View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - 21st Mar, 2015 (Phoenix, Arizona)

03-22-2015, 11:24 PM
Results from WWE in Phoenix 3/21/15

Jack Swagger beat Adam Rose (Swagger was really over with the crowd).

R Truth beat Fandango after the ref tossed Rosa from ringside (Truth was way over and celebrated with some local kids after, in the ring).

Bo Dallas said he promised us he would be victorious tonight and proceeded to lose to Erick Rowan after the match he got back on the mic and said that was a mistake and challenged anyone in the back to come out. He said if he loses he will never come back to Phoenix. He then lost to Zack Ryder. Both matches lasted a combined 4-5 minutes.

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro beat The Ascension, Prime Time Players and The Blue Day in an elimination match for the Tag Titles.

(Note: The first elimination was The Ascension eliminating PTP and the ring announcer announced The Ascension was eliminated)

Ryback beat Rusev in a US Title Match by DQ when Rusev used the Title Belt on Ryback. This was a very competitive match)

Goldust pinned Stardust.

Nikki Bella defeated Paige in a Divas Title Match with the big forearm and the rack attack after a distraction from Brie.

John Cena and Randy Orton defeated Seth Rollins and The Big Show after an Attitude Adjustment on Show and Orton with the Pin after an RKO to Rollins.

Biggest pops of the night
1. Cena
2. Orton
3. Bellas
4. Swagger
5. Ryback and Truth

03-23-2015, 05:36 PM