View Full Version : RAW Report / Results - 16th Mar, 2015

03-17-2015, 11:51 AM
RAW LIVE Coverage - 16th Mar, 2015
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
Announcers: Booker T, Michael Cole, JBL

Last week, the Authority thought Randy Orton was part of their family. However, by the end of the night we found out that Randy was not going to be part of their plans and he attacked Seth Rollins and then in a pre-recorded interview that aired during Smackdown, he made a challenge to Rollins. What will Seth do in his home state? More importantly, who will have the Intercontinental Title belt at the end of the night?

We start off like last week with Big Show, Kane, Joey Mercury, Jamie Noble, and Seth Rollins in the center of the ring.

Seth says you chant his name now, but he says that they probably loved what they just saw. That is called betrayal. There is no other way to describe it. He gets it. Not a lot of you understand what it is like to be betrayed because you need to be a somebody to be betrayed. For nobodies like all of you, that is called getting screwed over.

For important people like him who made it out of Iowa and made something with their lives, that is betrayal. That is exactly what happened to him last week courtesy of the Viper Randy Orton.

It wasn’t just that he betrayed him, it was how he did it. He stalked Seth like an animal. Randy mocked him while he suffered. He vouched for Orton and he called him a friend and family member. Randy betrayed him. He says you are all thinking that was what you did to the Shield. That is nothing like he did to the Shield. What he did to the Shield was a sound business decision.

It was a business decision made to secure his future. What Randy did was so much different. What he did was in cold blood and without the tiniest bit of human decency or empathy. It was borderline sociopathic. For three weeks, Randy Orton schemed and he conned his way back into the Authority. He made fools of everyone, including Stephanie and Triple H. Without their generosity to welcome him back, this never would have happened.

Big Show tells Seth that he owes him an apology. He says that he is sorry. He says that he feels partially responsible for what happened to him. He sees Seth as the future and the best damn talent in the WWE. What Randy Orton did was cruel. He betrayed our trust. Show says he thought Randy could get past his petty grievances and put that behind him, but Randy is a no good snake in the grass. Show says that whether is a viper, rattlesnake, or a garden snake, he will step on it.

Kane apologizes as well. He wasn’t as gullible as Big Show, but he was suckered in. Randy will pay for what he did to us.

Jamie says that knows he is considered the secret weapon of the Authority, he smelled a rat when Randy came in. He does not care about what Randy did to him, he cares about what he did to you Seth. You are his boss and friend. What Randy did to you, it hurt him too. Jamie says it hurt Joey the most.

Joey takes the mic and cannot say anything.

Seth says that it hurt, but Randy’s ego will be hurt the most when it is over. For years and years, Randy thought that he could get away with what he wanted when he wanted without any consequences. You have never messed with anyone like him. You want to challenge him to a match at Wrestlemania?

Seth looks at the sign and he tells Orton that he accepts, but only under one condition. You agree to face him tonight in this ring on Raw. You like to call yourself the face of the WWE, but you are nothing more than a scheming . . .

Randy’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage.

Randy tells Seth he is not the face of the WWE, he is just a guy. A guy who last week, made you look like a little bitch. He is the guy who is going to beat your ass tonight because he accepts Seth’s condition to respond to his challenge. Randy knows it will be five on one later tonight with the deck stacked against him. Seth, you need all the help you can get because he has enough venom for all of the Authority.

If he suffers a beatdown tonight, it will be worth it to get his hands on Seth at Wrestlemania. You better hope you get it done tonight because if you make it to Wrestlemania, he will finish Seth.

We go to commercial.

AJ Lee and Paige are walking in the back.

We are back and the Bellas are in the Goldman Box. Brie mentions Paige and AJ were at their throats recently, but now they are best friends. Nikki says Paige and AJ will be embarrassed at Wrestlemania.

Non Title Match
AJ Lee (with Paige) vs Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella)

They lock up and Nikki with a forearm and then she picks up AJ for a choke and she sends her into the turnbuckles and follows with shoulders. Nikki does some push ups while AJ catches her breath. AJ with boots to Nikki followed by a kick. AJ with a victory roll for a near fall. AJ with an arm drag into an arm bar. Nikki with a fireman’s carry and arm bar, but AJ with a head scissors.

Nikki escapes and AJ with a side head lock and wrist lock. Nikki with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. AJ with a clothesline for a near fall. AJ with a side head lock but Nikki tries for a side slam but she takes too long and AJ with a head scissors that sends Nikki to the apron. Nikki drops AJ’s arm on the top rope.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nikki with an arm bar but AJ with punches and a back heel kick. Nikki with a back elbow and she gets a near fall. Nikki with a divorce court to AJ and she gets a near fall. Nikki starts to show from frustration. Nikki with a hammer lock and she sends AJ into the turnbuckles. Nikki with an arm bar.

AJ with punches but Nikki with a forearm. AJ with a guillotine but Nikki runs AJ into the turnbuckles. AJ kicks Nikki when she charges into the corner. AJ with a Thesz Press and she punches Nikki. AJ with a clothesline into the corner followed by a neck breaker. AJ with a back heel kick and then she trips Nikki as she goes to the floor. AJ goes up top and hits a cross body and gets a near fall.

Nikki with a knee and face buster for a near fall. Nikki picks up AJ but AJ with a sunset flip for a near fall. AJ with a drop kick. Nikki sends AJ to the floor in front of Brie. Paige comes to protect her tag team partner and AJ sends Nikki into the apron.

Brie and Paige have some words on the floor and Brie sends Paige into the ring post.

In the ring, Nikki with the bionic forearm and Shock Treatment for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Bella

In case you missed their match on Smackdown, we will see the six men repeat what they did tonight when Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler face Wade Barrett, Luke Harper, and Stardust.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are less than two weeks from Wrestlemania with a two hour preshow before the four hour show. Michael Cole says there will be more than 15 hours of coverage from California on Wrestlemania week.

We take a look back at what happened on Smackdown when Mark Henry interrupted Roman Reigns and then got sent through the ringside barrier into Yeatonville.

We are going to get comments from Brock Lesnar later.

Renee Young is with Kane and Big Show in the interview area. Renee asks what role they are going to have in the Rollins/Orton match. Kane says Big Show will be in Seth’s corner, based on his decision.

Show wants Kane to talk to him like a human being instead of blabbing it out in front of everyone.

Kane says he makes all of the decisions.

Seth Rollins comes into the interview area and he tells them to calm down because this is what got them sent home last week. You represent the Authority so you represent Triple H, Stephanie, and him. He calls them stupid.

Kane says Stephanie can address them how she wants, but you cannot. They enjoyed what happened to him last week. You have been acting like an entitled little brat since he helped you win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Kane says that he will not be at ringside with Seth Rollins. Kane asks Show if he wants to be at ringside.

Show looks at Rollins without saying anything and walks away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we go to the Goldman Box. Miz says he is still the Miz, future winner of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He has an assistant who will guarantee his victory or he will be fired and be removed from existence.

Ryback vs Miz (with Damien Sandow)

They lock up and Miz sends Ryback into the corner and he kicks and punches him. Miz with more kicks to Ryback and the referee warns him. Ryback presses Miz over his head and then hits a power slam but Miz rolls to the floor. Ryback follows and he tells Sandow to hit Miz. Sandow thinks about it but Miz with an elbow and Miz tells Sandow to put the fist down.

Ryback with a kick and they get back into the ring. Ryback with a spinebuster and then he sets for the clothesline and connects. Ryback with the musclebuster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

After the match:
Sandow helps Miz up and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Sandow.

We take a look at the John Cena and Rusev situation. We see how John Cena bullied his way into a match at Wrestlemania against Rusev when Lana agreed to give it to him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus will be coming back soon.

Michael Cole is in the ring and the contract signing table has Russian and American flags on the end.

John Cena comes out first. Michael tells John the contract is on the table and he asks John to sign it. John looks at the contract but he takes the mic and he says there is a lot of enthusiasm for Wrestlemania and he shares that enthusiasm. He says he has signed a lot of contracts, but this is the most important. You will be introduced to a super athlete who is the hero of the Russian Federation. He has destroyed every challenge put in front of him. Rusev is the Champion of the United States.

John wants everyone to think about that. It means that Rusev represents the United States of America. Rusev represents each and every one of you. That is what makes this contract and match at Wrestlemania important. He can do what he did last week. He can kicks Rusev’s ass all over the place, but as long as he wears the United States Title belt, he represents each and every one of you.

Cena says enough is enough. These are the facts. Rusev has the luxury to live in the United States. America has provided him great opportunity, but every chance he can, he belittles the United States. Cena says he is disgusted. It is disrespectful that Rusev represents this country, the place he calls home.

He tells everyone to let the USA chant fill you with excitement and love for the United States. John says that he has stood on the front line with the people who provide everyone the freedom of speech and assembly. He is ashamed to know that Rusev is the United States Champion. Cena says that this contract is his Declaration of Independence and Wrestlemania is their Revolutionary War.

America is the greatest country because they will not back down and he will fight. At Wrestlemania, Rusev will find out you can only push the USA so far before it comes back and kicks your ass.

Rusev comes out and he is joined by someone who does not look like Lana, but a lot like Miz.

Rusev is given the contract, but New Lana takes the mic. He says that as Mr. Rusev’s attorney, he will not be signing this contract. Rusev will not be competing against American John Cena in Wrestlemania. Rusev did not agree to this match or any other one.

We see footage from two weeks ago when Stephanie said that Rusev’s mind had to be changed. Then we see last week when Lana (not Rusev) gave Cena the match.

He says that as you can see in the video footage, there is no proof that Rusev allowed the match. The contract is therefore null and void.

Rusev will sign the contract as long as Mr. John Cena can contain his American barbaric behavior and let Rusev read his prepared statement in full. If not, there is no match.

Rusev gets his prepared statement and he says America lives and dies with its belief in second chances. He beat John Cena at Fastlane but Cena continues to try for a second chance. It is because you are weak. Weakness is what is wrong with America. This country believes in failure.

Rusev says your children grow to be failures and that gets Cena irked.

Rusev says American people are stained in history. America is a cancer to the world. Oh say can you see this stupid little land. How proudly you have ruined this little country. A country that will die.

Rusev signs the contract and he pushes the table onto Cena and gets out of the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Michael Cole talking about the Wrestlemania week coverage on the WWE Network, starting on Thursday at 6:00 PM.

We go to the Goldman Box again and Tyson says regardless of last week’s outcome, the New Day cannot compare to them. Cesaro says they are better physically than them, and they clap better. They say there is no way they will be the new tag team champions.

Before the match starts, Fernando, Diego, and El Torito make their way to the stage.

Non Title Match
Big E and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) vs Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (with Natalya)

Kidd and Big E start and Kidd with a back heel kick but Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Kofi tags in and Big E sends Kofi into Kidd for an elbow. Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi with a wrist lock and Cesaro tags in and he punches. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Kofi. Kofi with kicks and punches to Cesaro. Cesaro with an Irish whip and Kofi tries for a drop kick out of the corner but Cesaro moves. Cesaro with the giant swing and Kidd does not come in for the drop kick.

Kofi with a pendulum kick and a cross body for a near fall. Kidd breaks up the cover but Big E takes care of Kidd. Kofi hits Kidd with Trouble in Paradise when Cesaro moves. Cesaro with a European uppercut to the back of the head and then Cesaro gets the three count.

Winners: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

After the match:
Woods gets involved with Fernando and Diego. They send Woods into the ringside barrier and then Cesaro with a Gotch Style Neutralizer to Woods. El Torito with a springboard drop kick to Cesaro followed by a head scissors that sends Cesaro to the floor.

We take a look at Bray Wyatt’s comments from last week and Undertaker’s distant response.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Seth Rollins tells Jamie and Joey that it cannot happen the same way as last week. He cannot be left high and dry.

Jamie reminds Seth he told them to leave last week.

Seth says that he is aware of Jamie’s diverse skill set, but he did not know it meant he would argue with Seth.

Jamie tells Seth that if he would have listened to him last week, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

Seth says that he will fire Jamie Noble, but Jamie says you can’t fire him, he quits.

Seth tells Joey they don’t need him and Joey walks away.

It is time to hear what Brock Lesnar thinks about the situation with Roman Reigns.

Brock says he was put on this earth to seek and destroy people. Is that sadistic? Maybe to some people, but not to him. He enjoys it. It is what he does. It is why he is here. What does Wrestlemania mean to Brock Lesnar? It is a day he gets to show up, kick somebody’s ass and get paid to do it.

Undertaker did not stand a chance against him last year. What does he think about the people who were disappointed he beat the Undertaker? He does not care. Disappointment and surprise? He loves every minute of it.

Brock says there is one thing for sure about his contract. If he stays, he will be WWE Champion. If he goes, he will be WWE Champion. Roman Reigns will not stand in the way. As a rookie, he came in here against the Rock and sent him to Hollywood. He ended the Undertaker’s streak. He suplexed John Cena out of the main event of Wrestlemania. He doesn’t need to hunt, he needs to be in defense mode. If you were afraid of what he did in ‘hunt’ mode, wait until you see what he is like in ‘defense’ mode.

Brock says that Roman can think all he wants about beating him, but at Wrestlemania he will kick Roman’s ass. It will be unlike any ass kicking you get. There will be no fairy tale ending. At Wrestlemania, he is going to f*** up Roman Reigns. The end.

Big Show makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Big Show vs Erick Rowan

Show attacks Rowan before the bell rings and he chokes him in the ropes. Show slams Rowan and kicks him in the back and chest. Show with a knock out punch to Rowan. Show goes to the turnbuckles and hits an elbow drop.

Show leaves the ring.

After mentioning the Andre the Giant is in the Hall of Fame, we find out that it is official. Larry Zbyszko will be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane is in the ring and he tells Curtis to forget about Axelmania because there is only one person who will win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and that is him. They are here for a demonstration of what is going to happen.

Mark Henry’s music plays and he says Wrestlemania is going to have its own March Madness in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Mark says he is going to throw his hat in the ring because that is what he do.

We see Titus O’Neil, Adam Rose, Mark Henry, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, Fandango, Goldust, Darren Young, and Kane fighting as the numbers in the ring get smaller. We see Curtis Axel watching as Kane gets rid of Titus O’Neil.

Kane and Mark Henry are in the center of the ring and Kane punches Henry. Henry with a head butt and he picks up Kane and puts him on the apron. Axel knocks Kane off the apron and he tries to get rid of Henry but Henry throws Axel over the top rope.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we will see Tyson Kidd, Natalya, and Cesaro face Los Matadores and El Torito.

Paul Heyman is in the ring and he introduces himself and he reminds us who he is the advocate for. He says that Brock is the single most authentic and legitimate champion in WWE or Mixed Martial Arts, then . . . now . . . forever.

It is in that spirit that thirteen days away from Wrestlemania, his client views this whole concept of rules, regulations, and boundaries as something that was written by a pacifist. His client is not a pacifist. His client is a conqueror. His client is a beast. Brock is not coming to Wrestlemania to make love. He is coming to Wrestlemania to make war on Roman Reigns.

Here is something that nobody thought about. What happens when Brock decides to violate those parameters and boundaries that are imposed on him? Are they going to shut off the lights, cut off the feed of the pay per view? Are they going to give everyone their money back?

You are stuck with Brock Lesnar as your WWE Champion and . . .

Paul’s mic mysteriously gets turned off.

Paul says doing that to him is one thing, but what will you do when Brock does what he is not supposed to do? No one can stop Brock Lesnar, not even Roman Reigns. That is a shame because if there is one person who could live up to the hype was Roman Reigns. He was at the top in NXT, he won the Royal Rumble, he beat Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. What will happen when Brock gives him a prison beating at Wrestlemania.

Roman Reigns is not the next great Samoan AmeriCAN, he is the next great Samoan AmeriCAN’T. You cannot beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

Your father should have told you this a long time ago.

Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring while his music interrupts Paul’s comments.

Roman tells Paul he has a lot of respect for him. You are possibly the best talker ever in the business. You are not talking trash about his family, you are giving everyone fair warning of where he comes from. His issue is not with Paul, but with his client.

Roman says if you were here right now, he would tell him face to face. We finally see eye to eye. He is not going into this because he does not expect a fairy tale. He is looking for a fight and hoping for a war. He expects to be carried out, but he will have help being carried out. When he is carried out, he will be carried out as the WWE Champion.

Right next to that championship is a huge chip on his shoulder. From the people who tell him he can’t. He will beat Brock’s ass at Wrestlemania. Not because he wants to and because he needs to. It is because he can, he will, and he believes that.

We recap everything that happened to Seth Rollins tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young stops Paul Heyman in the back and she wants some comments. Paul says it is going to get interesting around here with all of that latent hostility waiting until Wrestlemania. Roman is a formidable opponent. Roman won’t have to wait until Wrestlemania to get in Brock’s face. He will give Roman that opportunity next week on Raw. Roman will have the opportunity to say whatever he wants to Brock’s face. Paul says his toes are curling with anticipation because Brock can say or do anything he wants to Roman next week. Roman can think about it, but there is nothing that he can do about it.

Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler vs Stardust, Luke Harper, and Wade Barrett

Before the match can start, R Truth makes his way onto the stage and he does not appear to have the title belt with him.

Stardust and Ambrose are supposed to start the match but everyone looks at Truth. Stardust with a cartwheel before locking up. Ambrose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle followed by a forearm. Stardust with a shot to the eyes and then he punches Ambrose while we see Truth has the belt hanging from the back of his suit. Ambrose with a splash into the corner and a bulldog.

Ambrose with a suplex and he stands on the hand and he tags in Bryan. Bryan with a European uppercut or two and then he goes for a surfboard. Bryan with kicks to Stardust followed by a wrist lock and Ziggler tags himself in. Ziggler and Bryan have some words and Stardust goes after Ziggler but misses. Bryan clotheslines Stardust over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Harper with a European uppercut to Ambrose followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Ambrose with a tornado DDT. Ziggler and Stardust tag in and Ziggler with a clothesline and Splash followed by a neck breaker and elbow drop. Ziggler with a hesitation DDT for a near fall. Ziggler gets sent to the apron but Ziggler drops Stardust on the top rope. Harper slows down Ziggler and Stardust with a springboard round kick to send Ziggler to the floor.

Barrett runs Ziggler into the apron and he gets a near fall. Barrett sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and then he puts him on top and connects with forearms followed by a knee to the midsection to send him back to the mat for a near fall. Stardust tags in and he kicks Ziggler. Harper tags in and adds more damage to the midsection. Barrett tags in and he kicks Ziggler.

Barrett with a neck breaker to Ziggler for a near fall. Harper tags in and he sends Barrett at Ziggler but Dolph moves and Barrett goes over the top rope. Harper goes to the floor as well. Stardust tries to stop Ambrose or Bryan but Barrett and Harper pull Bryan and Ambrose off the apron.

Ziggler with an X Factor after escaping a power bomb. Everyone fights on the floor until Harper and Ziggler get back into the ring and Harper with a boot and power bomb for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a reverse chin lock on Ziggler. Ziggler with punches but Barrett gets Ziggler on his shoulders for Wasteland, but Ziggler counters with a DDT. Bryan tags in and he drop kicks Stardust and Harper off the apron. Bryan with punches but Barrett with an Irish whip. Bryan flips over Barrett and he hits a suicide dive onto Harper but he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with an elbow for a near fall.

Ambrose with punches and chops to Stardust. Stardust with a punch but Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Harper with a boot and Ziggler goes for a super kick but he hits Bryan. Ziggler with a super kick to Harper. Barrett with Wasteland that sends Ziggler onto Harper and Stardust. Ambrose avoids a Bullhammer and hits the double underhook DDT for the three count.

Winners: Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, and Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Harper attacks Ambrose from behind and sends him over the announce table. Harper points at Truth and Truth has a scared look on his face. Truth backs away from Harper but Ambrose hits Harper from behind. Stardust takes the title belt and goes into the crowd. Ambrose goes after Stardust and he takes the title belt.

The belt falls in front of Truth and he picks it up again. Truth backs up and turns around to Harper. Harper does the Mutombo and Truth throws the belt into the ring and it lands in front of Bryan. Ambrose hits Harper off the ringside barrier.

Ziggler grabs the belt while Bryan holds on to it. Bryan and Ziggler exchange punches. Stardust misses Beautiful Disaster on Ziggler and Ziggler with a super kick. Bryan with a flying knee to Harper. Barrett with a Bullhammer to Ziggler, Bryan, and Ambrose.

FINALLY . . . Wade Barrett has possession of the Intercontinental Title Belt.

Truth wants to talk to Barrett and Barrett says the games are over. Barrett with a Bullhammer to Truth and he is going to make it to the back with the belt.

Triple H and Stephanie are in the back and Seth Rollins enters. He wants to know if they can believe what is happening. Seth says he will be all alone in the ring with Randy tonight. He asks them how will they fix things.

Stephanie tells Seth he needs to behave and lie in the bed he made.

Seth says if she hadn’t sent Kane and Show home last week, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

Hunter wants to know who the hell Seth thinks he is.

Seth asks if Hunter is done playing hide and seek from Sting.

Stephanie tells Seth to take responsibility for his actions. She tells him to man up . . . if he can. Hunter tells Seth he should go before his situation goes from bad to worse.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see what happened with the contract signing earlier tonight.

We now take a look at what happened last week on Raw when Bray Wyatt called out the Undertaker one more time. This time, Undertaker answered.

Bray appears in the back with a new urn. He says the memory is such a treasure. He remembers the first time he saw her sitting in that chair. She was so beautiful. Not just in her appearance, but in the things she said. She told him about the rotten lies that he was taught. He was taught about people like you Undertaker.

Last week, you tried to use that memory against him. You tried to use this symbol to burn fear into his heart. The only thing you succeeded in doing was turn a chair to dust.

Bray opens the urn and shows the ashes from his chair that was burnt.

What is going to happen to you? Will it be agony or fear? Last year we saw a broken streak and a broken, empty soul. Now you won’t show your face. At that moment the eyes of the world were opened and they were ashamed of their nakedness. Your destiny was taken.

This is all your fault and now you are out of time. Your fate is sealed. Wrestlemania will be your requiem. Your final resting place. It will be his coronation. She will be so proud to see him beat the mighty Undertaker. He will take his place amongst the gods. After Wrestlemania, no one will be safe. Behold the new face of fear.

We go to commercial.

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton

Before the match starts, Seth has something to say. He tells Randy it took you three weeks of scheming and conniving and cajoling to make every single member of the Authority look like fools.

Seth starts to laugh as if he is “PURE EVIL”, but it only took three hours to make a fool out of you.

Triple H’s music plays and the Authority is out and they are unified. Orton goes to the floor and he takes a chair because a steel chair can stop seven people.

The Authority surrounds the ring.

Rollins signals to everyone and as he gets on the apron, everyone else does.

They all get into the ring and the lights go out and a crow sounds.

The lights go back on and STING is in the ring with his bat. Orton hits people with the chair while Sting hits people with his bat.

Sting with a Vigilante Stinger Splash on Mercury and Noble. Sting with the Scorpion Death Drop to Noble.

Orton twists to the mat and he hits Mercury with an RKO.

We go to credits.