View Full Version : WWE RAW DIVA Report / Results - 20th Apr, 2015

04-21-2015, 08:05 AM

RAW DIVA Report / Results - 20th Apr, 2015
Location: Albany, New York
Announcers: JBL, Michael Cole and Booker T

We begin this week with a look at how we got our stipulations for the WWE World Title Match at Extreme Rules.

We begin with the steel cage being lowered to the ground as the Official Cage Lowering Music of the WWE plays.

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring and he stands inside the cage.

Randy says for someone who prides himself about being the smartest in the room, you are a dumb bastard Seth. Seth chose to ban the RKO last week for his stipulation. Seth thinks the RKO is his greatest weapon, but his greatest weapon is to unleash great pain on those who deserve it. Randy says he does not need the RKO to win. That would be too quick and too easy.

Seth made this slow and agonizingly painful on Sunday. When the bell rings, he is going to break Seth’s jaw. He is going to break his jaw so we don’t have to listen to you run your mouth week in and week out. Then he is going to drag his carcass into a corner of the cage that he is going to put his boot in your ribs. Then he will pick you up by your stupid blonde streak and I am going to run you into the cold steel until every inch of your body is aching. When the misery ends and the beating is over, so will your reign as WWE World Champion.

Seth Rollins’ music plays and he makes his way to the stage with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble.

Seth says he doesn’t want to come out and state the obvious, but Randy has an anger problem.

Randy is shocked that it took him so long to figure that out. He says he has a Seth Rollins problem and he will do everything to make that go away on Sunday.

Seth tells Randy he didn’t listen to a lot of what Randy was saying, but he wants to make sure he got the gist of it. Seth is a jerk and Randy is going to beat him up and the losers in the crowd ate it up.

Seth says he plays this game of human chess better than anybody. That is why he is well on track to being the Greatest WWE Champion of All Time. Inside that ring, he can outmaneuver anyone. Outside the ring, he can outthink anyone.

All of this, he is the best at it. If you don’t believe him, he has the title to prove it. He is not going to take anything away from Randy. He is one of the greatest and a surefire Hall of Famer. As good as Randy is, Seth says he is that much better.

Cage or no cage, Authority or no Authority, you can make all the threats you want. At Extreme Rules, you will not walk out of the show as the WWE Champion, that is a promise.

Randy says that Seth gave him a good idea so he will get it out of his system. Randy says that he is going to go into the back and RKO every son of a bitch he sees. Then he will RKO Seth before the end of the show. That is a promise.

Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Luke Harper wants to know why Dean Ambrose is not afraid of him, but after tonight, you will be.

Cean Ambrose vs Luke Harper

Ambrose punches Harper and Harper punches back. Ambrose with a cross body and punches to Harper but Harper gets away. Ambrose with a forearm into the corner followed by a bulldog. Harper with a thrust kick followed by forearms. Harper sets for a power slam but Ambrose escapes and he sends Harper to the floor. Ambrose with a suicide dive and then he sends Harper into the announce table.

Harper sends Ambrose over the ringside barrier and Harper follows. Ambrose punches Harper and he head butts Harper. They go back into the ringside area and Harper with an uppercut to Ambrose. Ambrose rolls on the apron and he clotheslines Harper. Ambrose punches Harper and then Harper slams Ambrose into the LED board.

No Contest

On the stage, Harper sets for a power bomb onto the floor but Ambrose escapes. Harper sends Ambrose off the stage and Harper goes to the back.

We go to the back where Seth is being escorted by Jamie and Joey.

Titus O’Neil barks behind Seth and freaks him out.

Titus says he better leave before he hurts Jamie.

Seth yells at a production worker and asks if he thought that was funny and he says he will hurt the next person he sees.

Seth bumps into HHH and Hunter asks him if he is nervous about Randy’s threats.

Seth says he is not afraid of Randy and Hunter says he doesn’t want his champion to be afraid. Seth brings up what happened with Kane. Hunter says he got the message but he is busy dealing with Tough Enough. Hunter says that when Kane gets here, they will talk. Seth asks about Randy and he says he could use some more security. Hunter tells Seth it is one guy.

We go to commercial.

Number One Contender Match
Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Kofi Kingston and Big E (with Xavier Woods)

Kofi and Cara start things off but Kalisto decides to start things for the Lucha Dragons. Big E tags in and we might have something happen. Kalisto rolls around and Big E keeps Kalisto from getting to his corner. Big E blocks a head scissors and sends Kalisto to his feet. Kalisto tries for a crucifix but Big E blocks it. Kalisto with a kick and then he hits a satellite head scissors. Kalisto with a kick and Cara tags in and hits a springboard forearm for a near fall.

We see the champions watching from the back as Kofi tags in. Cara with a shoulder tackle and he hits a springboard arm drag. Cara with a kick and he sends Kofi into the corner. Cara with a chop. Kofi kicks Cara from the turnbuckles and he tries for a tornado DDT that is blocked by Cara and Cara with a suplex for a near fall. Cara goes through the ropes when Kofi moves and Kofi with a drop kick.

Kofi kicks Cara and he tags in Big E. Big E with kicks and Kofi tags in for more kicks. Big E comes in for more kicks. Kofi tags back in and Big E Irish whips Kofi at Cara for a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Big E tags in and Cara tries to get out of the corner but Big E tries for a suplex and Cara lands on his feet.

Big E with a clothesline.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with a drop kick to Cara and he punches him. Big E tags in and he connects with a forearm to the midsection. Cara lands on his feet and he tags in Kalisto and Kalisto with a springboard cross body on Kofi and he hits a rollup into a round kick. Kalisto with a head scissors driver and then Kalisto takes care of Big E.

Kofi is back dropped over the top rope to the floor. Cara tags in and they go to the turnbuckles for stereo moonsaults onto Big E and Kofi on the floor. Kofi gets back into the ring and Woods grabs Cara from under the ring to keep him from getting back into the ring and the referee gets to ten.

Winners: Kofi Kingston and Big E (by count out)

After the match
Orton comes from out of nowhere and he gives an RKO to Woods and Kofi after sending Big E to the floor. Big E gets on the apron and then he backs away from Orton.

We see Cena on RAW last week being attacked by Rusev and Cena will have another Open Challenge match tonight for the US Title.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at what happened between Big Show and Roman Reigns over the last few weeks.

Fandango vs Curtis Axel

Axel does an Alex Wright dance before the bell rings. Fandango with a waist lock but Axel with punches and a drop kick. Axel pulls off the shirt but Fandango with a rollup for a near fall. Fandango with a drop kick and clothesline. Fandango kicks Axel in the back of the leg and Axel flips like his dad. Fandango with a Falcon Arrow and then he goes up top and hits the FandangoBama Jam and connects for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

Triple H walks in the back and he is going to make a big announcement since we are almost at the top of the hour.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H makes his way to the ring after a long absence due to his vacation.

A year ago, the Authority was at a crossroads and they looked around for someone who could lead the WWE. They found a man who could be the face of the WWE for the next ten years. If you look at the landscape a few weeks after the greatest Wrestlemania, Seth Rollins is that man. Now it is time to find the new Seth Rollins.

On June 23rd, live on the USA Network with the return of Tough Enough. A show that could allow you to live your dream of being a WWE Superstar. Who hasn’t closed their eyes and dreamed about being on that stage to hear your music hit and walk down the aisle and stand in the ring in front of tens of thousands and millions at home. What would it be like to stand in the ring in front of 76,000 people with the WWE Champinship held above your head? To feel that fame and that glory? That is the dream. Being a WWE Superstar is better than any dream you could have.

You have a chance to turn that dream into reality. All you have to do is show the world that you are ‘tough enough’. Send in your submission and maybe you will be selected as one of the 10 men and 5 women to see what one man and one woman will be selected to receive WWE contracts and become WWE Superstars.

Hunter wants to know if you have what it takes.

Kane’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Hunter says that Kane is too seasoned to be on Tough Enough.

Kane says that he has left voicemails, text messages, and e-mails . . .

Hunter says he got them all and he was letting Kane cool off.

Kane says it has been his honor to act as the Director of Operations, but he cannot stand the actions of the man he helped in Seth Rollins. If you are going to put your faith in the hands of someone who he cannot support, he is giving Hunter his two weeks notice.

Hunter wants Kane to go into the back and talk like men and work it out like adults.

Seth Rollins comes out and he cannot believe that Kane said he was not worth the investment. He tells Hunter if he wants to quit, let him. We don’t need a loser like Kane in the Authority.

Kane says that Seth wasn’t calling him a loser last week when he had his hand around his throat last week.

Seth reminds Kane he put Rollins on top of him because it was his job to lose. Kane became a coward and he did what he was told to do.

Kane says that Seth is a spoiled punk who has been given everything and hasn’t earned anything. He made him the champion. Kane says that he helped Rollins win Money in the Bank. They could have done the same with Dean Ambrose. Kane says they could have made El Torito champion.

Hunter says this is not how we do business. Hunter says Kane did what was right last week and what was best for business. There is no one who has been more loyal to the Authority than Kane. Which is why in your Steel Cage Match, Kane is the guardian of the gate.

Kane tells Hunter he won’t let him down.

Seth cannot believe that Hunter is doing this.

Hunter tells Seth to get on the same page as Kane and do it real fast.

In case you missed Raw last week, we see footage from the Divas Battle Royal to determine the number one contender for Nikki Bella, which was won by Paige. Paige was then attacked by Naomi.

Naomi walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane and Seth are arguing and Hunter has to stop them from bickering. Hunter tells Kane he has known him for 20 years, but he is a corporate man now. There is no Hellfire and Brimstone.

Kane says he is and he will prove it.

Hunter tells Seth that a lot of people made him the champion, especially the guy who just walked out of here. Having the belt does not make you the man, going out there to prove it makes you the man. Tonight . . . you will step into the ring and have the match you were supposed to have. You will face Dolph Ziggler. You better show the world what he already knows.

Seth says he will face Dolph tonight and he will destroy Dolph. After he is done with Dolph, the world will know what he is all about. He is no longer the future, he is the man.

Naomi was in the Goldman Box and she wants to know how many times does she have to beat a Bella to get a title match. The people tell her to be a good girl to wait for her chance. She took care of Paige. Naomi says she is done waiting.

Naomi vs Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella)

They lock up and Naomi pushes Brie away. They lock up again and Naomi backs Brie into the corner and slams her head into the turnbuckle. Naomi pushes Brie down and kicks her in the head. Naomi misses a charge into the corner. Naomi with a round kick. Naomi with a forearm and side head lock take down.

Brie with a head scissors but Naomi escapes. Brie with forearms and a flying clothesline. Brie with a clean break but Naomi with a forearm. Naomi with knees to the midsection and she kicks Brie to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Naomi with a front face lock. Brie with forearms and a slam followed by an elbow drop. Naomi kicks Brie in the back. Naomi pulls Brie to the mat by the hair. Naomi with a reverse chin lock. Naomi kicks Brie in the back of the leg and stomps on her back. Naomi pushes Brie to the mat and she slaps Brie in the back of the head.

Naomi kicks Brie and snap mares her before returning to the reverse chin lock. Brie with a kick and then they both go for clotheslines and both are down. Both get back to their feet and Brie with a clothesline and drop kick followed by a running knee to the head. Brie with a missile drop kick and she gets a near fall.

Naomi with a running bulldog into the turnbuckles and Naomi goes up top and misses a cross body when Brie moves. Brie gets a near fall. Naomi with the Rear View for the three count.

Winner: Naomi

We go to the back where the Rosebuds are in catering and Heath Slater sits down next to Erick Rowan and he says he is accepting the John Cena Open Challenge. Rowan gets up and leaves and Slater yells at Rowan about walking away from the new US Champion.

Randy Orton gives Slater an RKO through the table and then he eats a chip and the count is at THREE.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roman Reigns makes his way through the crowd to get to the ring.

Roman says he does not feel like talking, he feels like fighting so he wants Big Show to come out right now.

It is not the Big Show, but the BO Show and He comes to the stage.

Bo says he couldn’t help but notice the anger in his voice. Like Yoda said in the greatest Star Wars Movie made, Episode One. Anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Bo says that Roman has suffered. He failed at Wrestlemania. He tells Roman he is kind of a bust.

He calls Roman Outback Jack in Kevlar. He is the Tim Tebow of the WWE. He gets chance after chance, but he fails every time. No matter what millions of people think, Bo says that he knows Roman can be a WWE Champion. His dreams will come true. All you have to do is . . . BOLIEVE.

Reigns with a Superman Punch to Bo and then he hits a spear on Dallas.

Roman says that if Big Show has any guts, he will be out here tonight. He has no excuse on Sunday. He will be the last man standing on Sunday. Roman says that you can BOLIEVE that.

Dolph Ziggler is in the locker room and he is getting ready for his match against Seth Rollins.

We go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Zack Ryder

Sheamus tells the ref to ring the bell and he says before we get started here . . . Sheamus gives Ryder a Brogue Kick and he rolls Ryder over and he says he can pin Zack Ryder right now . . . but where’s the fun in that? He says Zack deserves more than a five second match. Sheamus kicks Ryder while doing running commentary. He says this is the problem with the WWE. All these pretenders. All of these normal people.

None of you would last two seconds in the ring with him. Sheamus kicks Ryder and then he puts Ryder on the top turnbuckle. Sheamus asks Ryder if he is okay and then he connects with knees that send Ryder to the apron. Sheamus says he thought New Yorkers were tough. There are too many pretenders. Like the Zigglers and Bryans. He says you don’t belong in the same ring with him so he sends Ryder over the top rope to the floor.

Sheamus is telling everyone that they are letting you realize what the WWE is all about. It is about real superstars. You all look stupid, just like Zack Ryder. Sheamus with another Brogue Kick. Sheamus brings Ryder into the ring and he asks if you are not entertained. Sheamus puts Ryder in the corner and he calls for the Brogue by pounding on his chest.

From out of nowhere, Ziggler with a Zig Zag and Ziggler checks on Sheamus.

Winner: Sheamus (by disqualification)

We go to commercial.

John Cena comes to the ring and he has something to say before his Open Challenge. John points out that on Sunday we go Extreme on the WWE Network. Live on the WWE Network, it is not about the rules, it is about the revenge. You saw that Rusev means business. Why shouldn’t he? He handed Rusev his first loss at Wrestlemania. He cringes every time that John says ‘The Champ is Here.’

That is why at Extreme Rules, a normal win is not enough. He wants to do what Rusev does best and that is destroy. That is why he chose a Russian Chain match. You need to touch all four corners CONSECUTIVELY. His plan is to lock him up in the chain and do what no man has been able to do. That is take the Fighting Spirit from him. Cena says that he will never give up and he will fight to win.

Sunday, Rusev’s plan is to beat him motionless and stop at all four corners to get back his US Title, drop the Russian flag, and prove that Wrestlemania was a fluke. That is a hell of a plan. He has one problem. John tells us who he is and he says for ten years he has proven that while he might not win them all, you knock him down he will get up.

Cena says that he will beat Rusev down, touch all four corners and prove that Wrestlemania was a statement. The Champ is here and the title is a symbol of excellence and opportunity. Rusev will have the opportunity to have a Russian chain shoved up his ass.

John says he is going to have his challenge tonight. John says he has a message to the underdog, undersized, and underappreciated. He is focused on Sunday but he is not in a losing mood.

United States Championship
Kane vs John Cena

Kane with a kick and uppercut. Kane sends Cena into the turnbuckles. Kane with a hard Irish whip and kick to the ribs. Cena rolls to the floor and we see Rollins, Mercury, and Noble watching on a second monitor in the office.

Kane drops Cena on the ringside barrier and then he punches Cena. Cena with a kick and punch but Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane with a shoulder in the corner. Cena is sent to the floor after an Irish whip to the sternum. Cena punches Kane on the floor but Cena is Irish whipped into the ringside barrier.

Kane gets back into the ring and Cena eventually beats the referee’s count. Kane kicks Cena and we watch from the back another time. Kane with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Kane gets another near fall. Kane with a shoulder as he works on the arm. Kane gets a near fall. Cena punches Kane and then he tries for the flying shoulder tackle but Kane does not move. Kane with an uppercut.

Kane with a splash into the corner. Kane with an Irish whip and he misses a splash. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and Kane grabs Cena by the throat and he hits a choke slam but Cena kicks out. Kane gestures for the Tombstone but Cena escapes and he hits an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane is walking in the back and he stops by Triple H and then keeps walking.

Renee Young is with the Miz. She asks him about the Miz brand being on the line against Damien Sandow. Miz says he is the A List Superstar, not his stunt double or assistant. Sandow has a job in the WWE because of him. How dare Sandow challenge him. Miz says he did his own stunts for the movie. Miz says he will wake up tomorrow victorious. . .

Renee says that Byron Saxton is with John Cena. Cena says you can expect the unexpected on Sunday. On Sunday, the champ . . .

Rusev Pearl Harbors Cena and then puts him in the Accolade with the chain across Cena’s face. A referee tells Rusev to let go and he eventually releases the hold.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Rusev’s attack on John Cena before the commercial.

Winner Gets the Exclusive Rights to Be Miz Match
Miz vs Damien Sandow (with Summer Rae)

The bell rings and it is time for the flight of the removal of the sunglasses. Sandow with a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a side head lock and then he goes for the Reality Check but Sandow with a backslide instead of the second neck breaker. Miz with an inside cradle after the go outside for a moment. Miz kicks Sandow in the corner.

Miz chokes Sandow in the corner. Miz with a snap mare and boot to the head and Miz gets a near fall. Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Sandow with a Reality Check followed by a discus clothesline and a neck breaker and DDT for a near fall. Sandow tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Sandow escapes.

Summer rakes Sandow’s eyes and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

Winner: Miz

After the match
Miz says on behalf of his momentous victory he says this one more time. He tells us who he is and that he’s . . .

Getting an RKO.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt asks what motivates him? Is it money? Power? Respect? For most men it is a combination of all three. You are different. Unlike you, it isn’t fear that motivates you. You can lift all of the weights in the world but that weight will wear you down and blind you until the only thing you can see is my face looking down on you.

Bray says he cannot wait for that moment when all of you hard work was for nothing. It all fades away. So will you. Behold the new face of fear.

Ryback vs Adam Rose (with Rosebuds)

Rose has a kick blocked and he sends Rose to the mat. Ryback with a chop and shoulder in the corner. Rose with a kick and missile drop kick followed by a punches and a fist drop for a near fall. Rose with a sleeper and he gets on Ryback’s back. Ryback with a backpack stunner and he sets for the lariat and he connects. Ryback with the marching muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

After the match
Two Rosebuds come into the ring and Ryback with clotheslines and a double marching muscle buster.

Ryback gets on the mic and he asks what did the banana say to the hot dog. Nothing because their asses got shellshocked.

Rosa Mendes comes to the ring to check on Rose.

Kane walks in the back and Renee Young asks him about his night and the way that social media reacted to Kane. Renee reads a tweet from Joey and Jamie and he storms into the office.

Seth says it was a private conversation and they look at Jamie.

Kane says he is here now so say it to his face.

Seth tells Kane he is sorry. This Orton thing has him on edge and he knows that Kane helped him win the Money in the Bank contract. He knows that Kane has done what he can to keep him on top. He will dedicate his match to Dolph Ziggler to Kane. He says Kane is the bigger man . . . literally and figuratively.

Seth and Joey walk to the ring and Jamie follows a few feet further back.

We see Randy Orton in the hallway.

We go to commercial.

Non Title Match
Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble) vs Dolph Ziggler

Rollins with a kick and punch followed by more kicks and punches. Rollins with a punch and kicks in the corner. The referee warns Rollins and Ziggler sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and punches him and hits a neck breaker followed by a jumping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Ziggler clotheslines Rollins over the top rope and Ziggler also goes over the top rope. Ziggler sends Rollins into the apron and then he punches Rollins. Rollins kicks Ziggler when he gets back into the ring.

Rollins misses a short arm clothesline and Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Ziggler with a wrist lock and he suplexes Rollins and Ziggler gets a near fall. Rollins blocks a drop kick and Rollins catapults Ziggler into the turnbuckles and Ziggler falls over the top rope to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler punches Rollins but Rollins pulls Ziggler to the mat by the hair. Rollins with a running forearm into the corner. Rollins with a knee drop for a near fall. Rollins slaps Ziggler in the head and kicks him to show no respect to the Show Off. Rollins with a forearm to the back of the head.

Rollins punches Ziggler and he hits a belly-to-back suplex and gets a near fall. Rollins punches Ziggler and kicks him. Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler tries to get to his feet and he succeeds. Ziggler with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Rollins runs into an uppercut and then Seth misses a Stinger Splash.

Rollins tries for another belly-to-back suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet. Ziggler with a clothesline and splash into the corner but Rollins with a shot to the midsection. Ziggler goes for the hesitation DDT and Rollins pushes him away. Ziggler hits a hesitation DDT for a near fall. Ziggler misses the Fameasser and Rollins with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler blocks a super kick but he cannot avoid an enzuigiri and Rollins gets a near fall.

Rollins sets for the buckle bomb but Ziggler counters into a sunset flip for a near fall. Ziggler with a super kick and he gets a near fall. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Ziggler gets up first and he waits for the Zig Zag, but Sheamus comes out and he distracts Ziggler. Rollins with a kick to the knee and a buckle bomb followed by a modified DDT for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match
Seth says that he said what he would do. He is the man. He tells Randy Orton that at Extreme Rules, your little RKO won’t save you. He will prove once and for all . . .

The music for Triple H plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Hunter takes the mic and he announces Seth Rollins as the man who will defeat Randy Orton on Sunday at Extreme Rules.

Hunter says that while we have a second . . .

Seth takes the mic back and he says that he proved he is the man by dismantling Dolph Ziggler. On Sunday, he will prove it is his WWE when he pins Randy Orton’s shoulders to the match. It will render Kane as the Gatekeeper totally useless and obsolete.

Kane’s music plays and he comes to the ring and Noble and Mercury do their best tryout for a TNA official by holding his hands up. Triple H joins Mercury and Noble on the ramp.

The cage lowers and Kane is held back.

Orton makes his way into the cage before it lowers and Orton grabs Rollins. Rollins kicks Orton but Orton pulls Rollins off the top rope and hits an RKO for the thumb.

Kane smirks while Orton’s music plays and we go to credits.

04-21-2015, 11:52 AM
thanks for posting