View Full Version : Rumor On Who Might Replace Steve Austin As WWE Tough Enough Host

04-08-2015, 08:55 PM
As noted, it's been confirmed by Steve Austin himself that he will not be returning as the host of WWE Tough Enough for the upcoming season on the USA Network that begins June 23rd. There are unconfirmed rumors that Chris Jericho or Goldust may be getting that spot. There's also no word yet on who the trainers will be but the NXT coaches at the WWE Performance Center are expected to be involved. Obviously Bill DeMott will not be returning for Tough Enough.

04-08-2015, 10:45 PM
Just to add to this, I have posted in news earlier about Stone Cold and Tough Enough. Some may have missed it, so here they are:

WWE Tough Enough on USA starts in June


The latest rendition of Tough Enough will debut on The USA Network on Tuesday, June 23 at 8 p.m. ET.

USA Network promotional material for the series released today reads:

WWE TOUGH ENOUGH is an action-packed competition reality show from the ratings juggernaut WWE. Featuring a new format, with live elements, the series gives unknown athletes a chance at being crowned the next WWE Superstar or Diva. Fans can expect harder challenges, fiercer competition and rivalries that are more dramatic than ever.


Stone Colds connection: (not part of what USA Network released today)

Austin turned down a new season of Tough Enough, which WWE was especially not thrilled about. Austin addressed this on his latest Podcast, saying that he wanted to do the show but WWE didn't film when he originally expected them to do so (February into March) and now it's April and the show still hasn't launched production. Austin also noted that he wanted to do Tough Enough but now CMT is producing new episodes of his "Broken Skull Ranch" reality series and he could not do Tough Enough due to CMT commitments. So, he confirms our report that he was off Tough Enough.

Austin said that he has no heat on his end with WWE and "guesses" there is no issue on their end towards him. He then noted that he was going in his own direction and the company was going in their own, but down the line, they would work again. Austin did confirm that there were two separate WWE projects that he was linked to that he is no longer doing.

Another post:

There are problems between Austin and WWE. Some of it stems from WWE buying a ticket for Austin to go to Wrestlemania week but he did not go, they even had a locker room with his name on it at Wrestlemania, so souvces say. It is all a bit weird and we can only go by sources for now.

Austin was even suppose to do Tough Enough this year but he is not now. It was suppose to be filmed in Feb - Apr I believe but it wasn't. He also has his CMT show, Rattlesnkae Ranch to do and dates conlict now for the future.

Austin had other projects with WWE but they have been canceled. Austin said on his podcast that there is no bad blood between the two and there will most probably be projects in the future.

This is why Jerichos Podcast took over. I guess we will see down the track.

Big Evil
04-08-2015, 11:37 PM
I can see Jericho being real good in this role, as he had to work his way up and he has a lot of knowledge and respect for this business. Goldust could be good in this role but I'm not sure he would handle the tv host duties as well as Jericho would despite all his years of experience in the industry. Oh well, I'll still tune in but I think Jericho would be best for this if they can get him to sign on.

04-08-2015, 11:45 PM
Ugh Jericho shilling.

Treat these untalented idiots like crap when they shouldnt even be wrestling and treat the good indy guys who are better than main eventers like nothing.

04-09-2015, 03:18 AM
Ugh Jericho shilling.

Treat these untalented idiots like crap when they shouldnt even be wrestling and treat the good indy guys who are better than main eventers like nothing.

Are you talking about ex Indy guys like Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Bryan etc? lol I think they are being treated pretty damn well, ok, maybe not so much Ambrose but his time will come later in the year.

04-09-2015, 03:21 AM
lol Big Evil, how many people you think nowadays have even seen the real Goldust without his gimmick? To be honest whether he be good or not, which I just don't think he would even with the many years experience, it might ruin his persona.

04-09-2015, 03:32 AM
No I mean Matt Cross on the last TE

04-09-2015, 04:22 AM
No I mean Matt Cross on the last TE
