View Full Version : Impact Report / Results - 20th Mar, 2015

03-21-2015, 04:49 AM
We don't waste any time, going right into the action!

Ultimate X/Tag Team Title Match
The Wolves vs DJ Z & Jessie Godderz vs Manik & Sanada

There's obviously no tags in a match like this, so everyone is in the ring. They all try to jump the Wolves right off the bell, but the Wolves quickly gain control and dominate all four opponents. Angelina tries to distract them by shaking her ass at them, but the Wolves are wise to her game and go for the belts instead. Jessie stops that and nails Eddie with a dropkick, then press slams Davey. Now the four challengers are all on the same page and working Davey over while stranding Eddie out on the floor. Manik tries to sneak up on to the cables to grab the belts, but Jessie gets great height on another dropkick that knocks Manik to the mat. Jessie and DJ Z try boosting one another up to the belts to try and get them without climbing, then both heel teams try the chicken fight thing, and then the Wolves come in and dropkick all four of them in one fell swoop. Eddie pulls Manik down from another try for the belts, and powerbombs him onto Davey's knees. DJ Z gets shoved through the scaffold, then Jessie flattens both Wolves with a double clothesline. Jessie goes up for the belts, but Sanada blows the green mist in his face and starts climbing. Eddie knocks Sanada down onto the top rope, gives him a super Frankensteiner, Davey gives Manik the top rope double stomp, and the Wolves both climb and grab the belts at the same time for the win.

Winner: The Wolves

We look back at earlier tonight when Kurt Angle and Bobby Lashley each arrived at the arena. They'll face off for the TNA World Title in tonight's main event!

We see Kurt Angle backstage warming up for tonight's match, then we go to the ring to hear from Austin Aries. He's been out for two weeks because the BDC put him on the shelf, but he wants the briefcase he put his career on the line for back. Samoa Joe and Low Ki come out to the ring with the briefcase and Low Ki says Aries won't be challenging for any World Titles while they have it. Aries says the briefcase has no legal value to him, but Low Ki also stole the X Division Title from him, so he'll put the briefcase on the line against the X Division Title, winner take all. Low Ki says that sounds fair enough...(Samoa Joe knocks Aries on his butt with a right jab)...but if Aries wants his briefcase back, he'll have to go through Samoa Joe. We'll see that match after this commercial!

Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe

We're back and they are going at it hot and heavy as Joe flattens Aries with a gourdbuster before ramming him shoulder first into the ringpost. Aries tumbles out to the floor and Joe follows him out to dish out more punishment. Joe brings Aries back inside and puts him in a nerve hold, Aries gets out but Joe connects with an inverted atomic drop and a running boot for 2. Joe misses a senton and Aries mounts a comeback, hanging Joe between the ropes and hitting a neckbreaker to the apron. Aries comes off the top with a missile dropkick, hits the IED in the corner, and goes for the brainbuster. Joe blocks and goes to a Fujiwara armbar, and the crowd is solidly behind Aries as he makes his way to the ropes to force a break. Joe puts Aries on the top rope for the Muscle Buster, but Aries escapes, hits a roaring elbow, drills Joe with another that drives Joe to the floor, and Aries comes through the ropes with a heat seeking missile. Low Ki suddenly comes out of nowhere and blindsides Aries, causing the ref to call for the bell.

Winner: Austin Aries by DQ

Joe holds Aries so Low Ki can nail him with the briefcase, but Aries moves and Ki lays Joe out. Aries nails Low Ki, gets his briefcase, and holds it high as he marches back up the aisle. Suddenly, Rockstar Spud comes marching out with his briefcase and hands it over to the referee, so I guess we have an impromptu title match!

X Division Title Match
Low Ki (c) vs Rockstar Spud

Spud quickly hits the Acid Drop and covers Low Ki to claim his first championship.

Winner and new X Division Champion: Rockstar Spud

Now we see Bobby Lashley backstage warming up for tonight's main event, then we go out to the parking lot where Brutus Magnus is beating the crap out of Bram. They fight out onto the street, then back into the building and out to the ring. A bunch of officials come out to separate them and Bram gets a mic to tell Magnus he said he'd take everything away from him, and this draws Mickie James out to the ring. She stands between the two men looking back and forth at them, and my Stupid Heel Turn Alarm is going off, but she eases my fears by kicking a field goal through Bram's uprights, then Magnus drags Bram up to the entryway and f'ing CRUSHES Bram with a powerbomb onto the ramp that I think I heard from here in New Jersey. That was a BADASS powerbomb!

We go to a video package of Eddie Edwards, Al Snow, Ethan Carter III, Mike Tenay, Tommy Dreamer, and MVP sharing their thoughts on tonight's title match, then we go back to the ring for another title match...

Knockouts Title Match
Taryn Terrell (c) vs Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong

Gail and Taryn go right after Kong, but Kong powers them both off and starts to stalk Taryn. Gail comes in with a nice spinning kick to the abdomen, but Kong shrugs it off and tosses Gail into Taryn, then gets Gail in a sleeper and just flings her across the ring. Taryn leaps onto Kong, who again easily tosses her off before running both girls over with shoulderblocks. Kong goes for the Implant Buster, Gail rolls upward to try for a Frankensteiner, but Taryn rolls them both up for 2. Kong with a big double clothesline that wipes both opponents out, then knocks Gail out to the floor. Taryn again comes back at Kong and nails her with a missile dropkick, then comes off the top with a crossbody that Kong easily powers out of at 2. Kong blocks the Stunner, but misses a second rope splash, allowing Terrell to hit a Diamond Cutter for a very close 2. Kong quickly bounces back to her feet and Terrell goes all Drew Killer on Kong, knocking her out to the floor after a flurry of shots. She tries to go to the top rope, but Gail piefaces her off, takes Kong out with a dive, then goes back up to battle Taryn on the top rope. Gail hits a top rope sunset bomb for 2 on Taryn, but Taryn counters Eat DaFeet to a rollup for 3.

Winner: Taryn Terrell

James Storm is backstage and says it ends with Matt Hardy tonight, and he's going to flip the coin to decide what happens to Hardy tonight: if it's heads, Hardy survives, and if it's tails...well, we can think of what happened to his brother. Storm flips the coin and looks at it, then says that he can't wait to tell Hardy what it landed on.

We see a video package hyping tonight's title match, then the Mystery Cameraman asks Kurt Angle for his thoughts on his match with Lashley. Angle says it's been over a year since he's competed for the TNA World Title, and unfortunately it's going to be against the most dominant man in the business. But tonight he'll show Lashley blah blah blah going to take the World Title.

No DQ Match
James Storm vs Matt Hardy

Hardy wastes no time going after Storm, and pummels him with right hands and then gives Manik a shot for good measure. Hardy tosses a bunch of weapons into the ring and uses a trash can to put Storm's lights out. Hardy tries to go to the top rope, but the Revolution sticks their noses in again and trip Hardy up, allowing Storm to superplex him for 2. Abyss pulls one of his cute little bags out from under the ring and hands it to Storm, who opens the bag (with some difficulty) and pours out...thumbtacks! Storm puts Hardy up top for another superplex, but Hardy shoves Storm onto the tacks and comes off the second rope with a howling elbow and covers for 2. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and makes a cover, but the ref takes long enough finding a spot without tacks that Abyss is able to get into position and pull the referee out of the ring. Khoya pulls Hardy out and goes after him with a chair, but Hardy gets ahold of it and uses it on Khoya, lays Manik out with a Twist of Fate on the floor, and walks right into the Last Call as he reenters the ring. Hardy kicks out at 2 and Storm is irate, and he takes too long picking Hardy up and falls victim to the Twist of Fate. Hardy is too weak to go for a cover, and Abyss hands Storm his rope and cowbell while Hardy recovers. Sanada blows some more mist in Hardy's face and Storm nails Hardy with the bell, then hits two more Last Calls for the win.

Winner: James Storm

The Revolution holds Hardy while Storm gets a mic and says he is the reason Jeff is out of wrestling, and now Matt can visit him in the hospital. Storm cracks Hardy in the skull with the bell and knocks him out, then says there's always room for one more in the Revolution.

Kurt Angle is backstage, and he's...STRETCHING! And Bobby Lashley is backstage, and he's...ROCKING OUT TO MARIAH CAREY! Okay, it might have been something else, but either way, they'll face off for the TNA World Title after this commercial break!

It's...MAIN EVENT TIME! They're really giving this the big match treatment, right down to following Angle and Lashley through the backstage area on their way to the ring.

TNA World Title Match
Bobby Lashley (c) vs Kurt Angle

Angle starts off going behind on Lashley to a waistlock but gets shrugged off by the champion. Angle is having a tough time dealing with Lashley's power as Lashley shoots a single leg and takes Angle down, but Angle gets out, hits an overhead release suplex, and a series of rolling German suplexes. Angle takes Lashley down and goes to an anklelock, but Lashley makes it to the ropes quickly and then is promptly clotheslined out to the floor. This is the first time Lashley has been dominated like this in TNA, and he rolls in to break the count and goes right back out to the floor. Angle goes after him, but the champion elevates Angle and drops him chest first onto the barricade. They go back inside and Lashley covers for 2, then rips Angle's head off with a clothesline and goes to a top wristlock. Angle gets his elbow up as Lashley charges in, then comes off the second rope with a shoulderblock and both men are down. Angle starts firing off right hands and more German suplexes, but Lashley elevates Angle again and plants him with a spinebuster for 2. Angle sidesteps a spear and hits more rolling German suplexes, and then more, and then still more. Angle is throwing everything he's got at the champ, and the straps ocme down as Angle goes to the anklelock. Lashley is in pain, but he isn't tapping out yet. He kicks Angle off and then quickly regains his feet and hits the powerslam for 2 as we go to commercial.

We're back, and Angle sidesteps another spear, takes Lashley down, and turns him back into the anklelock. Angle has him right in the middle of the ring, but Lashley rolls through and sends Angle crashing into the corner. Lashley sets for another spear attempt, but Angle gets his boot up in Lashley's face and hits the Hacker Slam for 2. Lashley catches Angle with another clothesline and pops him up for a slightly delayed vertical suplex, and then sets for the spear yet again. Lashley finally connects, but Angle somehow manages to kick out at 2, and Lashley is in disbelief (wherever that is). Lashley decides to go outside his comfort zone and goes to the top, Angle tries to run up the ropes for the suplex, Lashley fights him off and comes off the top with a frogsplash, and Angle rolls out of the way. Eh, Lashley would have overshot him by like four feet anyway. Now Angle goes to the top and comes off with a crossbody, but Lashley rolls through and catches Angle in his own anklelock! Angle is really close to the ropes, though, and he's pretty much able to extend his arm and grab the rope right away. Angle dodges another charge and hits another Hacker Slam, Lashley is out at 2 again and catches Angle in a cross armbreaker on the break. This time he has Angle positioned away from the ropes, but Angle rolls out and gets the anklelock yet again. Lashley goes for the ropes, but Angle drags Lashley back ot the middle of the ring, grapevines Lashley's leg, and cranks on it for all he's worth. Lashley fights like hell and nearly passes out, but has the wherewithal to tap the title away before he goes out.

Winner and New TNA World Champion: Kurt Angle