View Full Version : Anoa'i Family Reportedly Furious At WrestleMania

04-02-2015, 08:29 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Several members of the legendary Anoa'i family were very angry at the finish to the main event of WrestleMania 31 as plans were changed and Roman Reigns did not end up with the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

Reigns' father, WWE Legend Sika, was said to be "looking to start a war" he was so upset. One WWE source commented to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

"Sika forgot this business is not real life, and was legit pissed at the finish and looking to start a war. A lot of the younger (family members) were rallying around Sika, but the other 45 or 50 of them talked some reason."

Another person who was around the family during WrestleMania said they were furious, mad and disappointed but not out of control. While the family came for Rikishi's Hall of Fame speech, they came more to see Reigns have his big WrestleMania Moment and win the title

Big Evil
04-03-2015, 08:47 PM
I understand their frustration, but if they could stop and look at the reasoning behind it I would hope they can understand that Reigns isn't ready. Beyond that, he isn't getting the reaction the WWE wants him to get from the fans, and until they can level that out and get Reigns on the popular side of all the fans then the title won't go on him. At the very least, it won't happen at Wrestlemania. Reigns is still very green in his WWE run and let's not forget that even the Rock had to go through some frustrating gimmicks before he hit it big. Reigns walks in with one character and is expected be accepted by the fans. Rock had to earn the respect of the fans, and Reigns does as well.

04-03-2015, 08:59 PM
Reigns will be champion..but if he will be THE guy only time will tell.

I hope that Rollins plays a huge role (they could be like HHH and HBK) as well as Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Wyatt, Sandow, Ambrose and Ziggler. Future shines bright for WWE, but as everyone knows, WWE can screw it up big time anytime

Big Evil
04-03-2015, 09:45 PM
I agree with you there muzi, only time will tell if Reigns can be the Man. The future is indeed bright for WWE, but I see a big problem before we can move into that future. The powers that be refuse to move beyond the stars of yesterday in order to place this new crop of stars at the forefront of the company. Once they can feel comfortable with the men and women they have on the roster we will see the dedication to the careers that these people deserve. Sadly as long as Vince is in charge I think we will see more of the established stars of the past such as Triple H, Undertaker, Sting, and the Rock take the spotlight over the current roster that should be the focus of the company moving forward.

04-03-2015, 10:09 PM
He deserves shit. Fuck Reigns and his family. There are people that deserve it not him.

Big Evil
04-03-2015, 10:46 PM
He deserves shit. Fuck Reigns and his family. There are people that deserve it not him.

Care to elaborate? Or are you just going to shit on another topic and run away?

04-03-2015, 10:48 PM
I comment what I want then leave :P. Who cares about Roman because that is wrestling. Things change all the time and WWE decided to go with that. You don't see other wrestlers bitching about losing. All of NXT/Daniel/Ambrose/Ziggler deserve it more so it was glorious to see that. Ziggler's worked his ass for years and Roman has done nothing and main evented Mania.

Big Evil
04-04-2015, 04:48 AM
I think that is the big reason people are so upset about Roman main eventing 'Mania. You walk into the WWE and just because of who your family is and your look they push you right to the top. You are right about guys like Ziggler deserving it more. Thing is, Vince doesn't give a damn about the fans and just wants to have his way. Maybe someone steered him away from Roman winning the title, or maybe he got wise and decided it wasn't the time. Either way, Roman needs to develop more and he needs to get a good following before pushing him to the top. Rollins was pushed more or less the way he needed to be to take this top spot. He deserves it.

04-05-2015, 09:05 PM
I agree with you there muzi, only time will tell if Reigns can be the Man. The future is indeed bright for WWE, but I see a big problem before we can move into that future. The powers that be refuse to move beyond the stars of yesterday in order to place this new crop of stars at the forefront of the company. Once they can feel comfortable with the men and women they have on the roster we will see the dedication to the careers that these people deserve. Sadly as long as Vince is in charge I think we will see more of the established stars of the past such as Triple H, Undertaker, Sting, and the Rock take the spotlight over the current roster that should be the focus of the company moving forward.

I simply don't know if it is just Vince McMahon..I too think that HHH does not give the proper guys a push. Of course Roillings (because he was seen as the weaker guy to get over from The Shield and he turned that brilliantly!) now, but I don't believe Sandow or Ambrose nor Ziggler will get more than their 1 short title run.
WWE is a lot wiser than we all think but they could produce a lot more stars when listening to the fans (remember the people exploding when 'heel' Ziggler cashed in and won that damn thing)

04-05-2015, 09:19 PM
WWE did the right thing. They actually listened to the fans. Something they should do already before RR, at least at Fastlane. Having Reigns win against Bryan was a travesty

04-06-2015, 04:57 PM
Trav has been getting cranky at WWE for nearly a year now and he has legit reasoning.

Reigns family should be pissed in a way, it was WWE that screwed him over to not win the title, sure he is not ready but is that the point since they have been planning this match for over 6 months.

04-06-2015, 05:10 PM
Reigns should never hold a wrestling title in any wrestling promotion, ever!