View Full Version : STYLE-E FINAL ~ Arigatou Nishi-Chofu Kakutogi Arena, 4/18/2015

Shootkick Man
04-19-2015, 02:36 PM
STYLE-E FINAL ~ Arigatou Nishi-Chofu Kakutogi Arena, 4/18/2015 [Sat] 18:30 @ Nishi-Chofu Kakutogi Arena in Tokyo

~ Kazuhiro Tamura and Masato Shibata thanked everyone for coming out and celebrating the close of STYLE-E.

(1) STYLE-E Memorial ~ Nostalgia At That Time: Bungee Shiro & Superhuman Hero G Valion vs. Hiroshi Toyotomi [Shishi Isshoku] & Hiroshi Fukuda [UNION]
◆Winner: Toyotomi (11:25) following the Bokuto-oda (Wooden Sword Beating) on Bungee.

(2) Grudge Completely Settled: Jishimaru vs. Nurkabea~
◆Winner: Jishimaru (1:21) with a Body Press.

(3) Sayonara Spark, along with Nishi-Chofu?: Spark Aoki [SECRET BASE] vs. Shuji Ishikawa [UNION]
◆Winner: Ishikawa (12:31) following a Running Knee Lift.

(4) The Graveyard Farewell Party ~ Nishi-Chofu Yokai Union: Fujita Mi-taro & Amigo no Oyaji vs. Daisuke & Tatsuhiko Yoshino [both GUTS World]
◆Winner: Daisuke (12:32) following a Sliding D on Amigo.

(5) Gathering! One Night Only STYLE-E ~ Arigato Nishi-Chofu ~ Sayonara Nishi-Chofu ~ 6 Man Tag Match: Masato Shibata, Masashi Takeda & Kotaro Nasu [all U-FILE CAMP] vs. Kazuhiro Tamura [HEAT-UP], Kyosuke Sasaki [FREE] & Shota [GUTS/SanoDamashii]
◆Winner: DRAW (30:00) Time Expired.

(Bonus Match) Masato Shibata, Kazuhiro Tamura, Kyosuke Sasaki, Masashi Takeda, Shota & Kotaro Nasy vs. Fujita Mi-Taro, Amigo no Oyaji, Daisuke, Tatsuhiko Yoshino, Spark Aoki, Nurikabea~, Hiroshi Toyotomi, Jishimaru, Bungee Shiro & Superman Hero G Valion
◆Winner: Masato Shibata (9:52) with a Reverse Splash on Aoki-Otoko.
~ The STYLE-E wrestlers celebrated in the ring once last time to close out the show.