View Full Version : RAW Repost / Results - 6th Apr, 2015

04-07-2015, 04:38 AM
RAW Repost / Results - 6th Apr, 2015
Location: Austin, Texas
Announcers: Booker T, Byron Saxton, JBL

Byron mentions that Triple H and Stephanie are on vacation this week so who knows what will happen tonight after what we saw last week on Raw.

Big Show is standing next to his trophy while Seth Rollins, Kane, Jamie Noble, and Joey Mercury are in the ring.

Seth says before we get started tonight, he wants to take a second . . . to be interrupted by the crowd booing him. Big Show has joined everyone in the ring.

Seth says that he is trying to . . . he gets interrupted again.

Big Show tells you to show some respect for your champion. Seth tells Show he understands that they are all jealous and he would be jealous of himself too. Seth says he wants to wish Triple H and Stephanie well wishes since they are on vacation. They deserve a vacation after the Wrestlemania they put on. Seth says he thought we were over the ‘You Sold Out’ chants. Seth reminds everyone that he is the WWE Champion.

The biggest takeaway from Wrestlemania is not that they broke the attendance record for Levi’s Stadium, that this was the record Wrestlemania crowd, or that they trended 142 during Wrestlemania. The biggest takeaway is that the Authority always wins. Wrestlemania is all about creating moments. They created moments all night long.

Their leader and his role model Triple H nailed the final nail in the coffin of WCW when he single handedly beat Sting. Big Show cemented his place as the greatest Giant of all time by winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Kane . . . Kane . . . Kane was there.

Show takes the mic and he says that he is no longer under Andre the Giant’s shadow, and he says he never was because he is the greatest Giant of all time. Now everyone is under his shadow. Wrestlemania ended with a new WWE Champion. A true fighting champion. A champion with honor, dignity, and respect . . . Seth Rollins.

Seth says the future is now and not just in the new WWE Champion. Seth Rollins is the greatest champion OF ALL TIME.

Show says that we should thank Seth because Seth gave us an epic memory. A memory that will go down as one of the greatest things that will live forever, on the WWE Network.

Seth cannot think about what to say about Kane so Kane takes the mic. He says that the Authority was successful at Wrestlemania because . . .

Randy Orton’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage. Randy congratulates Seth for getting his Wrestlemania moment and he wants everyone to let Seth hear it. By cashing in, it does not take away from Randy hitting the greatest RKO of his career. Randy points out that he beat Seth.

Seth tells Randy his problem is that he sees things as ‘glass half empty’. Seth says he cannot stand whiny complainers. It is not about Randy Orton.

Randy says that he is calling it like it is. He deserves the chance to face Seth for the title. Randy wants to know if he needs to check with Mommy and Daddy to make it okay.

Kane says that he is still the Director of Operations and in a position of power so he tells Randy to show him some respect. Kane says that Randy has made it clear that he wants to challenge Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship, but there are others who are worthy. Tonight we will have a triple threat match to determine the Number One Contender to face Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules. It will be Roman Reigns versus Ryback versus Randy Orton. Kane says that is what is best for business.

Kane says that you will all compete in singles matches before the main event. Kane tells Randy his match is next. . . . against ME!

Kane vs Randy Orton

Orton punches Kane and he hits a clothesline into the corner and goes for another one and connects. Kane with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Orton with forearms across the chest. Kane knocks Orton off the turnbuckles with an uppercut and Orton falls to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton with a kick but Kane with an uppercut. Orton with more punches and a head butt. Kane with a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall. Kane with a punch followed by an Irish whip and clothesline. Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane with a boot to Orton. Kane kicks Orton. Kane with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Orton with clotheslines and then he hits a power slam followed by a drop kick. Kane goes to the apron and Orton with a kick and then he sets for the IEDDT and he hits it. Orton listens for the crowd to tell him where to twist to the mat and pound it for an RKO, but Kane heard it and he goes to the floor to regroup. Orton goes to the floor and he clotheslines Kane. Orton with a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier but Kane with a chair to the midsection and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Randy Orton (by disqualification)

After the match:
Kane tries to choke slam Orton onto the chair and Orton escapes. Kane avoids an RKO onto the chair and he goes to the floor.

We are told that Ryback will face Luke Harper while Roman Reigns faces the Big Show.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to talk about the retirement of AJ Lee. Makes her 'retirement' more confusing.

Brad Maddox is in the office and he talks to Kane and Kane wants to know who the hell does he think he is. Seth comes in and he tells Kane he is not pulling his weight. The Authority’s first priority is to protect Seth. Kane says he is the only one who gets it. Kane points out that he helped Seth win Money in the Bank and he would not be champion if not for the briefcase. It is best for business to give Seth a top opponent.

Kane says that maybe Randy is right and Seth is scared of him.

Seth says he is not afraid of anyone. Seth says what might be best for business is if Kane steps down as Director of Operations. Kane says that Triple H and Stephanie are on vacation in the South Pacific where there is no cell phone reception so he is in charge tonight.

Seth says that when they get back, Kane will have a lot to answer to.

Kane says that Seth’s behavior borders on being disrespectful. What is best for business is to put Seth in a match and that match is next.

Booker and John talk about their injuries and what they hope had happened to Brock. We have a video package in case you missed the carnage last week.

We go to commercial.

Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble) vs Adrian Neville

Before the match starts, Rollins laughs at his opponent and he says he wasn’t expecting this. He wants everyone to give a warm WWE Universe welcome to Neville. You must made your Raw debut last week and now you are in the ring with the WWE Champion. Seth wants Neville to tell everyone about him, but he takes the mic away and he says that Neville is probably nervous being on live television in front of everyone. He tells the pipsqueak to sit this out.

Neville with a back heel kick and the referee checks to see if Rollins is ready.

Neville with an arm drag and an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Rollins with an elbow and he backs Neville into the corner and he connects with a forearm. Rollins with a chop and snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Neville floats over and flips to the other side of the ring. Neville goes to the apron and he flips back in followed by a head scissors and a plancha onto Rollins and then he avoids Mercury and Noble and goes back into the ring.

We go to commercial

We are back and Neville with a snap mare but Rollins sends Neville into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Rollins kicks Neville and chokes him in the ropes. Rollins kicks Neville and he gives Neville a hard Irish whip. Rollins with a knee and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock but Neville goes for an O’Connor Roll but Rollins holds on to the ropes. Rollins with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall.

Rollins with a knee to the midsection as Neville comes off the ropes. Rollins with a second knee. Rollins tries for a third knee but Neville with a rollup. Rollins with a kick and he punches Neville and taunts him. Rollins with elbows to the head and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Neville with forearms and he lands on his feet when Rollins tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Neville with a jawbreaker and punches.

Neville with a running forearm or two followed by a back heel kick and another kick. Neville with a back heel kick but Rollins with a clothesline for a near fall. Rollins continues to taunt Neville and he slaps Neville a few times. Neville slaps Rollins but Rollins with a kick and he tries for the buckle bomb but Neville counters with a rana that sends Rollins into the turnbuckles. Neville with a kick to the head and Neville goes up top.

Mercury distracts the referee and Noble tries to attack Neville, but Neville stops him. Neville with a rollup but Rollins recovers and hits the buckle bomb followed by Black Out for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match:
Noble and Mercury hold Neville and Rollins with a second Black Out to Neville.

We go to commercial.

We are back and John Cena makes his way to the ring and he has something to say before his Open Challenge. John mentions that the city of Austin has declared today ‘WWE Day’ and it sounds like you are fired up. John says that he is proud to say the Champ is HERE.

John says that he hears some people who are glad he beat Rusev. He says that he hears some people who wouldn’t mind someone coming to the ring to take this title from him. He fought hard for what this title is and what it stands for. The United States is a land of opportunity and the title is a symbol of excellence. This title is an opportunity for someone as well.

John says Rusev wants a rematch for the United States Championship at Extreme Rules, but what about tonight? What about us? What about you? Just because Rusev wants to sit on his butt until Extreme Rules, why can’t we have a United States Title Match right here, right now in Austin? John tells whoever accepts the challenge, you are just getting an opportunity. John says it will not be easy. You better step up or you will get stepped on.

This week’s challenger is . . .

John Cena Open Challenge United States Championship
John Cena vs Stardust

Stardust corrects the people chanting for ‘Cody’. Stardust with a wrist lock and hammer lock but Cena with a reversal. Stardust punches and kicks Cena. Stardust with a sunset flip for a near fall. Stardust kicks Cena and Cena with elbow drops. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and a hard Irish whip. Cena with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall.

Cena with another near fall and he goes for a reverse chin lock. Stardust with punches but Cena punches back. Cena with a kick to the ribs and he punches Stardust. Stardust goes to the floor and he tries to regroup.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cena picks up Stardust and he sets for the Attitude Adjustment but Stardust with elbows followed by Beautiful Disaster for a near fall. Stardust kicks Cena in the corner and then Stardust with a flip stunner from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Stardust goes up top and Cena catches Stardust and hits a power bomb for a near fall. Cena gets Stardust up for Attitude Adjustment but Stardust lands on his feet and Stardust with an Alabama slam for a near fall.

Stardust tries for CrossDust but Cena counters into a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Cena gets Stardust on his shoulders again but Stardust with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then he sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Stardust kicks Cena in the head and hits a DDT for a near fall.

Stardust goes up top for a moonsault and he hits it and gets a near fall. Cena grabs Stardust by the leg and applies the STF but Stardust gets to the ropes. Stardust kicks Cena away and Stardust hits CrossDust but Cena kicks out. Cena with a springboard stunner followed by an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

The Bellas walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

Nikki Bella and Brie Bella vs Paige and Naomi

Brie and Paige start things off and Brie with a clean break. They lock up again and Brie pulls Paige’s hair and she slaps Paige. Paige with a series of short arm clotheslines and Paige screams. Paige gets distracted by Nikki on the apron and Brie knocks her to the floor and Nikki with a clothesline.

Paige rolls back in and Brie with a kick and she sets for the running knee and she connects and gets a near fall. Brie with a front face lock and Nikki tags in and they hit a double slingshot suplex and Nikki gets a near fall. Nikki with a body scissors. Nikki misses a Stinger Splash when Paige moves.

Naomi is tagged in and Nikki is sent into the turnbuckles. Naomi with a kick from the apron followed by a satellite head scissors. Naomi knocks Brie off the apron and Naomi uses her rear end to send Nikki to the mat. Naomi misses a splash from the turnbuckles but she hits the Rear View for a near fall.

Paige with a thrust kick to Nikki and Paige takes care of Brie as they go to the floor. Naomi with a head scissors driver for the three count.

Winners: Paige and Naomi

It is time for Titus O’Neil and Darren Young to take their turn to comment on the New Day. Titus says it was a bad day for the New Day. It is time for them to make fun of the Ascension as they rise up from under the camera. Darren calls them The Detention. Titus says they are like flying monkeys. Darren says that he is chafing. Titus says the Ascension cannot read. Darren says they are the best tag team in WWE History and we get crickets.

Titus says the Ascension . . . We Suck.

Titus says if you want to have the best time, you need some Prime Time. It is time for some Millions of Dollars dancing.

We go to commercial.

Luke Harper vs Ryback

Harper tries to send Ryback into the corner but Ryback is the one to send someone into the corner. Harper with a drop kick followed by a European uppercut and uppercuts that send Ryback to the mat. Harper gets a near fall. Harper with another European uppercut but Ryback with a press slam. Ryback sets for the lariat but Harper with a super kick and Ryback falls to the floor.

Harper with a clothesline to Ryback and he runs Ryback into the ringside barrier and the ring steps. Harper rolls Ryback into the ring and then Harper enjoys looking at the announce table before returning to the ring. Harper misses the discus clothesline but he hits the Bossman slam for a near fall. Harper with a crossface into a Gator roll but Ryback sends Harper to the mat. Harper misses a charge into the corner and Ryback hits the musclebuster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

Renee Young is with the New Day and she asks them about the ‘New Day Sucks’ chants. They say it hurts and it is disappointing. Kofi says they will not show disappointment in their dancing, chanting, or clapping. They clap or they snap. Big E says he was at the airport getting something to eat when a child came up to him and asked for him to sign something for his brother. Big E signed it and he could do that because he claps.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Xavier Woods and Big E (with Kofi Kingston)

Big E and Cara start things off and Big E with a body block and he tags in Woods who kicks Cara. Big E tags in and he kicks Cara. Woods comes back in and kicks him. Woods tags in and Big E sends Woods into Cara with a baseball slide.

We see Cesaro, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya watching in the back.

Woods with a drop kick and he tags in Big E who punches Cara. Cara with boots to Big E and then he tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a springboard corkscrew cross body followed by a rollup and kick to the head. Kalisto with a spike head scissors for a near fall. Cara pulls down the ropes and Big E goes to the floor. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise on the floor but Woods can only get a near fall on the rollup. Kalisto is grabbed by Woods but Kalisto with Salida del Sol and then he hits a plancha onto Kofi and Big E. Cara with Fallen Star for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

We go to commercial.

Roman Reigns vs Big Show

Reigns with punches to Show but Show with a punch and Irish whip. Reigns with a clothesline but Show does not move. Show with a chop and shoulder tackle to Reigns. Show with a forearm to the back and he slams Reigns. Show biels Reigns across the ring. Show with a forearm and he chokes Reigns in the ropes.

Reigns punches Show but Show sends Reigns over the top rope to the floor. Show goes to the floor and he Irish whips Reigns into the ringside barrier area. Show tries to send Reigns into the ring post but Reigns is the one who sends someone into the post. Reigns with a Juggernaut Broad Jump Drop Kick. Show with a spear and both men are down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Show with a head butt. Show kicks Reigns but Reigns with punches. Reigns with clotheslines and Show stays on his feet. Show with a side slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a Vader Bomb and he connects but he can only get a near fall. Reigns rolls to the floor and Show with a baseball slide that sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Show returns to the ring and the referee starts his count.

Show pulls Reigns onto the apron by his hair and Reigns has a smile on his face. Reigns with forearms. Reigns with a Superman punch on the floor and then he returns to the ring for two more but Show stays on his feet. Show blocks a fourth one but Reigns avoids the choke slam and Reigns with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Kane is in his office and he calls the place where Hunter and Stephanie are without any internet or cell phone reception that he has everything under control.

Natalya, Summer Rae, Alicia Fox, and Cameron enter and they say that they think Kane is doing a great job. Kane wants to know what their plan is. They tell Kane that they should give the Divas a chance by having a Battle Royal to determine who should be the number one contender.

Kane agrees to a battle royal next week on Raw.

Sheamus walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roman Reigns is walking in the back and Renee asks Roman about momentum after beating Big Show. Reigns says Big Show couldn’t stop him. Wait until you see what he does next.

Sheamus is in the ring and he says before his next victim comes to the ring, he wants everyone to appreciate what a real man looks like. He tells everyone to be quiet because the grown up is speaking. There aren’t too many real men left. He has been a warrior in a world of insect. Those little people give false hope to worthless underdogs who ruin the world for everyone. He is talking about Dolph Ziggler. He is an insect who needs to be weeded out. Why not pick on someone your own size. There aren’t many people his own size. What you see here is a Celtic Warrior who is six foot six and weighs . . .

Sheamus is interrupted by the music of his opponent . . . Mark Henry.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry

Sheamus walks to the apron and it looks like he is not going to face Henry. He says he doesn’t waste his time with has beens.

Henry biels Sheamus back into the ring and Sheamus wants the bell to be rung. Henry blocks a kick and punches Sheamus. Henry with a head butt. Sheamus with forearms and a top wrist lock. Henry pushes Sheamus over the top rope to the floor but Sheamus hits the announce table in anger.

Henry hooks some horns before going to the floor. Sheamus sends Henry into the ring post and he returns to the ring. Sheamus does the forearms across the chest but Henry with an elbow. Sheamus with knee lifts as Henry tries to get back into the ring. Henry gets Sheamus up for the World’s Strongest Slam but Sheamus escapes and he clips Henry and then he hits the Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

We go back to Wrestlemania and we see what happened when the McMahons faced off with Rock ad Rousey.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus and Wade Barrett will face Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler on Smackdown. (Let’s see if it happens this week).

Bray Wyatt appears in the smoke and he says you know who you are. He says he is talking to you. Your entire life revolves around dedication. It does not matter how dedicated you are but you cannot compete with the forces of nature. You cannot compete against the greatest power of them all. . . Fear.

For it is not your drive for success that molds you, it is your fear of failure. That is the key to your undoing. Do I have your intention now? The New Face of Fear.

Renee Young is with Ryback. Ryback says tonight is a big opportunity. They say everything is bigger in Texas and the Big Guy feels bigger than ever. If he wins tonight, he goes to Extreme Rules to face Seth Rollins. It is every superstar’s dream. Tonight, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns find out why Ryback is hungry for the WWE title.

We go to commercial.

Miz vs Damien Sandow

Miz goes to the floor when Sandow goes after him. Miz has to show Sandow the proper way to take off sunglasses and get no reaction. Sandow knocks Miz off the apron and he sends him into the ring. Sandow with a kick as he re-enters the ring. Sandow kicks Miz and then he takes off his sunglasses and he kicks Miz and chokes him.

Sandow with forearms to the back but Miz with a boot to the head and he punches Sandow. Miz with a boot to the head. Miz chokes Sandow in the ropes and rakes his face. Miz kicks Sandow but Sandow with elbows and punches in the corner. Sandow with Matt Morgan elbows in the corner followed by a suplex and knee drop.

Miz rolls to the apron but Sandow grabs him. Sandow with knees while Miz hangs over the middle rope and Miz falls to the floor. Sandow goes to the floor and Miz gets back into the ring and he kicks Sandow. Miz chokes Sandow and connects with cross faces. Miz rakes the face but Sandow gets Miz on his shoulders for an Electric Chair drop and he connects.

Sandow with a head butt and Miz goes to the apron. Miz drops Sandow on the top rope but Sandow with a clothesline and Reality Check and Sandow kips up. Sandow tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Miz with elbows. Sandow blocks an attempted low kick and Sandow with a single leg take down and he punches Miz. Sandow misses a boot to the head and Miz gets the three count with a rollup and handful of tights.

Winner: Miz

Renee Young is with Randy Orton. She asks him about being the logical opponent for Rollins. Randy says he expected it but the Authority has him jumping through hoops. Nothing against Ryback and Reigns, but he is going to do what it takes to get to that match against Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules.

We go to commercial.

Number One Contender Match for Extreme Rules
Randy Orton vs Ryback vs Randy Orton

Reigns kicks Orton and punches him. Ryback kicks Reigns and gets him up for the muscle buster but Orton stops Ryback and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Reigns punches Orton and kicks him in the corner. Reigns with a forearm but Ryback with a splash to both men and Ryback gets a near fall on Reigns and then Orton. Reigns punches Ryback and Reigns with a flying clothesline for a near fall. Orton punches and kicks Reigns but Reigns punches back. Reigns with an Irish whip but Orton with a clothesline. Ryback throws Orton to the floor and he kicks Reigns.

We see The Authority make their way onto the stage.

Ryback with an Irish whip but Reigns with a boot. Ryback with a power slam and he sets for the clothesline. Orton gets in and he hits a clothesline on Ryback and then Reigns. He ducks a clothesline from Ryback and hits a power slam. Orton power slams Reigns and then he gets Ryback set for the IEDDT but Reigns with a forearm to the back of the head and he gets a near fall on Orton.

Ryback sends Reigns into the turnbuckles but he misses a splash into the corner. Reigns with the neverending Story on Ryback but Orton with a rollup for a near fall. Reigns with a Superman punch to Orton but Ryback with a spinebuster to Reigns. He waits for Reigns to get up and he hits a clothesline. Orton tries for an RKO but Ryback with a spinebuster and then he gets Orton up but Orton gets to his feet and Reigns with a spear to Ryback.

The Authority approaches the ring and Reigns with a plancha onto everyone but Show and everyone goes down. Reigns grabs Rollins and Show with two knock out punches. Rollins is pulled into the ring by Orton and Mercury and Noble go after Orton. Ryback takes care of Mercury and Noble.

Orton with an RKO on Ryback for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match:
Rollins with Black Out to Orton and he kicks Ryback to the floor. Rollins stands over Orton and holds the title belt.