View Full Version : Possible MAJOR Spoilers for Mania

03-18-2015, 01:31 AM
After talking to a few people today at the SmackDown tapings word going around is that Brock Lesnar is very close to agreeing on a new contract with the WWE. With the lack of popularity that Roman Reigns has received as of late, Triple H is pushing Vince on the idea of keeping the WWE Championship on Brock.

This would also have huge ramifications with two of the under card matches on the show.

If Brock retains the title it would in all likelihood mean a continued "special attraction schedule" for him. Triple H as of late has been big on the idea that the I.C. Title and the U.S. Title should mean something again. The plan, if Brock retains is to put the U.S. Title on John Cena and the I.C. Title on Daniel Bryan. The theory would be that two legit Superstars would bring legitimacy to both titles. Also, while Brock is gone both men can main event Raw, Smackdown, PPVs and house shows with those titles on top of the card. Which again, would bring back the legitimacy of both belts.

A lot can change between now and WrestleMania. But this is just one of the many ideas that are being discussed. I have not been told of any other ideas, but if I hear more, I will be sure to pass the information along to this great community.

03-18-2015, 01:42 AM
Ok, everyone knows I do not like Lesnar having the title, mainly because he is never on TV with it but looking at Triple Hs point of view ... I like the idea of Lesnar holding the title still. This would also give Reigns time to legitimately build up to where he deserves the title in the long run. Why Vince should retire, Triple H and Stephanie can bring the company in a new and better direction, with NXT expanding and these ideas. Also I loved Triple Hs idea of bringing a up to date Attitude Era style back again.

Having the Intercontinental and US title mean something again is a great idea IMO.

Watch Vince not like the idea :rolleyes: lol Guess it depends how many millions Lesnar wants lol

03-18-2015, 08:56 PM
Undercard title should mean something agasin - damn yeah! And the champs shouldn't loose near every match on TV except at PPVs..

But: Part of me want Lesnar go back and kick some ass in UFC (Overeem, Mir, Nelson and Jones if he goes up in weight..). But that would mean Reigns will be champ..urgh
Except Reigns gets in an awesome feud against a top heel Rollins or a top face Daniel Bryan

03-18-2015, 09:21 PM
I still hope Brock retains the title. It would be one of the worst decisions ever to have Reigns win it

03-18-2015, 10:45 PM
Undercard title should mean something agasin - damn yeah! And the champs shouldn't loose near every match on TV except at PPVs..

But: Part of me want Lesnar go back and kick some ass in UFC (Overeem, Mir, Nelson and Jones if he goes up in weight..). But that would mean Reigns will be champ..urgh
Except Reigns gets in an awesome feud against a top heel Rollins or a top face Daniel Bryan

lol it a biased opinion on your part wanting him back in UFC since you a huge MMA fan :)

If Reigns does win, WWE would be stupid nopt to make him a heel considering how the fans are reacting to him. For 6 months I have been saying Reigns would beat Lesnar which was the plan made long ago (why he got Superstar of the year 2014) but at this time, I am just not to sure. Going to be a tough bookie to make. May have to wait to see if news comes out Lesnar signs a new contract but in saying that, WWE might not share that news till after Mania anyway.