drop kick and Konnor tags on an O’Connor Roll attempt and Cara goes after Konnor on the apron. Cara goes for a sunset flip on Viktor but Konnor, the legal man in the match pulls Cara to the floor. Konnor with punches to Cara while hanging in the ring skirt. Konnor gets a near fall. Viktor tags back in and they kick Cara in the corner. Viktor chokes Cara with his leg. Viktor with a Canadian Lifter followed by an elbow drop for a near fall.

Viktor with a rear chin lock. Viktor with a forearm to Cara and he kicks Cara and stretches him. Viktor has something to say to Kalisto before returning to Cara. Cara with punches and forearms and then he kicks Viktor in the corner but Konnor is able to tag in and he punches Cara and kicks him in the corner.

Cara fights out of the corner and he tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a springboard cross body to Viktor followed by a rollup into a kick and a head scissors driver for a near fall. Konnor breaks up the cover and Cara sends Konnor to the floor. Viktor with a set up for Splash Mountain but Kalisto with a springboard corkscrew cross body and then he hits Salida Del Sol. Cara tags in and he hits the Fallen Star for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

We have a Roman Reigns video package and his recent interview with Byron Saxton.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Paul Heyman’s comments during Raw when Brock Lesnar stood next to him bouncing as only a Champion can.

We have a John Cena’s quest to have a match at Wrestlemania.

We see the Bray Wyatt promo and Undertaker’s response.

We go to commercial.

Zack Ryder vs Adam Rose (with Rosebuds)

They lock up and Rose backs Ryder into the ropes but they continue to go around the ring while locked up. They lock up again and Ryder with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ryder with a double sledge to the head and Rose wraps himself in the ropes and the referee keeps Ryder away from Rose.

Rose with a kick and forearm to the back. Rose sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and he chops Ryder. Ryder with punches and forearms. Rose holds on to the ropes on a drop kick attempt by Ryder and Rose points to the Wrestlemania sign as he says something to Ryder.

Rose is sent over the top rope to the floor and he gets back into the ring and Ryder clotheslines Rose over the top rope to the floor. Ryder points to the Wrestlemania sign as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rose backs Ryder into the ropes. Ryder with punches and he sends Rose into the turnbuckles. Ryder climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Rose. Rose gets away and he kicks Ryder in the back of the leg and Ryder lands on the back of his head as he hits the mat. Rose with a slam and forearms to the chest. Rose with a fist drop to Ryder and he gets a near fall.

Rose kicks Ryder in the head as he shows Zack no respect. Rose with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rose with a knee drop to the back. Rose pulls at Ryder’s face and the referee warns him. Rose with a full nelson back breaker and he gets a near fall. Rose with a rear chin lock but Ryder with punches and a jawbreaker. Rose with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.

Rose kicks Ryder in the corner and then he kicks Ryder again after the referee warns him. Rose argues with the referee and then he pulls Ryder into the center of the ring and Ryder with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ryder with punches but Rose with a knee to the midsection.

Rose with an Irish whip but Ryder gets his knees up and Ryder with a missile drop kick and a running forearm into the corner. Ryder sets for the Broski Boot and he connects. Ryder pulls Rose into the center of the ring but he gets a near fall. Ryder sets for the Rough Ryder but Rose counters into a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Rose argues with the referee over the count.

Ryder goes to the apron and Rose puts him on the top turnbuckle and Rose with forearms to the back and then he pie faces Ryder. Rose points to the Wrestlemania sign again but Ryder pushes Rose off the turnbuckles. Ryder with a Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Randy Orton’s attack on Seth Rollins at the end of Raw.

We go to credits.