View Full Version : Meltzer on Recent News

03-26-2015, 11:19 PM
$3 million figure is incorrect.

Vince's take on Reigns as Luger is incorrect. Vince very high on him still.

The writers have zero to do with Brock vs. Reigns. It is all Vince. HHH may have some influence, but he'd be the only one because Vince is not taking input from anyone except him, and it's possible he'll listen to Heyman. Also, whatever his idea is, he's not telling ANYONE (except maybe HHH or if Dwayne' s involved, and I don't know if he is or not) as of today.

Whatever Sheamus is doing, and he is booked on the show, is already planned out and all the key people know what it is.

03-26-2015, 11:22 PM
Meltzer can go Fu** himself!

Brock is winning, and Vince is an old man who needs to back off if WWE want to keep their fans.

Not that I care. The whole thing is just silly, and if Reigns win the match at WM, with or without the help from The Rock, it will go down in history as one of the badest decisions in not only Vince's life, but in wrestling history.

Newsflash Vince, Roman Reigns doesn't look anymore intimidating than my grandma!

03-27-2015, 03:50 PM
Will be interesting to see if Rock is going to be involved at Mania or RAW the next night. I thought he was going to be in New York during Mania week but I think he can get to Mania if he catches a early flight.

I would rather listen to Heyman than Vince at this time in wrestling.