View Full Version : Steve Austin Responds To Roddy Piper Rumors

07-07-2015, 05:54 PM
As NOTED earlier, Roddy Piper suggested that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was upset with a recent episode of his podcast and caused it to be pulled. After WrestleMania in April, Piper had comedian Will Sasso on his podcast, who impersonated Austin. Piper's podcast returned this week after a month long hiatus, albeit not on Podcast One. Piper stated that the Sasso podcast was pulled after six hours, and claimed to have been threatened to be fired by Podcast One.

"Some people should have a f-cking sense of humor," said Piper's co-host, Inappropriate Earl. "We get it, you can crack OPEN a can of beer and come out in a f-ckin' 2x4 truck... If you can't laugh at yourself after doing that for 25 years, and starting off as 'Stunning' Steve Austin in WCW, come on now."

The Sasso podcast took place in April after WrestleMania, and there were rumors of problems between Austin and WWE stemming from Austin not appearing at the EVENT. Sasso and Piper joked about Austin's heat with Vince McMahon, as well as Austin having one friend (his dog), Austin quitting WWE a lot and more. Piper also joked that Austin "based his whole CAREER on three damn words." ("What?" and "Hell Yeah!").

On Austin's podcast today, Austin ADDRESSED the rumors. Austin said that the timeline was a little inaccurate, noting that the Sasso podcast took place "three, four [or] five months ago." It should be noted that Piper had recorded several podcasts on Podcast One since the Sasso podcast in April.

Austin admitted that he didn't like the podcast, noting that it "had some business of a personal nature that I didn't care to have floating around there being downloaded in cyberspace, so I had it removed from rotation." He said that following that podcast they both went on to CONTINUE podcasting and that rumors of him getting Piper fired "couldn't be farther from the truth."

"Hey man, I'm 50," Austin said. "I ain't got time for no soap opera, I don't want no BS in my life. I've created enough and been in enough way BACK in the day to [not] do it anymore."

Austin said that he called the President of Podcast One to see what happened. Austin noted that Piper requested a meeting with the President of Podcast One and said that he wanted to leave the company and focus on his life. Austin also stated that there were some other details that he will not divulge since he's paraphrasing a conversation and didn't want to go too much into details. The President of Podcast One told Piper that he didn't have to do a podcast for them if he didn't want to. Piper shook his hand, thanked him and left. Austin noted that he didn't have anything to do with Piper leaving and that Roddy asked to leave, although to his knowledge, Piper is still under contract to Podcast One. The door is apparently OPEN for him to return.

"To Roddy, you're one of the all time greats in the professional wrestling business," Austin said. "I cheered for you as a babyface, I booed for you as a heel and respected everything that you did. YOUR Hall of Fame career speaks for what it is. To that, no hard feelings. I don't want to back and forth on this, it's a closed book. That's my side of the story, I will not respond to anything else. What I've spoken is the bottom line, and what I've spoken is the truth. I had nothing to do with Roddy Piper leaving Podcast One. End of story."