View Full Version : RAW Report / Results - 13th Apr, 2015 (London, England)

04-14-2015, 03:35 PM

RAW Report / Results - 13th Apr, 2015
Location: London, England
Announcers: JBL, Michael Cole and Booker T

Last week, we found out which man would end up as Seth Rollins’ opponent at Extreme Rules. What will happen as Randy Orton moves one week closer to getting his one on one match against the WWE Champion and revenge on the man who put him on the shelf for a few months.

John Cena makes his way to the ring and the crowd shows that the dislike for Cena crosses the Atlantic Ocean.

John tells everyone not to adjust your volume, Raw is live (sic) from London and London is loud. John says unfortunately for him, it seems like London and him don’t get along, but the building is full. The London crowd has more excitement and energy than any audience they perform in front of.

John says he thinks that London deserves Wrestlemania, but the powers that be want to wait. Rusev could fight, but he wants to wait until Extreme Rules. You want to see him fight instead of talking so the United States Title Challenge continues now.

Wade Barrett’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage and he has something to say.

The crowd thanks Barrett, but he points out that he hasn’t done anything yet. Wade agrees with John. Why should he wait to beat Daniel Bryan for the Intercontinental Championship when he can go ahead and beat John for the United States Championship in front of the greatest nation of the world . . . England.

We go to commercial.

US Championship
John Cena Raw United States Title Challenge
John Cena (c) vs Wade Barrett

Cena with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Cena returns to the side head lock. Barrett with a kick that forces Cena to the floor and Barrett gestures to the crowd to get them to cheer for him. Cena with a waist lock and side head lock take down. Cena punches Barrett but Barrett with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall.

Barrett punches Cena but Cena with a flying shoulder tackle, but since we know there are two, Barrett ducks and Cena crashes and burns. Barrett puts Cena in the ropes and connects with a series of knees while the referee warns Barrett and Barrett with a boot that forces Cena off the apron and to the floor.

Barrett with a Cactus Elbow Drop off the apron. Barrett rolls Cena back in and he gets a near fall. Barrett misses a charge into the corner and Cena with a drop kick and he goes up top. Cena with a cross body for a near fall. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and he sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Barrett goes to the floor.

Cena goes to the floor and Barrett with a knee and Irish whip into the ring steps. Barrett gets a near fall when they returns to the ring. Barrett with a boot and he goes to the turnbuckles but misses an elbow drop. Cena with another Blue Thunder Bomb and he hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Barrett on his shoulders and Barrett with a Blackpool Slam for a near fall.

Barrett punches Cena but Cena punches back. Cena with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Barrett goes for a tornado move into a suplex for a near fall, but Cena puts Barrett in the STF. Barrett gets to the ropes and the referee forces Cena to break the hold.

Barrett with a back heel kick and a second back heel kick for a near fall. Barrett punches Cena but they get back to their feet and they exchange punches as the crowd shows who they support. Barrett with a kick to gain the advantage. Barrett with an Irish whip and Cean tries to float over but Barrett catches Cena and kicks him in the chest. Barrett with Wasteland for a near fall.

Barrett sets for the BullHammer but Cena ducks and hits the Attitude Adjustment but Barrett kicks out at two. Cena goes for a second Attitude Adjustment but Barrett with the BullHammer but Cena kicks out at two.

Barrett winds up for another BullHammer but Cena ducks and he hits a springboard stunner type move followed by the Attitude Adjustment and the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match:
Rusev’s music plays and Lana says that Cena disparages Rusev for waiting to invoke his rematch . . .

Rusev attacks Cena from behind and he hits Cena with a chain.

Lana says that she has talked to The Authority and the match at Extreme Rules will be a Russian Chain Match.

Rusev stands over Cena with the title belt in one hand and the chain in the other. The Russian flag drops. Rusev drops the title belt on Cena.

John wants Cole to talk about his lawsuit with Brock Lesnar, but Michael says it is a private matter.

We take a look at the end of the match from Raw last week when Randy Orton earned his title match against Seth Rollins for Extreme Rules.

We are told that the person who wins their match tonight will get to choose the stipulation for the title match. Randy Orton will face Cesaro while Seth Rollins will face Dolph Ziggler.

Nikki and Brie Bella make their way to the ring to watch the Divas Battle Royal.

We go to commercial.

We are back and there will be an announcement about Tough Enough from Triple H next week on Raw.

Divas Battle Royal to determine Number One Contender for Divas Title at Extreme Rules
Paige, Brie Bella, Naomi, Emma, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Alicia Fox, Cameron and Natalya.

The Divas pair off and Naomi goes after Alicia while Natalya works over Summer. Paige punches Emma while Summer is sent to the apron but she holds on to the ropes. Rosa drop kicks Summer to the floor to eliminate her and Natalya goes to the floor as well. Emma with a baseball slide and Rosa eventually falls to the floor.

Emma goes to the apron for DilEmma but Emma with a kick and Alicia drop kicks Emma off the turnbuckles to the floor to eliminate her. Alicia with a back heel kick followed by a scissors kick. Cameron and Alicia work over Paige. Cameron and Alicia try to eliminate Paige but she stays in the ring. Alicia and Cameron do stuff to Paige and Cameron with a sliding split leg drop kick. Paige is sent to the apron but she holds on to the ropes.

Paige slides back in and Naomi with Rear View to Cameron and Alicia. Naomi eliminates Cameron while Paige eliminates Alicia. Paige picks up Naomi but Naomi stays in the ring. Naomi is sent to the apron and she kicks Paige and she uses a front face lock to pull Paige to the apron. Naomi kicks Paige but Paige holds on to the ropes. Paige pulls Naomi over the middle rope and Paige with knees.

Naomi with a round kick and she tries to kick Paige off the apron. Paige gets back into the ring and Naomi with a drop kick. Paige avoids Rear View and Paige with a few kicks to send Naomi to the floor to eliminate her.

Winner: Paige

We go to commercial.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with Paige and he reminds her that she is the Number One Contender for the Divas Title. Paige reminds everyone she won the Divas Championship on her first day in the WWE. Two weeks ago, she teamed up with AJ Lee to win her first Wrestlemania match. Nothing feels better than to work in her home country and to win this battle royal in front of all of you. This is where she started with her family.

She says she was paid five pounds for her first matches and now she is in the WWE. To be in front of her family and the best friends in the world . . . she has to say that this is her house.

Byron asks Paige if she has a message for Nikki.

Naomi attacks Paige and they fight to the floor. Naomi sends Paige into the ringside barrier. Naomi slaps Paige and then sends her into the ringside barrier. Naomi says that feels good. The referee tells Naomi that is enough but Naomi gets in one last slap before leaving.

Bray Wyatt appears on the screen and he says that it becomes an obsession and a sin. Love can be blind and it can come out. Love can consume you and it can cost you everything. You are in luck friend. He will reach inside and pull out that love like a cancer. He will fill that void with old fashioned fear.

Fear is not stronger than any love can be. Sooner or later, you are going to have to watch everything you love fade away. That one thing that you cannot live without will be taken away from you. Bray says that he is doing you a favor. Pay close attention friend. I have talking to you.

Behold the new Face of Fear.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Konnor and Viktor

Konnor with forearms to Cara and kicks. Konnor sends Cara into the turnbuckles and he kicks Cara before tagging in Viktor. Viktor with kicks and Konnor tags back in. Konnor with kicks and he gets a near fall. Viktor tags back in and he punches Cara but Cara with kicks. Cara with a sunset flip but Viktor rolls through. Konnor tags in when Cara kicks him away. Cara moves when Konnor charges into the corner and Cara with a drop kick.

Kalisto and Viktor tag in and Kalisto with a springboard cross body followed by a rollup into a round kick. Kalisto with a head scissors driver. Kalisto with a handspring round kick to Konnor. Cara with a suicide dive onto Konnor on the floor. Kalisto with Salida Del Sol followed by Fallen Star onto Viktor for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

Michael Cole reminds everyone of the free month for new subscribers to the WWE Network.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Booker T is in the ring and he brings out Roman Reigns.

Booker reminds Reigns that it has been two weeks since he had his chance at the World Title at Wrestlemania and he asks Roman what is his mental state.

Roman says that he is mentally strong for a reason and Booker says he looks good.

Roman says that as long as he wakes up he can be mentally strong. He went to Suplex City but he survived. He said you were going to get a fight and it was a fight. Roman says he told everyone he was going to do a few things. He was going to hit the beast in his mouth and he was going to make him taste his blood. Roman says he could have won. He had punches left to throw, but the bottom line was that Seth Rollins came out and he did what he was supposed to do.

He capitalized on the moment and Seth took his moment. He says that when it comes to Seth Rollins, he has and he will. He has beaten Seth Rollins before and he will become WWE Champion.

Booker tells Roman that he believes that. Booker says that if it wasn’t for the Big Show, you would be facing Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules, but we know that is not going to happen.

Roman says Big Show screwed him and he wishes he could say that Big Show is the greatest giant of all time. Lately he has just been Seth’s giant bitch.

Big Show appears on the TitanTron and he tells Roman not to take the focus away from the fact that Roman failed at Wrestlemania. Show says he was happy that Roman lost the biggest match of his life. Show reminds everyone he became the greatest giant in history when he won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Show says he can do what he wants when he wants. He enjoys keeping Roman down. His goal and pleasure will be to make Roman the most epic failure in WWE history. You won’t get a chance to smell the WWE Championship when he is done.

Show reminds Roman he knocked him out last week. Every time you get up, Show says that he will be standing there waiting to knock him down again.

Roman points out that Show is in the back. There are Superstars who come out and fight and prove who they are every week. Then you have ‘that’. A giant sell out who is either too lazy or he doesn’t have the balls to say it to his face. Roman says that he did not forget that Show screwed him. He says that things are even, but if you continue to get involved in his action, he will destroy the trophy and retire the giant.

Reigns goes to the back and while the announcers talk about Reigns’ comments, we see Big Show attack Reigns and he sends Reigns into the LED board and the taxi next to the entrance. Show sends Reigns into the taxi again. Show with a knee to the head with Reigns against the taxi.

Show picks up Reigns and puts him on top of the taxi and Show climbs on the hood. Show choke slams Reigns on to the hood of the taxi.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see what just happened between Big Show and Roman Reigns.

We are told by Michael Cole that Roman refused medical care.

If Orton or Rollins win, they get to choose the stipulation at Extreme Rules Match
Randy Orton vs Cesaro (with Tyson Kidd and Natalya)

They lock up and Orton backs Cesaro into the corner but Orton with a clean break. They lock up again and Orton with a side head lock. Orton holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip attempt. Cesaro goes for the legs but Orton avoids Cesaro and he is backed into the corner. Cesaro with a kick and European uppercuts.

Orton with a kick and European uppercuts of his own. Orton with a side head lock but Cesaro with a shoulder tackle followed by a double stomp and a very European gesture. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Orton with a punch but Cesaro with a knee. Orton sends Cesaro to the apron but Cesaro gets back into the ring. Kidd pulls Orton off the apron and Orton clotheslines Kidd and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Randy Orton (by disqualification)

Kane comes out and he tells Randy not to celebrate yet. Kane says that he is in charge and as Director of Operations, he is fair and impartial to each and every employee. With the stipulation for Extreme Rules on the line, he cannot let this match end in a disqualification. Since you want some retribution against Tyson Kidd, he will make everything right and it will be a two on one handicap match.

If Orton or Rollins win, they get to choose the stipulation at Extreme Rules Match
Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (with Natalya) vs Randy Orton

Orton punches Cesaro but Kidd chop blocks Orton. The referee warns Kidd and he kicks Orton and chokes him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro kicks Orton and Kidd tags in and he chokes Orton. Cesaro chokes Orton while the referee deals with Kidd. Cesaro tags back in and he kicks Orton. Orton kicks Kidd and Cesaro. Kidd with a tag and he hits a lungblower to counter an attempted IEDDT on Cesaro. Kidd tries for the Sharpshooter but Orton kicks Kidd into Cesaro.

Cesaro tags in and he hits a European uppercut after Kidd elevates him into the air. Orton with a back breaker and Kidd tags in and hits a rollup for a near fall. Orton kicks Kidd and he hits an IEDDT. Orton looks around and he turns to the mat and he hits the mat to signal the RKO but Cesaro pulls Kidd to the floor.

Orton goes to the floor and Orton with a backdrop driver to Cesaro on the ringside barrier. Kidd with a knee to Orton on the floor and then he sends Orton into the ring and Kidd with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Orton moves on a slingshot leg drop attempt by Kidd. Orton power slams Cesaro when he tries to interfere. Kidd goes for a springboard move but Orton counters with an RKO and he gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to the Authority office and Seth asks Kane if he has any bright ideas. Kane tells Seth to win his match so they can each pick a stipulation. Seth says that since they cannot take any chances, he will not be facing Dolph Ziggler tonight. He will be facing . . . Jamie. Jamie is going to lie down for Seth.

Jamie asks why does he have to lie down when it was Kane who made the Triple Threat Match and Kane gave Randy the stipulation choice.

Kane says he has an idea of using a car battery on his testicles.

Seth agrees with Jamie that it is Kane’s fault.

Kane says that he will be at ringside to have Seth’s back. Is Seth afraid of Ziggler.

Seth says he needs to be able to pick the stipulation. He needs to face someone he can beat with his eyes closed. He needs to face someone who knows what is ‘best for business’.

Kane wants to know if Seth is talking about him.

Seth says the number one priority is to protect him and his title. If that is what needs to be done, then he is the man for the job. They can get Triple H on the phone to make a decision.

Kane leaves and Seth says that Kane knows he has no other choice.

We go to commercial.

Adam Rose vs Dean Ambrose

They lock up and Ambrose backs Rose into the corner and Ambrose with kicks while the referee warns him. Ambrose with chops. Rose with a spinebuster for a near fall. Rose with forearms to the chest and he hits a fist drop. Rose with a reverse chin lock and a cross face before he applies a sleeper.

Ambrose with punches and a head butt and then a jab chop combination and running forearm. Ambrose with a forearm into the corner followed by a bulldog. Ambrose goes up top for the elbow but Rose goes to the floor. Ambrose get so the mat and he hits a suicide dive onto Rose and sends him back into the ring.

Rose with a back heel kick and forearm but Ambrose rebounds off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Ambrose with a double underhook DDT for the three count.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Kane is in the back and he is on the phone with Triple H and he leaves a message. Big Show asks Kane if he remembers Survivor Series. He reminds Kane that he knocked out John Cena to be on the winning team. The Authority is the winning side. They made a commitment to Stephanie and Triple H. “Best for Business” is what they live by. Seth losing tonight will put him at a disadvantage and Randy being the next champion is not what is best for business. Show says it is not an easy choice, but there are times when we need to do it. He tells Kane to think about it.

Kane says it will be him versus Seth Rollins and he will do what is best for business.

We go to commercial.

Stardust vs Fandango (with Rosa Mendes)

Stardust with forearms and punches to Fandango but Fandango punches Stardust. Stardust with a forearm to Fandango. Stardust with a gourdbuster followed by an Irish whip. Stardust walks into a spinning heel kick and Fandango goes up top and he leaps over Stardust with Beautiful Disaster for the three count.

Winner: Stardust

After the match:
Fandango says that he finally realized what the problem is. He has been sharing his gift of dance with you when he should be doing it with the entire world. We go back to the original Fandango music.

Kane is in the back having a moral dilemma and Daniel Bryan is there too. Kane tells Daniel to go away.

Daniel says he is not going anywhere and he wants to know what happened to Kane that he would say please. Daniel says Kane is going to lay down for Seth. You think what is best for business is to do a move that was key to WCW going out of business. Daniel tells Kane to tombstone Seth on the steel steps and damn near end his career. Daniel says he feels sorry for Kane.

Kane yells at Daniel to leave.

Daniel tells Kane if he has any pride, don’t be a stooge, be a man.

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed it earlier, We have a russian chain match at Extreme Rules for the United States Title.

Michael Cole tells us that John Cena will be okay after the attack.

On Smackdown, John Cena will tell us about his thoughts on the Russian Chain Match and he will have another Open Challenge.

Seth Rollins and Randy Orton get to choose the stipulation for their match at Extreme Rules Match
Seth Rollins (with Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury) vs Kane

Kane makes his way to the ring, but he is dressed for a business meeting, not a wrestling match..

Kane takes off his jacket and he makes sure that his nice purple tie does not get messed up. Kane takes off his shirt. Kane gets in Rollins’ face and Seth is not sure if Kane is on the same page. Kane gets down on one knee and then he sits down and lies down as Seth prepares to make the easy cover but Kane kicks out.

Joey and Jamie get in the ring and Kane is not happy that they are lecturing him. Kane grabs Jamie and Joey and sends them to the mat. Rollins wants to know what Kane is doing. Rollins pushes Kane but Kane with an uppercut and he signals for the choke slam. Rollins tells Kane not to do this and think about his job. Seth begs for mercy and Kane lowers the choke slam hand. Kane thinks about it.

Kane gets down on one knee again and he grabs Rollins and choke slams him. Kane is about to do the throat slash but he lies down next to Rollins and puts his arm on top of him so Rollins can get the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Damien Sandow is walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

Miz vs Damien Sandow

Miz flaps his arms and has to quadruple clutch to take off his sunglasses. Sandow only needs one hand to take off his sunglasses. Now it is time to take off their Tunics. Miz throws his at Sandow and punches him. Miz kicks Sandow and the referee pulls Miz off Sandow. Miz with a kick and punch. Sandow with Reality Check and a kip up but Miz gets to the apron to escape a Skull Crushing Finale.

Miz drops Sandow on the top rope but Sandow with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

Darren Young and Titus O’Neil are here to talk about another team since they are done with the New Day and Ascension. They put on masks and call themselves Los Matadores. They forgot something and they reveal their El Torito. Darren say that is some bull . . . Titus tells him to shut his mouth. Darren says rainbow is his favorite color. Titus says they should be called Lost Matadores. Titus says they lost their heritage when they put on the masks. Who heard of a Puerto Rican bullfighter.

Darren and Titus do the Millions of Dollars Dance.

We go to commercial.

Ryback ves Luke Harper

They lock up and Ryback backs Harper into the corner and Harper slaps Ryback but Ryback slaps Harper and punches him. Harper with a knee and he misses a clothesline. Ryback with a shoulder tackle but Harper with a thrust kick for a near fall. Harper punches Ryback and connects with a European uppercut. Harper with a Gator roll and a punch. Ryback with a power bomb to Harper.

Harper goes to the floor and he hits Ryback with the cover of the announce table.

Winner: Ryback (by disqualification)

After the match:
Dean Ambrose’s music plays and he hits a Thesz Press and punches Harper. Harper escapes a double underhook DDT and goes to the floor and he throws some furniture.

In case you missed the Divas Battle Royal and post match interview, Naomi attacked Paige.

Naomi is in the interview area with Byron Saxton. He asks Naomi why would she attack Paige in her home country. Naomi says she feels bad about losing her cool and attacking Paige . . . she laughs and says she couldn’t care less. It isn’t about Paige, the country we are in, it is about her. Naomi asks Byron who is the Divas Champion and Byron mentions Nikki.

Naomi points out she beat Nikki twice, so why did we have a battle royal? Do wins and losses mean anything? Naomi says she was in the same NXT season as AJ and she is gone. Where is her opportunity? They call AJ a legend and she cannot take it any more.

Naomi says that people have taken her kindness for weakness. She is not waiting for a title match, she is taking it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph Ziggler tells Kane if laying down to give Seth Rollins the cheapest win of his career and think it is what’s Best for Business, you might want to change your name to the Devil’s Favorite Dumbass. Dolph says he wants to take a page out of John Cena’s playbook and he is going to make an open challenge to anyone in the back.

Dolph Ziggler vs Adrian Neville

They lock up and Ziggler with a wrist lock but Neville rolls through and reverses and sends Ziggler to the mat. Neville with an arm bar. Ziggler with a drop kick and he goes for a wrist lock. Ziggler with an Irish whip and Neville floats over and kicks Ziggler. Neville with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Neville with a reverse chin lock.

Ziggler with a hesitation DDT and he gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a chin lock but Neville with punches. Neville sends Ziggler high into the air and he lands face first on the mat. Neville clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope and Neville with an Asai Moonsault onto Ziggler. Neville gets back into the ring to break the count. Neville goes onto the ringside barrier and he does a tightrope walk and hits a 450 splash onto Ziggler.

Neville drags Ziggler back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Neville tries for a dead lift German suplex but Ziggler with elbows and he tries for a German suplex but Neville lands on his feet and he hits a drop kick. Ziggler with a super kick and Ziggler gets a near fall. Both men are down. Ziggler misses a Stinger splash and Neville with a kick.

Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow but Ziggler moves out of the way and Neville lands on his feet. Neville charges into the corner and Ziggler moves. Neville hits the ring post shoulder first and Ziggler with Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Sheamus attacks Ziggler and hits a Brogue Kick on Neville.

Sheamus slaps Ziggler but Ziggler with a forearm and he punches Sheamus on the floor. Ziggler jumps off the announce table and connects with a forearm. Sheamus sends Ziggler into the ring post and he hits a Brogue Kick. Sheamus gets on the announce table and lets out a FELLA.

We see what happened between Big Show and Roman Reigns earlier tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back it is time for the EXTREME DECISION, but remember there will be an announcement about Tough Enough next week.

Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble.

Seth takes a seat in his recliner while Joey and Jamie get into their own seats. Seth says you guys can boo him all you want (and they do it), but that doesn’t change the fact that he is the future of WWE. He is the greatest WWE World Heavyweight Champion of all time. At Wrestlemania he defeated Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns in the same night. Just like earlier tonight when he defeated Kane.

Kane was supposed to be out here, but Kane has relieved himself of his duties and Seth is in control now. Kane is a real man and a real man knows when to lay down and put the team before himself. Because of his hard earned victory over Kane, he gets to choose a stipulation for his match against Randy Orton at Extreme Rules. Seth wants Randy to come out so he can deliver the news to his face.

Randy makes his way to the ring.

Randy asks Seth if he is comfy. Randy points out that each of them get a stipulation. Randy suggests they clear out the furniture and they fight right here, right now. Then one of us can tell the stipulation over the other’s unconscious body.

Seth says simple is boring. Complicated creates opportunities and that is how he thrives. That is how he won the briefcase and the World Championship. That is how he is going to beat Orton at Extreme Rules. This is power and this is what power looks like. This is how you wield that power.

Seth says his stipulation will eliminate Randy’s greatest weapon. Without it, you don’t stand a chance. At Extreme Rules, the RKO is banned. Seth says the Authority always wins.

Randy tells Seth he likes the way he is thinking. He asks what is Seth’s greatest weapon in his arsenal. Is it his speed and strength? No. It is his links to the Authority. What if they couldn’t help you? What if it is up to the two of us. The match will be a Steel Cage Match.

Seth asks Randy if he is supposed to be scared of him. He is the World Champion. Who is Orton without the RKO? He is just Seth’s first victim.

Randy says that is that. Since the RKO is banned at Extreme Rules, he has to give the people their money’s worth. He pushes Rollins over and then he punches and kicks Mercury and Noble. Orton punches Rollins and then he kicks Noble and sends Mercury to the floor. Orton with a power slam to Rollins and Mercury stops Orton from hitting the IEDDT on Rollins but Orton hits the RKO on Mercury.

We go to credits.