View Full Version : TNA Knockout Impact Report / Results - 10th Apr, 2015

04-11-2015, 10:54 AM
TNA Knockout Impact Report / Results - 10th Apr, 2015

We look at a video package detailing the recent history between Gail Kim and Awesome Kong, and then it's time for our opening match!

Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong

These two know each other very well going back to the beginning of the Knockouts Title. They go right after each other, and Kong quickly overwhelms Gail and repeatedly tosses her across the ring by the hair before hammering her with forearms in the corner. Gail gets chucked to the apron, and she tries coming back in with a sunset flip over the ropes, but Kong drops down with a vertical drop onto Gail for 2. Kong gets Gail in a camel clutch, she gets free but Kong quickly shuts her down again with a big clothesline. Gail is in bad shape as Kong hauls her back to her feet by the hair and chokeslams her for 2. Kong yanks a turnbuckle pad off in one of the corners after shrugging off Gail's running crossbody in the corner, then she goes for another chokeslam but Gail counters to a guillotine choke. Kong rams her into the corner and tosses her to the floor, but Gail catches her with a running dropkick as she comes out after her. Both girls roll back inside, and Gail starts chopping Kong down with kicks to the legs, forearms and a running clothesline in the corner, and a top rope crossbody that Kong easily powers out of at 2. Kong charges, but Gail moves and Kong hits the exposed turnbuckle. Gail rolls her up for 2, then hits Eat DaFeet for another 2 count. That was a close one, and Gail is looking frustrated at her inability to put Kong away. Meanwhile, Kong sits up and gives Gail the look of death, goozles her from her knees, and pops Gail onto the top rope. Gail goes for a triangle choke, but Kong counters to a sitout powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Awesome Kong

Kong is now the #1 contender for Taryn Terrell's Knockouts Title.

Promo Videos:
Jade Chung and Marti Belle are coming to TNA, and the promo video makes them look like they're going to be insane grown up girls who play with dolls and like sticking knives in their faces and then scamper around holding hands because they're psycho, or something like that. Oh, and their team name is the Dollhouse.

04-13-2015, 12:13 PM