View Full Version : WWE Main Event DIVA Report / Results - 22nd Apr, 2015

04-23-2015, 07:32 AM

WWE Main Event DIVA Report / Results - 22nd Apr, 2015
Locarion: Providence, Rhode Island
Announcers: John Layfield and Rich Brennan

Before our first match, Curtis Axel tells you not to change the channel because Axelmania is running wild. He says hello to Twinkletoes. Even though we are on the road to Axtreme Rules, you need to check ‘this’ out and Axel does some dancing on the floor, including the Sexy Party. Curtis wants to know WHATCHA GONNA DOOOOOOOOOOOO?

Fandango vs Curtis Axel

Fandango does some dancing before locking up and Axel with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fandango with a drop kick and Axel goes to the floor. Fandango with a slingshot plancha onto Axel. Axel is sent back into the ring and then he knocks Fandango off the apron and into the ringside barrier.

Axel rolls Fandango back into the ring and he punches Fandango. Fandango with a boot across the face and a leap frog neck snap for a near fall. Axel with an arm bar. Fandango punches Axel but Axel with a drop kick. Axel punches Fandango and then he connects with a knee to the back before going to the reverse chin lock.

Axel with a snap mare but Fandango with a kick to Axel followed by punches and chops. Axel with an Irish whip but Fandango with clotheslines and a kick to the back of the leg that flips Axel like he was perfect. Axel with a kick to the chest but Fandango with a power slam for a near fall.

Fandango goes to the apron but Axel with a forearm to stop Fandango. Axel punches Fandango on the turnbuckles. Axel sets for a superplex but Fandango blocks it. Fandango with forearms to the back followed by a sunset flip power bomb. Fandango goes up top for the FandangoBama Jam and the three count.

Winner: Fandango

We go to commercial.

Brie Bella vs Alicia Fox

They lock up and Brie with an arm drag. Brie with a waist lock but Alicia gets out of the hold and she kicks Brie. Alicia gets a near fall. Alicia slams Brie’s head into the mat. Fox with a side head lock but Brie with elbows. Alicia sends Brie into the turnbuckles but Brie moves when Alicia charges into the corner. Brie with a bulldog for a near fall.

Alicia with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Brie gets to her feet but Alicia sends her back to the mat. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia slaps Brie and gets a near fall. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Brie with forearms and she sends Alicia into the corner but Alicia floats over. Brie with an elbow and drop kick.

Brie with a knee to the midsection followed by a running knee to the head and she goes to the turnbuckles for a missile drop kick and she gets a near fall. Fox goes to the apron and Alicia drops Brie on the top rope. Alicia misses the scissors kick and Brie with the X Factor for the three count.

Winner: Brie Bella

After the match
Alicia throws a temper tantrum that would make Christian jealous.

We go to commercial.

Stardust vs R Truth

The crowd chants Cody even though he is not in the ring. Truth with a side head lock but Stardust tries to escape but to no avail. Truth with a hammer lock but Stardust with a leg sweep. Truth laughs at Stardust doing a leap frog for no reason. Truth dances and he gives Stardust a hip toss.

Truth slams Stardust’s head into the turnbuckles and Irish whips Stardust but Stardust with an elbow to Truth. Stardust leaps over the top rope and drops Truth on the top rope. Stardust punches and kicks Truth and connects with a knee to the midsection. Stardust with a kick and he drops down for another kick.

Truth with punches but Stardust with a clothesline for a near fall. Stardust chokes Truth in the ropes. Stardust kicks Truth and he applies a cross arm choke. Stardust pulls Truth to the mat by his hair. Stardust with a boot to the head and then he stomps on Truth’s heel. Truth punches Stardust but Stardust with a kick and another cross arm choke. Truth with a snap mare followed by a leg lariat.

Stardust runs into an uppercut and Truth with a clothesline and kick followed by a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Stardust with a Downward Spiral and he gets a near fall. Truth goes for a sunset flip from the apron but Stardust drops down and gets the three count with some assistance.

Winner: Stardust

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened at the end of Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Konnor and Viktor are in the ring. Viktor says there is a new team in the WWE called the Lucha Dragons. Viktor says they don’t like them. Konnor says the only language they speak is the language of destruction. Viktor asks everyione if they know what they do with dragons. Konnor says they slay them with their swords and then eat their bones.

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Konnor and Viktor

Viktor and Cara start things off and they lock up. Viktor with a shoulder in the corner followed by a punch. Cara with a kick in the corner followed by a head scissors out of the corner. Kalisto tags in and he hits an assisted back senton for a near fall. Kalisto with a round kick for a near fall. Viktor with a shoulder tackle and Konnor is tagged in. Konnor with a forearm and he stands on Kalisto’s head.

Kalisto kicks Konnor but Konnor keeps Kalisto from making the tag. Kalisto rolls through Konnor’s legs and Cara tags in and hits a springboard head butt followed by a kick and springboard cross body for a near fall. Konnor runs into a boot and Cara with an arm drag. Viktor makes the tag and Cara hits a quebrada on both men for a near fall.

Cara with an Irish whip and he misses a shoulder into the corner when Viktor moves and Cara hits the ring post shoulder first and we go to commercial.

We are back and Konnor with a leg drop for a near fall. Konnor with a reverse chin lock. Konnor sends Cara to the mat and Viktor tags in. Viktor sends Cara into the turnbuckles and follows with a Canadian Lifter. Viktor mocks the Lucha Dragons but Cara with a sunset flip. Viktor rolls through and hits a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Viktor with a quarter nelson.

Cara with punches but Viktor with a knee and he tags in Konnor who kicks Cara and applies a front face lock. Konnor with a reverse chin lock but cara with a kick and Konnor goes to the floor when he charges at Cara. Viktor tags in and he stops Cara from making the tag by knocking Kalisto off the apron.

Viktor misses an elbow drop and Kalisto tags in and hits a springboard cross body followed by a springboard corkscrew cross body. Kalisto with a spike head scissors but Konnor breaks up the cover. Kalisto sends Konnor to the floor with a body scissors and Cara with a suicide dive onto Konnor on the floor.

Kalisto escapes a suplex and he uses the ropes for leverage on Salida Del Sol for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara

We go to credits.

04-23-2015, 11:49 AM
thanks for the post