View Full Version : WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results - 9th Apr, 2015 (Dublin, Ireland)

04-10-2015, 07:30 PM
WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results
3 Arena in Dublin, Ireland
9th Apr, 2015

- Finn Balor defeated Neville

- WWE Tag Team Championship
Tyson Kidd & Cesaro w/Natalya defeated The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods)

- Jimmy Uso defeated Fandango w/Rosa Mendes

- R-Truth defeated Xavier Woods w/Big E & Kofi Kingston

- Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Erick Rowan defeated Bad News Barrett, Sheamus & Bray Wyatt

- Natalya, Rosa Mendes & Emma defeated Summer Rae, Cameron & Alicia Fox

- Damien Mizdow defeated The Miz

- Roman Reigns defeated Big Show in a Dublin Street Fight

WWE were in the 3 Arena in Dublin last night to kick off this leg of their European tour. I'd say the building was around 85% full. JoJo was the ring announcer.

Finn Balor defeated Neville
This was the first appearance in Dublin for the former Prince Devitt since he signed for WWE and he got an amazing response when his music hit. It was extra special for me as I had filmed Devitt wrestling around Ireland over the last year and here he was just months later already performing for the main WWE roster.

This was everything you'd expect between Balor and Neville. This was the match of the night for me and the crowd was behind Balor the whole way which effectively turned Neville heel. Balor pulled out everything including his big dive over the top. There were some great false finishes towards the end and the finish came when Neville landed on his feet after missing a shooting star press, Balor followed it up with a dropkick into the corner and the double foot stomp.

After the match Balor celebrated with the Irish flag until Sheamus' music hit. Sheamus put over Balor, but quickly turned on both Neville and Balor and said there was only room for one Irish star in the WWE as he stood over a fallen Balor who was wrapped up in the Irish flag. This was perfectly done and a really cool moment.

WWE Tag Team Championship
Tyson Kidd & Cesaro w/Natalya defeated The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods)
The New Day were instant heels whenever they came out and it only got worse as they did their clapping deal. Kidd & Cesaro got a good pop and were the babyfaces for the night. There were lots of chants for Kidd & Cesaro when they were in the ring. We're onto something with The New Day as heels, and it is interesting to see Kofi as a full on heel for the first time in his career. At one point Cesaro did an arm wringer on Big E and pulled Big E's arm in the best of the "New Day Sucks" chant. Kidd was worked over for the majority of the match until Cesaro got the tag and came in like a house of fire hitting uppercuts on everything in sight. Kidd & Cesaro won with the Big Swing/dropkick combo. A permanent babyface run for Kidd and Cesaro in the future had potential.

Jimmy Uso defeated Fandango w/Rosa Mendes
It was strange seeing one Uso without the other. It was an okay match, and pretty much what you'd expect. Rosa was taking cheap shots at ringside. The crowd were into Uso and he got the win with the big splash off the top rope.

R-Truth defeated Xavier Woods w/Big E & Kofi Kingston
Woods interrupted JoJo as she was giving away t-shirts and bragged about how he was a PHD and was smarter than everyone else. Truth led the crowd in chants of "New Day Sucks" and did he usual routine. I still don't understand how he got a spot in the ladder match at Wrestlemania. It ended when Big E & Kofi were ejected from ringside, allowing Truth to hit his finish for the win.

Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Erick Rowan defeated Bad News Barrett, Sheamus & Bray Wyatt
This was a great, lengthy match. Ziggler got a monster pop when he came out, and Bryan's was even bigger, the biggest of the night. The sight of the whole arena doing the yes chant along with Bryan is fantastic to see live. Rowan surprisingly got a good reaction, presumably because Irish people like sheep. Wyatt's entrance is always amazing to witness live and Sheamus got a mixed reaction after his heel turn earlier in the show. As a Brit, Barrett didn't go over well.

There was so much great wrestling in this, and Sheamus stopped mid match to put over two of the biggest heels in the country, Mary Harney & Enda Kenny, and told everyone to pay their water rates. The last few minutes of this were fantastic, and had lots of really good near falls with finishers being hit and pitfalls being broken up. Barrett hit several Bull Hammers, Ziggler hit lots of superkicks and a stunner for some reason and Wyatt hit Sister Abigail. Bryan scored the win when he hit the running knee on Barrett. To say Bryan & Ziggler were over would be an understatement.

Natalya, Rosa Mendes & Emma defeated Summer Rae, Cameron & Alicia Fox
This wasn't pretty, and made very little sense especially when Rosa was a heel less than an hour earlier. This was messy from the start. Natalya got the win with the Sharpshooter on Summer.

Damien Mizdow defeated The Miz
There was lots of comedy in this as you'd expect. Miz cut a promo saying that the crowd were to blame for the crappy two weeks he has had. Mizdow got a huge pop and some Sandow is starting to come back out in him with lines such as "may I beg your indulgence for one moment please". The match was good for what it was. Mizdow stunt doubled Miz, by doing a move on Miz and doing the same move on himself. Mizdow won with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Roman Reigns defeated Big Show in a Dublin Street Fight
This was a much better match than expected and probably the best match I have ever seen these two have. Reigns got a mixed reaction, and the crowd were dead for this until Reigns made his comeback towards the end. We had two tables broken, kendo sticks and chairs all used. There were some great false finishes at the end, and Reigns got the win with the spear.

It was a good show, with the highlights being the six man tag and Balor vs Neville and the Sheamus heel turn.

WWE are back in Dublin on November 4th with tickets going on sale on April 16th.