View Full Version : Former WWE Writer On If WWE Voting Is Legit

05-01-2015, 04:41 AM
Former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck has a blog here about WWE App voting. He noted that while he can't vouch for the voting since he left the company, during his time with WWE from 2011 - 2014, the voting was completely legitimate. He said that creative would suggest to Vince McMahon that they rig the voting to get a desired outcome, but Vince would always refuse because it would "compromise the integrity of the voting."

Big Evil
05-01-2015, 01:05 PM
Well good to see that Vince would stand up for the integrity of the voting. But let's be honest here, if you give us a few options with one extremely favorable option over any others, is it really hard to get the voting outcome that you wanted in the first place? I know this hasn't always been the case and sometimes it is set up more for the fans to get to see something they wouldn't usually get to. Just recently we saw them vote in the Triple Threat World title match and you would be crazy to pick a singles match over that.