View Full Version : Superstars Report / Results - 10th Apr, 2015

04-11-2015, 10:42 AM
Superstars Report / Results - 10th Apr, 2015
Location: Austin, Texas
Announcers: Tom Philips and Rich Brennan.

Adam Rose vs Jack Swagger

Swagger with a waist lock take down but Rose gets to the ropes and he connects with an elbow and chop. Rose with another chop and he sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Swagger with a clothesline followed by knees in the corner. Swagger with an Irish whip but Rose with a boot to Swagger and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a drop kick for a near fall.

Rose with forearms to the head followed by a fist drop and he gets a near fall. Rose kicks Swagger in the corner and the referee warns him. Swagger with punches but Rose with a kick to swagger. Rose with a front face lock. Swagger picks up Rose and he sends Rose to the apron. Rose punches Swagger and hits a stunner onto the top rope.

Rose with an elbow drop for a near fall. Rose returns to the front face lock. Swagger dives at the knee and he hits a splash in the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Rose gets his feet up to block a Swagger Bomb attempt and Swagger tries for an ankle lock. Swagger is sent over the top rope to the floor. Rose goes for a baseball slide but Swagger grabs the leg from the floor and he goes back into the ring with the ankle lock and Rose taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We take a look back at the way that AxelMania ended at Wrestlemania. We see comments from Axel from two weeks ago on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the announcement of the Number One Contender Match for the WWE Title on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at John Cena facing Stardust as part of the John Cena Open Challenge.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told not to change the channel because Axelmania is running wild on the way to AxTreme Rules. No one is more AxTreme than the Ax Man. You will find out what happens when you face the most AxTreme Superstars. WHATCHA GONNA DO . . . when Axelmania runs wild on you?

Curtis Axel vs R Truth

Curtis starts an Axelmania chant but it turns out to be a one man chant. Truth wants to know ‘What’s Up’. Axel throws Truth over the top rope but he lands on the apron. Axel rips off his shirt and Truth comes up from behind and he throws Axel over the top rope. Truth with a leaping split. Truth with a drop toe hold to Axel and then he sends Axel into the turnbuckles. Truth with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot.

Axel with a kick and he sends Truth into the turnbuckles. Axel with more punches and then Truth holds on to the ropes and he does a split before he connects with a back elbow. Axel goes to the apron and he connects with a shoulder. Axel goes up top and he is met with a punch to the midsection. Truth clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back Truth chops Axel and he climbs the turnbuckles for a series of punches. Axel hot shots Truth into the turnbuckle and he connects with a forearm. Axel with a drop kick. Axel chokes Truth in the ropes. Axel with a sleeper but Truth comes back with a sleeper of his own. Axel with a Northern Lariat for a near fall.

Axel with a forearm and he gets a near fall. Axel with a side head lock into a reverse chin lock. Truth gets to his feet and he punches Axel. Axel with a knee and Irish whip. Truth has a kick blocked and he is sent into the ropes and Axel with clotheslines to the back of the head. Axel gets a near fall. Truth punches Axel and then he hits the Lie Detector for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Triple Threat Match to show how Randy Orton became the man who will face Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules.

We go to credits.