View Full Version : WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results - 17th Apr, 2015 (Dortmund, Germany)

04-18-2015, 12:23 AM
WWE European Live Tour 2015 Results
Dortmund, Germany
17th Apr, 2015

Quick Results:

Jimmy Uso defeated Bad News Barrett via Superfly Splash.

WWE Tag Team Championship
3 Way Tag Team Match
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (c) (w/ Natalya) defeated The New Day (Kofi & Xavier Woods w/ Big E) and Los Matadores (Diego & Fernando w/ El Torito) via swing/dropkick combo finisher

Finn Balor defeated Adam Rose (w/ The Exotic Express) via Coup de Grāce.

6 Divas Tag Team Match
Emma, Layla & Natalya defeated Cameron, Tamina Snuka & Rosa Mendes. Natalya beat Rosa via Sharpshooter.

Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler via Brogue Kick

Tag Team Match
Damien Mizdow & Zack Ryder defeated Fandango (w/ Rosa Mendes) & The Miz. Sandow pinned Miz via Skull Crushing Finale.

Street Fight
Roman Reigns defeated The Big Show via Spea


Attendance was probably in the 7,500-8,000 range.

Bad News Barrett opens the show with a promo. He welcomes Dortmund and says Daniel Bryan was sent home by WWE, so he has the night off. Jimmy Uso comes out and we have the first match of the night.

1. Match
Singles Match
Jimmy Uso defeated Bad News Barrett via Superfly Splash.
- Loud "Uso" chants, some "Let's go Barrett - Barrett Sucks"-Chants.

2. Match
WWE Tag Team Championship
3 Way Tag Team Match
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (c) (w/ Natalya) defeated The New Day (Kofi & Xavier Woods w/ Big E) and Los Matadores (Diego & Fernando w/ El Torito) via swing/dropkick combo finisher
- Huge pop for Cesaro, "New Day Sucks"-Chants.
- Cesaro told the fans to chant "New Day Sucks" and got a huge ovation

3. Match
Singles Match
Finn Balor defeated Adam Rose (w/ The Exotic Express) via Coup de Grāce.
- almost no reactions for Balor

4. Match
6 Divas Tag Team Match
Emma, Layla & Natalya defeated Cameron, Tamina Snuka & Rosa Mendes. Natalya beat Rosa via Sharpshooter.
- silence during the match.

After the match, Natalya said she loves Germany..

We got a Connor "The Crusher" Michalek video.

5. Match
Singles Match
Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler via Brogue Kick

After the match, Sheamus returns to the ring to attack Ziggler, but Dolph recapitalizes, hits him with a superkick and a Zig Zag.

6. Match
Tag Team Match
Damien Mizdow & Zack Ryder defeated Fandango (w/ Rosa Mendes) & The Miz. Sandow pinned Miz via Skull Crushing Finale.
- Miz cut a promo before the Match, he will speak slowly so the germans could all understand. Mizdow took the mic from him and said "Halt's Maul" ("shut up").

7. Match
Singles Match
Bray Wyatt defeated Erick Rowan via Pin Sister Abigail

8. Match
Street Fight
Roman Reigns defeated The Big Show via Spear
- Huge pops for Reigns. "Suplex City" und "Roman Reigns" Chants.