View Full Version : Wrestlemania Today Report (27Mar): Dusty Rhodes, Gene Oakerland, Bellas & more

03-28-2015, 09:17 AM
Wrestlemania Today from Wrestlemania AXXESS in San Jose, California.

Your host is Renee Young and she is joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves.

Renee mentions that Paul Heyman will be joining them as well as Dolph Ziggler, Tyson Kidd, Cesaro, and Dusty Rhodes.

Renee mentions the match between Bray Wyatt and Undertaker.

We have a video package.

Renee points out we have not seen Undertaker since last year’s Wrestlemania, but has he bitten off more than he can chew.

Byron says that Bray needs this moment because he thrives on being worshiped and praised.

Renee wonders if Bray has anything to lose. Byron says that this is Bray’s personal mission so he has a lot to lose. Bray decided that he needs his next defining moment and that moment is to face the Undertaker.

Renee brings up the mindset of Bray and how Byron pointed out on Smackdown that he was smiling and had no fear. Corey says that only Bray knows what is going on in his head. Corey says that it is genius, not madness. His plan is coming to fruition. He has manipulated the Undertaker and has forced Undertaker back into a WWE ring.

Byron points out that there are a lot of question marks around the Undertaker. Bray has perfected the mind games, but he is facing the man who wrote the book on mind games.

Renee asks for predictions. Corey says Bray is going to win. Byron says Bray needs this, but Undertaker will bring something else to the table we have not seen. Renee points out that Taker has had a year to stew on his loss last year.

Corey points out that Undertaker was a broken man last year.

We take a look at John Cena and his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel.

The Tag Team Champions Tyson Kidd and Cesaro join the panel.

Tyson says what better way to kick of Wrestlemania with a bang than with the champions. Cesaro says they are going to give a kick start to Wrestlemania. Cesaro tries to expose Renee’s attempt to promote the sponsor by pointing out that the can is not even open.

They reveal their new t-shirts. Cesaro points out that the shirts are available at the Super Store.

Renee asks about their preparation for the match. They talk about Cesaro’s collapsible cereal bowl.

Byron points out that they won the title in less than three months as a team. Cesaro points out they started as a team on December 1st. They are facing three teams because they won’t take the easy way out.

Byron asks about the tag team division and if they are offended that anyone can win the title. Kidd wants to know if it was Cole or JBL. Cesaro asks Byron who does he think can beat them. Byron says it will be a hard battle.

Cesaro asks Corey if anyone can win the title from them. Corey says no one can and Byron calls Corey a suck up. Cesaro and Tyson say that is a fact.

Byron Saxton talked to Roman Reigns and we go to the interview.

Byron asks Roman about his evolution from NXT to the Shield to now. Roman says NXT was a great platform for someone with tools and he sharpened them. He gained experience he did not have.

The Shield was a godsend. It was a huge blessing. It thrust them into the positions they are in now. They wanted to raise the standard of the WWE and leave it a better place than they found it. For that to fall apart, it was like a rug being pulled out from under them. Things happen for a reason and he has grown.

Byron asks Roman about the moment with the Rock after winning the Royal Rumble. Rock told him to stay humble and remember that he is representing his family. Roman says that he is trying to lift the bar that his family has created.

Byron asks Roman what do you say to the detractors. Roman says that he respects people’s opinions but you have to respect his. He is asked about the pressure to face Brock Lesnar and he says this is the biggest moment of his life. Sometimes you can build a mystique. He has Paul Heyman feeding his bravado. Brock has backed it up, but he can be beaten and he is the man to do it. You are going to see a level of intensity you haven’t seen before. He has been told that he can’t. Roman says he can and he will. He tells Byron to believe that.

Renee brings up Brock re-signing earlier in the week and she asks if that changes the match.

Byron says that if Roman was worried about his contract, he could use that as an advantage. Now that Brock is locked into a contract, his focus is on the title. This could make it tougher for Roman.

Corey says that Roman has to stay the course and not let Paul get inside his head. Roman knows his biggest opportunity is on Sunday. There are doubters and unbelievers. Brock had to beat the Rock to win his first title.

Byron talks about how he was inside the Elimination Chamber and it gives you a new perspective to be inside the ring. Corey talks about going into the WWE Super Store.

The next match to discuss is the Divas Tag Match with the Bellas facing AJ Lee and Paige.

We have a video package for the Bellas. We see footage of the Bellas from the Divas Search. Nikki says two girls walked in with a dream to rule the world and they have created a brand. Nikki says there is more than you see from them. Brie says the haters judge a book by their cover. They have beaten everyone and their opinions. Nikki says you want to hate them because they were reality stars. They did it to show what the Divas are about, especially when you only had three minutes in the ring.

Nikki says that AJ got all of the television time for the Divas division. She was telling lies about the other divas. Nikki says they couldn’t defend themselves because they weren’t given a choice. Nikki says that led to ‘Give Divas a Chance’.

Brie says AJ is the biggest manipulator. She rode the coat tails of so many Superstars and now she is riding the coat tails of the Bellas. Nikki says that AJ is judgmental. Nikki says she does not have to pretend to be someone she isn’t. She wonders who is AJ Lee. You try so hard to be different when you are not. You have your spray tan, fake eyelashes, and make up to say you are an Anti Diva, but you are the biggest one.

Brie calls Paige a silver spooned brat. Who comes into the business and becomes champion overnight and gets a ‘frenemy’? Nikki says that she is so fake. She does not keep people close to them to take advantage of them. You can have your skipping and screaming, but the spotlight is on them. After Wrestlemania, the spotlight will still be on them.

Byron has a question for Renee and he says there are rumblings about the Divas and the split between the Bellas and Paige and AJ. Renee says the champion spearheads the division. There are some who want to get dressed up, but there are some who just want to come in wearing their sneakers.

Corey says that the Bellas are judged unfairly at times. They have been here a long time and they have worked for their success. They may have issues, but they have worked to improve in the gym and in the ring. It is unfair to give the Bellas the rep they get.

Renee agrees and says that while AJ does not have the same platform as the Bellas, but Paige is on there. Byron and Corey wonder if there would be a Total Divas without the Divas.

We see footage from Jon Gruden scouting the participants in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Kane joins the panel. He is asked about the battle royal and he says he is feeling good. Renee asks Kane what is his tactic for the battle royal. He says the big guys are going to be targets because if it will be hard to eliminate them one on one. Then he becomes a target in the second wave. Then he can start eliminating people.

Renee asks Kane what would he say to Hideo Itami making his debut after winning the tournament at AXXESS. He says he would wish him good luck but he will be in there against people who want to win.

Renee mentions that Itami has headlined at the Tokyo Dome, but what does it mean to debut at Mania. He says it will be tough.

Corey asks Kane what is his motivation. He says Andre was one of the greatest and it would be prestigious to win.

Byron asks if he has talked to Big Show about any alliance. Kane says he has not talked to Big Show and he would not tell us.

Renee asks Kane about Pete Rose’s chances and Kane points out that Pete has not had a lot of success at Wrestlemania.

Kane says that Andre is someone he would have loved to have faced in the ring. Winning something named after him would mean a lot.

Renee asks Kane about the Randy Orton and Seth Rollins match and whether he has a rooting interest for either one. Kane says it is important for Seth because it will take him to the next level. He had a spectacular outing at the Royal Rumble and he would expect nothing less against Randy.

We take a look at a video package for the Orton versus Rollins match.

Renee asks Kane about Orton getting put in this position. He says that Orton is a snake and Seth will take care of business at Wrestlemania.

Byron asks about the skepticism of Orton rejoining the Authority. He says that Big Show wanted to bring Orton back with open arms while others did have doubts.

Byron asks what the Authority thought of Orton turning. He says it wasn’t good, but it is what it is. It happens a lot in the business.

Corey asks what does it mean for the Authority to have Seth win. Kane says that Seth has a lot of resources available to help him win.

Renee mentions the NXT ring next to their announce table and Corey mentions that is where Hideo Itami earned his spot into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

We take a look at the ceremony from last night when Triple H unveiled the Ultimate Warrior statue with Warrior’s family.

Dana thanks everyone for being there for them this year. The legacy he leaves behind is something he is proud of. He is proud of what the Warrior did in the ring.

Renee asks them what the Ultimate Warrior meant.

Byron says he had the tassels and the face paint. Corey says Warrior was his hero when he grew up. Corey says it was emotional to watch the ceremony last night and to see his family deal with this.

Corey says no one knew about the statue, but once Triple H came out and the family came out, everyone was at ringside to watch the ceremony.

Renee mentions the Warrior Award for the Hall of Fame and Byron mentions that it will be given to Connor Michalek.

Renee mentions meeting Connor last year at Wrestlemania AXXESS and she says he was a sweet boy who touched everyone. Corey talks about how everyone had something positive to say about him. Renee mentions his family shows up at the events in Pittsburgh. Byron talks about the inspiration you get from Connor.

It is time to talk about the United States Title Match and we see a Rusev video package.

Renee asks Byron if John has put too much pressure on himself. Byron says that he may have but everything America is being represented, John Cena is there. Rusev’s comments light the fire under him.

Renee asks Corey about Rusev. Corey says that since Lana has disappeared, Rusev has been more unstoppable. What Rusev did to Cena on Monday was hard to watch at times. Rusev has been on a path of destruction since he appeared. Cena is usually prepared but he came up short against Rusev. Cena is putting extra pressure on himself.

Renee says that we have not seen John deliver against Rusev. Byron says for Cena to be focused at Wrestlemania, he can look back at what happened at Raw and Fastlane. At the end of the day, Cena will have to do what no one else has been able to do. They have not beaten Rusev by pinfall or submission.

Corey mentions that Cena got this match by making Rusev pass out.

Byron talked to John Cena about this match.

John says Wrestlemania is the single biggest event WWE has. Getting an invite to appear at Wrestlemania is an achievement you strive for. Every moment at Wrestlemania is a chance to show the world who you are.

Byron asks John about the match at Fastlane. Cena says that Rusev is a super athlete. He can do amazing things for a man his size. He has unbelievable strength and confidence. Rusev does not want any of him. He knew he would be the first to get out of the hold. Cena says that he wants the rematch because of what Rusev did while Lana distracted the referee.

Byron asks Rusev why it took so long to get the match. Cena says he thought he was not going to get the invitation. It is a privilege to be at Wrestlemania. What he did to get in the match was patriotic. A byproduct of that is getting his ticket to Wrestlemania.

Byron asks Cena about the patriotic nature of the match. He says Rusev’s comments show ignorance. Rusev lives here and he earns his living here. He is protected under the umbrella of everything the United States stands for but he runs us down. He tells Rusev to leave if he does not like it.

Byron asks Cena if the match isn’t as big as the other. Cena says that he was on the pre show for Wrestlemania 19. He was in the first match. He was in the last match. He has been on the middle of the show. Some say if you are not in the last match, it is a fleeting effort. Wrestlemania is Wrestlemania and any moment is a moment to last a lifetime.

This match, he is excited for. His first title was the US title and he won it at Madison Square Garden. If things go his way, Rusev gets his first loss and the man who is vocal about his distaste of the United States is humbled. Cena will be able to proclaim the Champ is back.

Renee asks what will happen if John Cena does not win. Byron says that we have seen that John can deal with set backs. It will affect him mentally because John is so patriotic. To think you failed an entire country, it will be significant. Corey says it could be catastrophic. John has put the weight on the country on his shoulders. He wonders what will this do to your psyche.

Byron brings up what would happen for Rusev if he loses.

What will happen to the WWE Universe if Cena loses? Corey says it would break a lot of hearts if Cena loses. Byron says Rusev did not want this match. It is due to Lana. The Rusev legacy could have gone on, but to put it at risk against Cena at Wrestlemania, it could add to Cena’s legacy.

Corey mentions Rusev’s training video that is on WWE.com and while Cena trains just as hard, Cena needs to be ready for a battle on Sunday.

It is time to talk about the Intercontinental Title match. Renee mentions the prestige of the Intercontinental Title

Byron mentions the Hall of Famers who have held the title and then we see the video package that aired on Smackdown.

Dolph Ziggler joins the panel.

Renee asks Dolph how he feels about going into a ladder match. He says ladder matches are crazy and in a time when you have to outdo the previous ladder match, people care about the Intercontinental Title.

Byron asks Dolph about all of the titles held by the participants in the match and about trying to steal the show. Dolph says him and Luke had a hell of a ladder match where both wanted to make the title mean something. Barrett is awesome and has the it factor. Everyone loves Daniel Bryan and they have a rivalry because of a tweet.

Byron asks Dolph about Daniel Bryan seeking redemption after winning last year at Wrestlemania and having the title removed.

We take a look at a video package on Daniel Bryan.

Daniel says he has to live up to these expectations and he wants to exceed them. Cole asks Daniel about never being the Intercontinental Champion. Daniel says it is the only title he has not won and the people he looked up to were the Intercontinental Champions. He wants that for this year’s Wrestlemania. He wants people to talk about this match.

Daniel is asked if he will do anything to win. He says he will do anything he physically can to win. He is a little concerned about his neck. You never know what is going to happen. You have seen what Dean Ambrose can do. Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler had a ladder match at TLC and Harper almost broke his arm in that match. There are a lot of people who are not the most hinged in this match. Seven hungry superstars fighting for the title. You have to expect the unexpected and that something crazy will happen.

Daniel says that everyone in the ladder match better think they are going to win. He believes he will win and there will be 70,000 people chanting yes after the match is done.

Renee asks Dolph why he targeted Daniel. Dolph says it is about them because he is jealous of what Daniel has done. Dolph feels that he was a grass roots guy who had crap dumped on him when he was a cheerleader. Daniel has succeeded. He wants everyone to top what he does in the ring. Daniel may have a killer instinct, but Dolph says he has one.

Renee asks Dolph about the risks of being in a ladder match. Dolph says no matter how much momentum you have, getting up to the third rung, it is scary. People get hurt in this match but he is willing to get hurt to prove he is the best.

Byron asks how do you prepare to get hurt. Dolph says you better get that rush going through the curtain and he feels it every night. You are excited and you have to deliver. He has never dropped the ball and he won’t do it on Sunday.

Corey asks Dolph about the other men in the match who are not him and Daniel Bryan. What is your plan. Dolph says they all want it and they want to get to the next level. R Truth and Wade Barrett have been in main events with John Cena. Stardust has a chip on his shoulder. Dean Ambrose.

Gene Okerlund interrupts from the ring and he says that his brother in law is a ladder salesman.

Dolph joins Gene on the floor and he says it was a dream come true. He says that Renee was his first interview but he is excited to be with him. Gene tells Dolph not to get ‘that’excited.

Gene asks Dolph about the danger in the match. Dolph says that all of the people with something to prove in this match. Dolph says that he will climb a literal ladder to cement his legacy.

We have a Wrestlemania Rewind Moment: Triple H versus Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 18.

Dusty Rhodes joins the panel. He says anytime you can be around Wrestlemania, it is amazing. He says it is getting funky like a monkey.

Renee asks about Stardust being in the ladder match. He says there is danger in a ladder match, but the prize is worth the risk. He is looking forward to seeing Stardust bringing it home again.

Renee mentions Goldust being in the Battle Royal. Dusty says that will be a lot of hardware to bring back in the limo. He says it is cool as a dad to see them succeed. It is not like Archie Manning because he cannot throw the ball with Peyton.

Renee asks Dusty about Sting versus Triple H. Dusty says they had him first and he came on the scene and he was out of a different stratosphere. He moved the business. Sting stood his ground and did not leave WCW. Coming in now, he has to be prepared. When you look at Hunter and when he is serious, he is hard to deal with.

Corey brings up how Dusty was similar to Sting because of his time in the NWA. What will Sting be dealing with crossing over. Dusty says you have an opportunity to see something that comes by once in a lifetime. Everyone said they would never leave the NWA to go there. All but one man went and now he is in WWE. Sting has had so much power where he has been, but when you go through the curtain at Wrestlemania, it is more different than anywhere else.

We take a look at a Triple H and Sting video package.

Renee asks Dusty what will Sting bring to the table. Dusty says Sting has to bring the last 14 years into the ring.

Byron asks Dusty how has the match impacted Triple H and his family. Dusty says that negotiations and being an athlete as well takes its toll. Dusty says that this will be a first time match you do not want to miss. Dusty talks about the ability to get over nerves in certain sporting events, but when the bell rings, you have to be ready.

Corey asks Dusty what is Sting’s motivation since the War is over. Dusty says that money and contracts are great. Hall of Fame rings are great, but to walk through the curtain at Wrestlemania money and rings mean nothing. You are there to leave the fans with amazement. It is a one cannon shot.

Renee mentions Randy Savage getting into the Hall of Fame and she asks Dusty about a Savage Story. Dusty mentions working with Savage during the Polka Dot era and he was Dusty’s only Wrestlemania opponent. Savage brought something special to the ring.

We take a look at Randy Savage’s career.

Dusty talks about how imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it happened with Savage. Savage proved it in the ring.

Renee asks Dusty about his greatest memory. He says Randy cared about the legacy. He talks about seeing Randy Savage in the crowd at the armory in Tampa to see him and Jos Leduc.

Dusty talks about how Savage changed things and brought the whole circus to the ring.

Byron asks Dusty about the Hall of Fame class and what it means to him to see them inducted. Dusty says this is a cool Hall of Fame. Dusty says he asked everyone about their favorite Bushwhackers match.

We see the footage of Brock Lesnar announcing he is staying with the WWE.

Renee mentions that Paul would not be able to appear because he would not be seen with the two goons at the table with Renee, but he will be seen next at Wrestlemania with the reigning and defending WWE Champion.

Corey says that he was honored to be called a goon by Paul Heyman.

We take a look at a video package about the end of the Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania.

Corey says that the moment when Brock ended the streak is why Roman Reigns will not win on Sunday. Brock did the unthinkable and Roman has to do the same thing on Sunday. Byron says that Roman will be different on Sunday than what we have seen from him. He has been told that he can, but he will be someone we have not seen before