View Full Version : Police now involved with Steiner & Hogans wife incident Wrestlemania weekend

04-07-2015, 07:10 PM
TMZ.com picked up the story of the Hulk Hogan-Scott Steiner issue last week in San Jose, CA, reporting that that Hogan and his wife Jennifer went to the police after Steiner "grabbed" her at the luggage area of the San Jose Airport and "threatened to kill" Hulk Hogan.

TMZ also reported Steiner is being investigated for "felony terrorist threats" and that authorities have gathered airport surveillance video that "shows Steiner confronting Jennifer."

Steiner told TMZ, "Typical Hogan. He's just a punk."

To see the TMZ report, click here (http://www.tmz.com/2015/04/07/scott-steiner-threatened-to-kill-hulk-hogan-police-investigation/#ixzz3Wdf3BwNb).

The Incident:
Steiner and Jennifer Hogan were on the same flight into San Jose. Steiner was said to have confronted her at the airport carousel as they were waiting for luggage. Steiner was in town for the Wrestlecon event that ran Wrestlemania weekend. Hogan requested to WWE officials that Steiner not be allowed into the WWE Hall of Fame (whether he was going to attend is unknown) and at the event, there were photos distributed to security in the event Steiner tried to enter the SAP Center.