View Full Version : WWE DIVA Main Event Report / Results - 8th Apr, 2015

04-09-2015, 04:38 AM

WWE DIVA Main Event Report / Results - 8th Apr, 2015
Location: Dallas, Texas
Announcers: Rich Brennan and John Layfield.

Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) vs R Truth

Truth does some dancing before locking up and Truth with a split and forearm. Truth with a hip toss and he punches Fandango. Truth wants to know what’s up. Truth climbs the turnbuckles and punches Fandango. Rosa gets on the apron and that distracts Truth and Fandango drops Truth on the ring steps.

Fandango sends Truth shoulder first into the ringside barrier. Truth gets back into the ring and Fandango kicks and punches Truth. Fandango with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Fandango with a reverse chin lock but Truth with punches and a kick but Fandango with a drop kick.

Fandango sends Truth into the turnbuckles and he punches Truth but Truth punches back. Fandango with chops and he chokes Truth in the ropes. Rosa slaps Truth and Fandango goes to the floor and he punches Truth. Fandango gets a near fall. Fandango with a rear chin lock and turns it into a reverse chin lock. Fandango with knees followed by an Irish whip but Truth with clotheslines and then he hits a Stinger Splash followed by a kick and sit out gourdbuster.

Truth with a split and then he misses the Scissors kick. Truth avoids a rollup and connects with a kick for a near fall. Fandango kicks Truth in the corner and sends him into the ring post and then gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Fandango

We take a look at John Cena’s challenge from Raw when Stardust accepted the challenge, but could not win.

Summer Rae vs Emma

They lock up and Emma with a clean break but Summer has something to say to Emma. Emma with a side head lock and take down. Summer gets back to her feet and Summer with a waist lock. Emma with a standing switch. Summer with an elbow but Emma with a double leg take down and punches but Summer gets to the floor.

Emma pulls Summer back into the ring by the hair. Emma with a cross body and then she sends Summer into the corner when she charges at her. Emma with a DilEmma and then she hits the cross body into the corner. Summer holds on to the ropes and then Summer kicks Emma in the chest and gets a near fall.

Summer with a kick to the back and then she applies a Lotus Lock on Emma. Emma leans back to get a near fall and Summer goes with a body scissors and chin lock. Summer rolls Emma over to get a near fall. Summer with a clothesline and then she sends Emma into the turnbuckles.

Emma slaps Summer but Summer with a clothesline and she kicks Emma. Summer with a Cobra Clutch and she takes Emma to the mat while holding on to the Cobra Clutch. Summer sends Emma to the mat and she hits a leg drop and gets a near fall. Summer chokes Emma in the ropes. Summer misses a leg drop when Emma moves.

Emma gets back to her feet and she kicks Summer from the corner. Emma with an elbow followed by a drop kick to the temple. Emma gets a near fall. Emma tries for a slam but Summer with a step over leg lariat for the three count.

Winner: Summer Rae

We go to commercial.

We are back and Heath Slater is in the ring. He tells the WWE Universe who he is. He says he is a three time tag team champion. He is on Main Event because he is the Main Event. Slater says what better place than the home of the Cowboys . . . Dallas, Texas. Too bad the Cowboys suck.

Slater says not to worry because at Wrestlemania, when he main events and wins, Dallas, you will have a champion you can cheer for. His name is Heath Slater.

Mark Henry vs Heath Slater

Slater tries to tell Henry he did not mean to say anything bad about Texas. Slater has a kick blocked and he is sent to the mat. Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

After the match
Mark goes over to fellow Texan John Layfield to celebrate his victory.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

Miz vs Jack Swagger

Miz does his usual remove the sunglasses to no positive reaction bit, but he has to quintuple clutch before removing them.

Swagger goes for the ankle but Miz gets to the ropes and he goes to the floor. Miz limps a little as he goes around the ring. Miz returns to the ring and he tries to mock Swagger but Swagger shows Miz how to go for the leg. Swagger with a waist lock take down and Miz gets to the ropes and Miz holds on for dear life until Swagger releases the hold.

Miz gets back into the ring and Miz punches Swagger and kicks him in the corner. Miz with more kicks and punches. Miz rakes the face and he runs Swagger’s face across the top rope. Swagger with a flap jack and a running shoulder tackle. Miz goes to the floor and Swagger tries to bring him back in but Miz drops Swagger on the top rope.

Miz tries for an O’Connor Roll but Swagger holds on to the ropes.

Damien Sandow comes out and begs everyone’s indulgence. He says that Miz is bland and irrelevant without him. He is going to come to ringside to watch Miz make a fool of himself with everyone else as we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a waist lock take down but Miz with elbows. Swagger with a clothesline followed by knees to the midsection. Miz escapes a slam attempt and Miz with a clothesline. Miz punches Swagger and he kicks Swagger in the head and gets a near fall. Swagger with a near fall. Miz with another near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock.

Swagger gets out of the hold and he punches Miz and sends him into the corner. Miz with a hard Irish whip and Swagger goes sternum first into the turnbuckles. Miz with a snap mare and knee to the back. Miz returns to the reverse chin lock. Swagger with a punch but Miz with an Irish whip. Miz with another Irish whip and he punches Swagger. Miz is warned by the referee and then he hits the Awesome Clothesline. Miz goes up top and Sandow tells Miz he is as ineffective as he is rotten when he goes off the top so he advises Miz to get down.

Swagger with a press slam and belly-to-belly slam. Swagger with the We The People Double Jump Swagger Bomb but he can only get a near fall. Miz with a double leg take down but Miz kicks him away. Miz with the Reality Check but he cannot capitalize. Miz signals that it is over, but Sandow stops Miz.

Miz yells at Swagger and Swagger grabs Miz and applies the ankle lock. Miz taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to credits.

04-09-2015, 11:55 AM