View Full Version : Smackdown Report / Results - 16th Apr, 2015

04-17-2015, 04:50 AM

Smackdown Report / Results - 16th Apr, 2015
Location: London, England
Results: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Byron Saxton

John Cena makes his way to the ring and the crowd in London serenades him.

John says we saw snippets from a painful, but memorable Raw. John thanks London for being a gracious host for the WWE. It is this excitement that made Raw so memorable. Amidst the energy, we found out that Rusev wants to compete in a Russian Chain Match at Extreme Rules. John mentions that you are linked to your opponent by unbreakable Siberian steel and you need to incapacitate your opponent long enough to touch all four corners in succession.

That match will be brutal and John might not even be in the match because of his Open Challenge. John wants to know who his challenger is tonight.

The music for the tag team champions play and Tyson Kidd and Cesaro make their way to the ring, joined by Natalya.

Tyson tells John the good news. They are not here to accept the challenge. They will leave that to fellow non-American Rusev at Extreme Rules. They are here to drop some facts.

Cesaro says that he is looking at the greatest champions in WWE today. FACT! Kidd says that they don’t come out here to pander to the fans. FACT! Cesaro says that Cena came out on Raw and he said that Raw deserved a Wrestlemania. FACT! Tyson says that wasn’t a fact, it was a blatant lie. London does not deserve a Wrestlemania. FACT!

Cesaro says there were some great chants on Raw. FACT! Kidd says their favorite was ‘Please retire’, but it was said to the wrong person. FACT! Cesaro says everyone wishes they could not see you. FACT! Instead they want to see the greatest champions in WWE today, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. FACT!

John says since they want to see you and they don’t want to see him, why not have one of you step aside and one of you stay in the ring to fight right now.

Daniel Bryan’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Daniel says he heard some talk about the greatest champions in WWE today. Do you think that Cesaro and Kidd are the greatest champions in WWE today? The people do not think they are. Daniel asks if they think John Cena is the greatest champion in WWE today. They do not think that is the case. Daniel asks if he is the most handsome man in the WWE. Daniel mentions the mixed reaction to that. Instead of running your mouths about being the best champions in WWE, why not prove it tonight against the United States and Intercontinental Champions.

Kidd and Cesaro discuss things and Kidd says they are on.

R Truth vs Bray Wyatt

They lock up and Truth gets out of the corner. Truth punches Bray and applies a side head lock. Truth with a corkscrew flying forearm followed by a split and he asks ‘What’s Up’. Bray does the crab walk and he freaks out Truth. Bray with a punch and kicks to the head. Bray tries for the uranage but Truth with an elbow. Truth with a kick.

Bray avoids the scissors kicks and Bray with a flying body tackle. Bray with Sister Abigail for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Jerry welcomes Cole back to the commentary table and pats him on the back. We see the Spanish announcers.

We see footage from the Divas Battle Royal that was won by Paige. Then we see her interview and unprovoked attack by Naomi.

Michael talks about the attack suffered by Roman Reigns on Raw. Michael says that he talked to Roman Reigns and Roman says that Show better not get tired and he better have his cardio done if he is going to keep knocking him down. Reigns says that he will keep getting back up.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is in the ring.

Miz says on Raw, Damien Sandow got lucky. Miz says that he promises it will never happen again. We all know that Sandow is nothing without the Miz. He made Sandow who he is. He made Sandow, he made his new girlfriend Summer Rae from a glorified extra, and he made Marine 4 a blockbuster.

Wade Barrett comes out and he interrupts Miz and has something to say before their match.

Wade says Miz is confused. We are not in his wretched Hollywood now, we are in London. The WWE Universe did not come out to see a pretend movie star, they came to see the man from England. The man who will crush the Yes Movement and become a six time Intercontinental Champion.

Miz vs Wade Barrett

Miz takes his time to remove his sunglasses and then he turns to give them to someone at ringside. Barrett does not care and when Miz turns around, Barrett with a BullHammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at how we got the stipulations for the WWE World Title Match at Extreme Rules.

Renee Young is with Damien Sandow and Summer Rae in the interview area. Renee asks Damien how did it feel to finally beat Miz. Damien says that it was like when you go outside and the weather gets warmer and the birds are flying around singing. The sun is shining down on you, just like a bright . . . SUMMER Ray.

Renee asks Damien and Summer about the kiss, but Miz interrupts and he says he will ask the questions and he asks Renee to leave.

Miz tells Sandow it was a fluke. He wants a rematch. He reminds Damien he is Damien Sandow. He needs to stop using his name, music, and moves.

Summer says that Sandow does the Miz better than him.

Miz says that he is the originator and he tells Sandow to stop copying him.

Summer whispers something in Sandow’s ear. Sandow suggests that on Monday they have a match to determine who can get to use all of the Miz features.

Miz starts to hesitate and Summer reminds Miz he said it was a fluke, so why are you afraid.

Miz tells Sandow they just dug their own grave. Monday, it will be strike three for Sandow and Summer can go back to her Lingerie Football League.

Summer slaps Miz and Sandow acts like he got slapped.

Sandow tells Summer that was awesome.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus has something to say. He points out that his opponent is the Man who Gravity Forgot. He expected him to be taller, but he is just a teeny tiny man. Just like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus points out that Neville is from Newcastle. Sheamus tells Neville he is from Ireland, the real Ireland. Where he comes from, the Irish don’t like you English bastards. Which means . . . I really don’t like you.

Sheamus vs Adrian Neville

Neville avoids Sheamus at the start of the match. They lock up and Sheamus messes with Neville in the corner. Sheamus pie faces Neville but Neville pushes Sheamus. Sheamus with a forearm. Neville with a drop kick that staggers Sheamus. Neville with kicks to the leg but Sheamus with an Irish whip. Neville floats over and does handsprings across the ring.

Sheamus runs into boots from Neville and Neville with a head scissors to send Sheamus to the floor. Neville with a corkscrew plancha onto Sheamus and he rolls Sheamus back into the ring. Neville goes up top but Sheamus rolls to the floor. Neville follows after Sheamus and Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl power slam on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with a reverse chin lock on Neville. Sheamus with a knee after Neville punches Sheamus. Sheamus with a shoulder in the corner followed by a suplex throw. Sheamus picks up Neville and hits a uranage back breaker. Sheamus returns to the reverse chin lock but Neville with a jawbreaker. Sheamus with a forearm to Neville but Neville moves when Sheamus charges into the corner and Sheamus hits the ring post shoulder first.

Neville with a back heel kick followed by more kicks and a running kick to the temple. Neville with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Sheamus kicks Neville from the corner and he sends Neville over the top rope to the apron. Sheamus sets for the forearms across the chest but Neville with elbows to avoid them. Neville with a forearm and Sheamus misses a boot.

Neville with a kick and springboard drop kick for a near fall. Neville with an enzuigiri to Sheamus and he pulls Sheamus towards the corner. Neville goes up top and he hits a corkscrew moonsault from the middle turnbuckle for a near fall. Neville goes up top again but Sheamus hits the ropes and Neville gets crotched.

Sheamus picks up Neville and puts him on his shoulders. Neville counters into a sunset flip and he gets a near fall. Neville with an enzuigiri and a second one. Neville clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Neville goes to the floor but Sheamus drops Neville onto the announce table and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Adrian Neville (by disqualification)

After the match
Sheamus picks up Neville and brings him back onto the apron and slams him over the top rope. Sheamus with knees to Neville. A referee tries to stop Sheamus, but it has no impact.

Dolph Ziggler comes to the ring and he hits Sheamus from behind and that forces Sheamus to stop his assault on Neville. Sheamus leaves the ring.

Ziggler says he knows why Sheamus doesn’t like the English because they don’t like him. That is just like the Germans, Hungarians, Dutch, Welsh, Millennials, Bronies, and not even the Irish. He says that Sheamus is nothing but a bully. There is only one thing to do to a bully. That is to stand up to him. Let’s do this right now.

Sheamus says Dolph is adorable. A little man speaking big words. Sheamus tells Dolph to kiss his arse.

Ziggler says that is pretty weak even for Sheamus.

Sheamus says he does not mean that metaphorically, he means it literally. They will compete in a Kiss Me Arse Match at Extreme Rules. In front of the entire world, he is going to humiliate Ziggler and get him on his knees to kiss his arse.

Ziggler says he does not know or care about the type of match so they are on. He will grind, pull, and stretch you so much you won’t know which way is up. Then he will make Sheamus kiss his own arse in front of the world.

Daniel Bryan and John Cena are in the locker room discussing strategy as we go to commercial.

We are back and The New Day has something to say before their match. Big E says this ain’t the USA, but this will do. He says you have to feel the power. He says they are here to bring you sunshine and light. Kofi says they don’t get bend out of shape when you tell us New Day sucks. They clap so they don’t snap. Tonight, they are going to clap on and clap on and clap on. Woods tells everyone to make today their new day.

Big E and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) vs Fernando and Diego (with El Torito)

Big E and Fernando start things off and Fernando with chops. Big WE pushes Fernando away and he connects with a shoulder tackle. Big E kicks Fernando and Kofi tags in and Big E Irish whips Kofi into Fernando with a drop kick. Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi with a reverse chin lock but Fernando with a jawbreaker. Kofi trips Fernando and he goes up for a springboard double sledge but Fernando with a drop kick.

Diego tags in and he hits a chop from the top. Kofi misses a splash into the corner and Diego with flying back elbows. Diego with a springboard senton for a near fall. Big E is given a rana by Fernando but Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Fernando. Diego with a rollup for a near fall. Kofi with a pendulum kick to Diego.

Woods takes Torito off the apron but Torito with an arm drag. Diego goes for a lungblower but Big E holds on to Kofi. Big E tags in and they hit the spike Big Ending for the three count.

Winners: Kofi Kingston and Big E

We take a look at what happened on Raw when Fandango decided to shed some of his Tango influences and he retuned to his original form.

We go to Fandango telling Rosa to let him go and let the whole world FANNNNNNNDANNNNNNGOOOOOOOOO.

We see the Rosebuds going past Rosa and Adam says that it is a shame because he sees Rosa for what she truly is. If she does the right thing, she can be number one in a certain somebody’s life.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show makes his way onto the stage and he stands next to what is left of the cab from his attack on Roman Reigns from Monday night.

Show says on Monday it was made painfully obvious to him that people from England suck. It is okay. You can admit that you don’t really appreciate him. He is the greatest giant in history. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. No one in this arena, country, or world can stop him. Not even Roman Reigns can stop him.

You have more respect for Roman Reigns because he went toe to toe with Brock Lesnar. He respects Roman for what he did to Brock. Roman was disrespectful on Monday. He was called out by Roman. Roman does not call him out. He will answer to the Authority. Some in the Authority think that Roman is a threat. He does not see Roman as a threat. He sees Roman as the victim of an automobile accident. Usually a person hits the automobile, but this time it was the automobile that was hit by the person.

Show says he thought Roman would do the smart thing and stay down. Roman got stubborn and got up so he sent Roman into the car again. Just when he thought Roman was going to stay down, he got back up again. You cannot stop the Big Show. He drove his knee into Roman’s skull.

Then he picked Roman up over his head and threw him onto the roof of the car and then he choke slammed him on top of the car. Big Show sits on the car and he says he thought the choke slam would be it for Reigns, but he got up during the commercial break.

Show laughs and he says Roman made it to the back, stumbling and bumbling all over the place looking like someone British looking for a toothbrush. Show could have finished off Roman then, but he was not ready to do it. He went to the Authority and he will face Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules in a Last Man Standing Match. When he is done, Roman will not be the ‘last man standing’. He tells everyone to respect that.

We go to commercial.

Cameron vs Alicia Fox vs Natalya

Alicia and Natalya go after Cameron and she goes to the floor. Alicia with a rollup on Natalya for a near fall. Natalya with a double leg take down and she tries for the Sharpshooter but Alicia escapes to the apron. Natalya with a forearm and then Cameron with a rollup for a near fall on Natalya.

| Cameron charges at Natalya and Natalya with a discus clothesline for a near fall. Alicia with a head scissors and shoulder tackle but she misses a flip leg drop. Natalya runs over Alicia’s back and follows with a drop kick for a near fall. Cameron pulls Natalya out of the ring and pushes Natalya into the ringside barrier.

Cameron with forearms to Alicia but Alicia with a boot to Cameron and she gets a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip but she misses a Yakuza Kick. Cameron goes up top but Natalya tries to stop her. Alicia is able to get to Cameron on the turnbuckles and Alicia sets for a superplex, but Natalya gets under and adds a power bomb to the superplex and everyone is down.

Natalya gets a near fall on Cameron and then Alicia gets a near fall on Cameron. Natalya with a rollup on Alicia for a near fall. Natalya with a discus clothesline on Alicia and she throws Alicia to the floor. Cameron with an inside cradle for a near fall. Natalya with a waist lock but Cameron with a Victory roll for a near fall. They exchange near falls.

Natalya with the Sharpshooter on Cameron but Alicia breaks it up after Cameron cannot get to the ropes. Natalya with a double leg take down on Alicia and she applies the Sharpshooter on Alicia. Cameron with a double sledge to break up the hold. Cameron tries to throw Natalya to the floor but Natalya is able to send Cameron to the floor.

Alicia with a boot to the chest and then she hits a scissors kick to Natalya’s lower back. Cameron throws Alicia to the floor and Cameron gets the three count on Natalya.

Winner: Cameron

After the match
Alicia gets back into the ring and it is time to return to Tantrum Alicia.

We go to commercial.

Fandango vs Adam Rose (with Rosebuds)

They lock up and Rose with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fandango with a drop kick and he clotheslines Rose over the top rope to the floor. Fandango with a slingshot plancha onto Rose and he rolls Rose back into the ring.

Rosa Mendes comes out and she wants to know why Fandango broke up with her. Fandango tells Rosa to get to the back and that allows Rose to hit a baseball slide on Fandango. Rose sends Fandango back into the ring and Rose flirts with Rosa. Rose kicks Fandango and Rosa gets on the apron. Fandango with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

After the match
Fandango dances on the announce table and ringside barrier while Saxton and Cole do the finger deal.

Bray Wyatt appears on screen and he asks what happens when it all fades away. The dedication to yourself can only take you so far. Eventually you will be left all alone holding nothing but your own regret. Wanna hear something? You should be more careful friend because the reaper walks in the daylight.

Bray tells this person to run.

We go to commercial.

Daniel Bryan and John Cena vs Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (with Natalya)

Cena and Kidd start things off and Cena with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kidd backs into his corner and he tags in Cesaro. Cena and Cesaro with a test of strength that sees Cesaro get the early advantage but Cena with a side head lock. Cesaro with knees and he tags in Kidd. Kidd with kicks while Cesaro connects with forearms before going to the apron.

Cesaro tags back in and he kicks Cena and hits a double sledge to the back. Cesaro with a front face lock and he butterflies the arms. Cesaro with an Irish whip and Kidd tags back in and he kicks Cena. Kidd with an elbow to the top of the head followed by a front face lock. Cena with a punch and he knocks Cesaro off the apron. Kidd with a twisting drop kick for a near fall.

Kidd misses the slingshot leg drop to the apron when Cena moves. Cesaro tags in and he keeps Bryan from tagging in. Cesaro pulls Cena into his corner but Cena kicks Cesaro to the floor. Cesaro knocks Bryan off the apron with a knee and then Cesaro with a deadlift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock and he grabs Cena’s arm to keep from making a tag. Cena with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Cesaro misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post when Cena moves. Kidd tries to stop Cena but Cena moves and Kidd goes to the floor.

Cena is about to make the tag but Kidd pulls Bryan off the apron as Cena gets to his corner. Cesaro pulls Cena out of the corner but Cena with an STF that is broken up by Kidd. Kidd tags in and Cena gets Kidd on his shoulders for an Attitude Adjustment but Kidd lands on his feet. Kidd with a kick and running drop kick to the temple for a near fall. Kidd goes after Bryan but Bryan with a punch and Cena with a back body drop.

Bryan tags in and he knocks Cesaro off the apron. Bryan punches Kidd in the corner. Kidd with an Irish whip and Bryan floats over and hits a drop kick on Cesaro. Bryan with a drop toe hold to Kidd and Kidd hits the turnbuckles. Bryan with kicks to Kidd in the corner and then he puts Kidd on the turnbuckles and hits a super rana.

Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan waits for Kidd to get to his knees and Bryan with kicks to the chest. Bryan with a back heel kick to stop Cesaro. Bryan alternates between Kidd and Cesaro with kicks and then he hits a round kick on Cesaro but Kidd with a rollup for a near fall. Bryan with a round kick to Kidd and then he sets for the flying knee. Natalya gets on the apron and distracts Bryan. Kidd accidentally knocks Natalya off the apron when Bryan moves.

Bryan applies the Yes Lock and Cesaro drops Natalya when he tries to break up the hold but Cena stops Cesaro with an Attitude Adjustment and Kidd taps out.

Winners: John Cena and Daniel Bryan

We go to credits

04-17-2015, 05:47 AM
I had really hoped Id never see another kiss my ass match .