View Full Version : *SPOILER* Smackdown Results - 19th Mar, 2015

03-18-2015, 09:32 AM
WWE opened up by taping next week’s Superstars (since it is WrestleMania week and everyone will be in California for the week).


Roman Reigns did a promo to start the show. Mark Henry came out and said that Reigns showed him something last week. Then Seth Rollins came out with Kane and the Stooges. Randy Orton won’t be here tonight because the Stooges won’t let him in the building. But Kane and Rollins will take on Reigns and his new friend Henry.

Paige, with AJ, beat Brie Bella, with Nikki. This made up for Raw.

They did an Intercontinental Title gauntlet match. The six challengers were in the match. It ended up with Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan and Ziggler won with the Zig Zag.

Wade Barrett came out afterward and cut a promo. He then laid out Bryan and Ziggler.

They then did a bizarre mixed tag, Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Natalya vs. Los Matadors and Torito. Natalya has to work with Torito, and she beat it.

For the main event, Reigns came out. Henry’s music hit but he didn’t come out. We saw on the TitanTron that Kane and Rollins destroyed him backstage. The heels had the Stooges in their corner and wen tot work on Kane. The crowd chanted for Orton but Reigns made his own comeback and beat Kane.

After the match, Orton came out and joined Reigns. They took out the heels