View Full Version : WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results - 10th Apr, 2015 (Belfast, Ireland)

04-11-2015, 10:36 AM
WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results
Belfast, Ireland
10th Apr, 2015

Note: Thiese results are by a drunk Irishman lol

Finn Balor defeated Neville

Cesaro and Kidd (c) defeated The New Day

R-Truth defeated Woods

Fandango defeated The Uso

Ziggler, Bryan and Rown defeated Wyatt, Barrett and Sheamus

Natalya, Emma and Summer Rae defeated Cameron, Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox

Mizdow defeated Miz

Belfast Street Fight
Roman Reigns defeated Big Show

I went to one of the merch stands and they had sold out of the Finn Balor the shirts. Also quite a few child getting Cena, Reigns and Daniel Bryan tops.

This is my first event in 6/7 years and my brother's first ever live event, they have a real nice setup with the mini titantron and everything.

WWE return to Belfast on 10th November 2015, tickets on sale Thursday 16th April at 9am.

Before the show they had some fluff pieces about the WWE euroshop, make a wish, special Olympics, wwe immortals and San Andreas.

They announced that its was the fans choice, either a 1 v 1 divas match or a 6 divas tag match.

Not a sell out but not too many empty seats.

Started off with a video of cesaro and kidd saying their better than us. The host for the night is JoJo.

I've had a couple so match coverage won't be amazing.
First match is Finn Balor vs Neville. Both got good pops. A decent size NXT chant breaks out, crowd is pretty spilt on these guys. Pretty even match so far, Balor hits a dive to the outside, Neville goes for the red arrow, misses and Balor hits the double foot stomp and wins and gets a monster pop after. Good entertaining match, they shake hands after.

Next match is cesaro and kidd vs the new day. Cesaro and kidd got a "meh" reaction, new day got booed. They got the new day sucks chant and cesaro and kidd got a good reaction when they held up the titles. Kofi did a promo before, I couldn't hear half of it they were booed so much. Match starts and cesaro claps along to the new day sucks chants. Tyson and Kofi start off. Kofi tags big e then Tyson tags cesaro who gets a big pop. I heard one kid chant "new day ducks" which cracked me up, kidd and cesaro but the boots to big e to the tune of new day sucks. Big e with some belly to belly suplexs on kidd. Kidd gets the hot tag and cesaro clears house. Cesaro does the big swing and kidd does the dropkick off the top rope for the win. Really good match. Cesaro gets a mic and says new day sucks and that's a FACT! and everyone chanted along. Woods did a promo and called it Ireland. Talk about unintentional heel heat! R truth came out and did some crowd interaction stuff. I used this as an opportunity to grab another beer.

Match 3 r truth vs woods. Quite a long line at the drinks stall and I've seen quite a few people get up, this must be the new divas match! I here r truths music while I wait in line for a beer. That was fast! My brother said big e and Kofi tried to interfere but got sent to the back and he was entertained by the match but he's only 13 so what does he know.

A warrior award video runs about Connor, gets loud cheers. They say that you can buy Connor cure bracelets at the merch stand and on the WWE shop website. They show a video of all the crazy moment in wwe and how it's all available on the network

Rosa mendes is in the ring dancing and fandango comes to the ring, little to no reaction for fandango, Rosa got a good pop.

Match 4 fandango vs the Uso that isn't hurt. The Uso is over with the kids. Rosa dances with fandango and the Uso dances with JoJo and while he holds the ropes open for her to leave fandango blind sides him and the match starts. Loads of people returning to their seats after the last match. Some guy a couple row behind me is heckling the wrestlers every couple minutes and it's pretty funny, even though the won't be able to hear it. The Uso and fandango slug it out and Uso with a sick kick to the stomach and he hits the splash off the top rope for the win. I was indifferent to the match but all the kids loved it.

Next up is a six man tag. Bray wyatt, bad news Barrett and sheamus vs. Ziggler, Bryan and rowan . brays entrance is awesome live and he got cheered. Bnb got some boos must mostly cheers. And sheamus got a flipping massive pop. Sheamus does a promo, I've had too many beers to understand the accent, he says something about Dublin and people boo and says people in Belfast stink. Ziggler gets a really good pop, rowan gets a alright reaction. And Bryan, I think everyone was doing the yes chant and cheered. A extremely loud let's go byran chant broke out even before the match started. Some kids in my row chanted for rowan. Ziggler and Bnb start the match, sheamus tags in after some action and gets bit of a let's go sheamus chant and a you look stupid chant as well. Rowan is getting worked over by the wyatt, Bnb and sheamus. Rowan hit a standing drop kick on bray and tagged Ziggler in. Some idiot tries to start an undertaker chant. I wonder if they should stop selling tickets to these types of fans. Sheamus grabs a mic to tell us we look stupid mid match and Ziggler gets a roll up for only a 2 count. He taunts the crowd again but you can't hear what he says over the boos even with the mic. Ziggler gets the hot tag to Bryan, it's like ghost pepper hot. Double ace handle off the top rope and he does the kicks to bnb. Ziggler does a stunner on someone and Bryan hits the flying knee and the crowd goes wild.

Jojo is in the ring and tries to shill autographed photos of reigns, Bryan and Sheamus, I take this opportunity for a bathroom break and then she must of announced it intermission since I have to fight my way through a sea of people to get back to my seat.

And we're back Jojo asks if we're ready for some divas action and some people boo. People power has chosen a six diva tag. It Cameron, Rosa mendes and Alicia Fox, who come out to some scattered cheers, vs natalya, Emma and summer rae. Nattie gets a decent pop. This match is just filler so everyone has time to get back to their seats. I hear the same guy yell "take it off" and "boring" ten seconds into the match. Loads of Wolf whistles for summer. I'm embarrassed to be in this section now. One of the heels hits a nice looking suplex/bridge pin combo and Emma gets a decent chant going for her. Nattie gets in the match and the crowd cheers when she gets the sharpshooter for the win. Worst match so far but the faces got a good reaction and Nattie is the most over.

JoJo says we can watch extreme rules on the network or sky box office at 1am

The miz comes and out and a loud "we want mizdow" chant starts. Out comes to mizdow and gets a good pop, and cuts a good promo on the miz. Say what you want about the miz, he knows how to work a crowd. Not much wrestling in the early part but still entertaining, brawl to the outside and mizdow does a stunt double spot to applause. Miz does a double axe handle and gets a near fall. I spot a couple families leave because it's 10 pm and they have small kids. Mizdow gets the win with the skull crushing finale.

It's time for the main event of the evening which is billed as a "Belfast Street fight". Big Show comes out first and when you see him live he really is a giant! Roman got a big pop coming out. I couldn't hear any boos other than a couple guys behind me. They gave off and you can really see the size difference. I don't care about this match but my brother has been looking forward to it all night. Big Show slaps reigns on the chest and it echoes around the arena. Show has serious heat and reigns is beloved. Show whips reigns into the steel steps, Reigns goes under the ring and it gets a pop then remembers it's the wrong side so he goes to the other side and pulls out a table and sets it up in the ring. Security are out in force telling people to sit down. Reigns counters a choke slam and puts show through a table. Pretty decent match so far, Reigns pulls out another table, he also grabs a kendo stick and hits show with it a bit. Back and forth, Reigns gets a chair and hits big show with it but as he goes to hit show, show hits a ko punch to the chair and reigns for a 2 count. Show goes to spear to an through a table but missed and gets hit with a spear to send the crowd home happy.

It was a good night over all with just a couple matches being duds.

Sorry if it's a bit incoherent, I've had a couple beers and I'm tired and it's been typed on my phone but thanks for all the work you guys do on the site