View Full Version : WWE RAW Report / Results - 27th Jul, 2015

07-28-2015, 06:01 PM
RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 20th Jul, 2015
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Announcers: Michael Cole, John Layfield, and Byron Saxton.

We start off this week’s show with a look back at the Undertaker’s return to Raw to explain why he did what he did at Battleground.

We start off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon accompanied by the WWE World Champion Seth Rollins.

Hunter welcomes everyone to Raw. He says it will be a huge night and it will start off with a massive announcement. In a few weeks, it will be SummerSlam. This year’s SummerSlam will be bigger than ever. That means that three hours just isn’t going to cut it. Live on the WWE Network, SummerSlam will be a four hour event.

Stephanie says the main event will be seventeen months in the making. The Undertaker will return for vengeance against the man who broke the unbreakable streak, Brock Lesnar.

Hunter says tonight will be a night of firsts. For the first time, The Big Show will face Dean Ambrose. Stephanie says that Paige will face Sasha Banks. Hunter says Kevin Owens will face Randy Orton. Stephanie tells us Alicia Fox and Nikki Bella will face Becky Lynch and Charlotte.

Seth says he is all fired up, but if you want to talk about firsts. He is the first man who ever cashed in the Money in the Bank contract in the main event of Wrestlemania to beat Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar in the same night. Seth points out that for the first time, at Battleground, he went one on one with Brock Lesnar, and he did what he said he would do. He walked in as WWE Champion and he walked out as WWE Champion.

Seth says to cap off this night of firsts, we need to involve all of you. For the first time ever, Seth says that he wants everyone to stand up and admit that he will go down as one of, if not the greatest WWE Champion of all time.

Before the people can do what Seth wanted, John Cena’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage and then he walks to the ring.

John says he does not mean to interrupt Stephanie and Hunter, but he means to interrupt Seth because he is an arrogant jackass. With all of the Hall of Famers who held that title, you claim to be the greatest? John says that you are a joke. We need to find out who is telling the truth. John says he is not going to ask Seth to do a damn thing about it because last week, he asked Seth and Seth tucked tail like a yellow bellied coward.

John says that tonight is a night of first time ever. He says that you know what is best for business. We need to see for the first time if Seth Rollins can be a man. John wants a match between him and Seth Rollins . . . for the WWE World Title.

Seth tells John to do everyone a favor and shut the hell up. This is not your little US Championship. This is THE WWE World Championship. You have to earn your title match.

Stephanie interrupts and she tells Seth that we need to put it to the people. Stephanie wants to know if you want to see John Cena versus Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship.

Stephanie says NO. She is saying no to John Cena and the people who wanted to see a World Title match. Stephanie says that Seth is right, you have to earn it.

Hunter says that he gets that, but Hunter says that he can speak for everyone that they don’t want to see the WWE Championship defended on Raw. The idea is valid so tonight it will be John Cena versus Seth Rollins, but it will be for John’s United States Championship. Hunter says that is what is best for business.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is with the announce team for this match, but it is fancy dressed Miz, not Tough Talk Miz.

Dean Ambrose vs Big Show

They lock up and Show tries to punch Ambrose but Ambrose gets away and he punches and chops Show. Show with a shoulder tackle to Ambrose. Show charges at Ambrose and Ambrose drops down and Show goes over the top rope to the floor. Dean with a baseball slide followed by a suicide dive that sends Show into the ringside barrier. Ambrose goes up top for the elbow but Show chops Ambrose in the chest.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show with his first slam of the night on Ambrose. Show with a knee bar on Ambrose. Ambrose unties Show’s boot to get out of the hold. Show ties his boot in the ring for the first time and Dean does nothing to take advantage. Ambrose with kicks to Show but Show with a punch to the midsection. Ambrose with a boot when Show charges into the corner and Ambrose with a sleeper.

Show is able to escape the sleeper and Dean goes to the floor. Ambrose with punches from the apron and he drops Show on the top rope. Ambrose comes off the turnbuckles and he is caught by Show and Show sends Dean face first into the mat and gets a near fall. Show sets for the choke slam but Dean counters into a DDT.

Ambrose with punches and chops to Show and then he is grabbed by the throat. Ambrose with elbows and Dean goes off the ropes and Show with a choke slam but Ambrose kicks out at two. Show with a second choke slam and Ambrose rolls out of the ring as a result of the impact of the move.

The referee makes his count and Ambrose gets back to full strength and returns to the ring at eight. Show with a super kick and Ambrose goes back to the floor. Show with a spear to Ambrose on the floor. Ambrose tries to get back to his feet but after all of the damage, Dean is miraculously able to get back into the ring at nine.

Show sends Dean to the floor again. Show presses Ambrose over the top rope and Ambrose kicks Show and then goes for a suicide dive but Show with a knockout punch and Dean is down and not moving.

Dean tries to get back into the ring but he cannot power up before the referee gets to the ten count.

Winner: Big Show (by count out)


After the match:
Ambrose leans against the ringside barrier by Yeatonville and then he falls to the ground. Big Show looks at Dean and he tries to spear Ambrose but Ambrose moves and Show enters Yeatonville the hard way.

We go to commercial.

Fandango vs Neville

They lock up and Fandango with a side head lock. Neville tries for a rana but Fandango blocks it. Neville lands on his feet and Fandango with a clothesline for a near fall. Fandango with a chop and then he applies the Gory Special and adds a chin lock and he dips. Neville sends Fandango to the floor and then he connects with a series of kicks and a flying kick to the temple.

Neville with a corkscrew plancha onto Fandango on the floor. Neville goes up top and hits the Red Arrow for the three count.

Winner: Neville


After the match:
Stardust appears on the TitanTron and he says that The Man Gravity Forgot saves the day again. That is the problem with the world today. Everybody wants a feel good story. They want a story filled with heroes . . . Superheroes. Heroes who wine and dine with kings and queens. Even green hooded heroes. Nobody wants to talk about the unknown or embrace the strange.

Fear not WWE Universe, Stardust will rescue you. He will save you from the overbearing and overprotective do gooders. Neville, there is nothing you can do to stop him.

Stardust wants Neville to be his hero.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paige is in the locker room and she mentions the response on Facebook and Twitter for Charlotte and Becky Lynch. They love where the Divas Division is going and they are effecting change.

Sasha Banks says that they are not responsible for the Divas Revolution, it was Stephanie McMahon who did it. They are the leaders of the revolution.

Paige says they are not taking credit for everything. They will prove it tonight.

Sasha says that she is the NXT Women’s Champion.

Paige points out that she was the first NXT Women’s Champion and a two time Divas Champion.

Sasha says that Paige is known for losing titles.

Becky says that we don’t have to deal with Sasha’s bad attitude.

Charlotte says that if Naomi and Tamina get involved it will get ugly. Paige says it already has.

We go to commercial.

We take a look at Sasha Banks with the video package that aired on Smackdown.

Non Title Match
Paige (with Becky Lynch and Charlotte) vs Sasha Banks (with Naomi and Tamina Snuka)

They lock up and Paige with a take down while holding on to the collar and elbow lock up. Sasha with a clean break. They lock up again and they roll around on the ring and then go to the floor. We see the two factions stand off at ringside and then Sasha and Paige get back into the ring.

Paige with a kick to the chest and she gets a near fall. Paige with a take down for a near fall. Paige with another arm bar take down for a near fall. Paige with Matt Morgan elbows in the corner and Sasha misses a clothesline but she gets a near fall with a victory roll. Sasha with a forearm and then a wrist lock. Sasha goes to the ropes for extra leverage on an arm drag. Paige with a Japanese arm drag and then each woman goes for a drop kick at the same time.

Paige gets some advice from Becky and Charlotte. Sasha offers her hand and Paige wonders if she is sincere. Sasha goes for a kick but Paige blocks it and sends her face first to the mat. Paige with a head butt for a near fall. Paige with a This is Mah House Fallaway Slam for a near fall.

We see the other faction in the back watching on the monitor as the match continues.

Paige with a hammer lock and turns it into a Fujiwara arm bar but Sasha with a rollup for a near fall. Sasha with an arm drag to try to escape but Paige holds on to the arm bar. Sasha with a knee and elbow to the back of the head. Paige with a thrust kick that sends Sasha to the floor. Paige goes up top and this a cross body onto Sasha, Tamina, and Naomi.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sasha with a rear chin lock. We take a look at footage from the commercial break when the referee decides that it was time for the four women not in the match to go to the back.

Sasha gets a near fall. Sasha sends Paige into the turnbuckles and Sasha chokes Paige in the corner. We see that other team still in the back watching on the monitor.

Sasha puts Paige on the middle rope and hits the double knee drop to the midsection for a near fall. Sasha chokes Paige in the ropes and connects with a knee. Sasha tells everyone this is her house and she screams. Paige with an inside cradle for a near fall. Sasha with a clothesline for a near fall. Sasha with a straitjacket choke and she drives her knee into Paige’s back. Sasha puts her foot on Paige’s back to add more pressure. Paige backs Sasha into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold.

Paige with a back elbow and kick and then she sends Sasha into the turnbuckles. Paige with a knee in the corner and then a series of knees followed by short arm clotheslines and a drop kick. Sasha misses a clothesline and Paige with a thrust kick. Paige tries for the PTO but Sasha kicks her away. Paige with a knee and she gets a near fall. Sasha sends Paige into the turnbuckles and connects with a knee and gets a near fall.

Paige blocks the double knee drop in the ropes. Paige grabs Sasha’s leg and then she takes her down to the mat and applies a rear chin lock and pulls back but Sasha gets to the ropes. Sasha kicks Paige away and Paige tries for a slam but Sasha blocks it and Sasha with a lungblower and Bank Statement and Paige taps out.

Winner: Sasha Banks


Renee Young is in the interview area with Seth Rollins. Renee asks Seth about the possibility of walking out of Raw as the World and United States Champion. Seth wants to ask Renee something. Who beat both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania? Who stood toe to toe with the Beast Incarnate at Battleground and walked out as champion? Seth says there is one thing he has learned as champion, when you are at the top, everyone is a critic. First he couldn’t win without help. Ask Randy Orton and Cesaro.

Seth says he defends the title against the best while John Cena has his US Open Challenge against the rest. We have seen enough of John Cena and he will show him that the future has passed him by.

Rusev and Summer Rae walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev is in the ring with Summer Rae. Rusev says that he is smitten. His heart wants to burst out for the woman healed his soul. The always hot and obedient Summer. It is a woman’s privilege to obey and a man’s privilege to give gifts. He will show you American men how to treat a special woman.

Rusev says that since the puppy smells, pees all over the place, and is neutered, they should call it Dog Ziggler. He tells Hot Summer that is not all. He has another present and it is a fish. He tells Summer to hold the fish high and they should call it after the cold fish we all know . . . Lana.

Lana interrupts and she tells Rusev to shut up.

She says that it is a privilege for women to lead, not just obey. You always lie about me and it never succeeds. It does not work because everyone can see right through you. You dress her just like me. You kiss her while looking at me. You are pitiful, just like your defeats since you hooked up with this wannabe Lana.

Summer says now Rusev knows what it is to cuddle up with this after years of cuddling up with that.

Lana attacks Summer and rubs her face in the fish. Lana slaps Rusev and leaves the ring.

Rusev picks up the fish and throws it up the ramp.

Rusev tells Hot Summer everything will be okay while Summer throws a fit in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at the video package that started off Raw about last week’s Raw.

We are told that Brock Lesnar will be on Raw next week.

Daren Young and Titus O’Neil are at the announce table.

Kalisto and Sin Cara vs Fernando and Diego (with El Torito)

Fernando and Cara start things off and Cara with a waist lock and he gets a near fall with an O’Connor Roll. Fernando lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and gets a near fall with a rollup. Fernando misses a round kick and Cara kips up. Fernando with a chop and elbow. Cara with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and Kalisto tags in and gets a near fall after an assisted senton.

Kalisto with a head scissors followed by a springboard arm drag into a near fall. Kalisto with a key lock. Diego tags in and Fernando with a punch followed by a knee lift and springboard senton to Kalisto. Diego with a chop and Irish whip. Kalisto with a kick and then he hits a head scissors and arm drag into an arm bar. Kalisto trips Diego and Cara with a slingshot senton. Fernando tags in and the miss a double clotheslines. Cara tries for a cross body but he is caught.

Cara is sent to the floor and Diego tags in and he hits a double sledge from the apron. Diego with a chop. Diego with a rear chin lock and body scissors. Cara with a punch and he tries for a sunset flip but Fernando is tagged in and when Cara gets Diego over Fernando with a drop kick to the back of the head.

Fernando with a reverse chin lock and a drop toe hold. Diego tags in and hits a splash through the ropes. Fernando with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Fernando chops Cara and Irish whips him. Fernando with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Diego tags in and hits a punch from the turnbuckles. Fernando tags in and Diego kicks Cara and then hits a leg sweep and Fernando with a slingshot senton for a near fall.

Fernando punches Cara and Irish whips Cara but Cara with a rollup into a one arm power bomb. Both men are down. Kalisto and Diego tag in and Kalisto with a springboard cross body followed by a rollup into a Listo kick. Kalisto with a springboard DDT for a near fall. Kalisto with a handspring round kick to Fernando. Cara with a splash onto Fernando.

The New Day come out to the ring and Big E and Xavier come out holding a ‘Real Mega Dad of the Year’ sign over Kofi as they clap their way to Darren and Titus.

Kalisto with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Sin Cara


We take a look back at Luke Harper’s return to the Wyatt Family at Battleground.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring with Luke Harper.

Bray says he is not a betting man, but if he was, it would be a safe bet to say that each of you has a family. He wants to know if you love them, care for them, hug them each and every day? Do you tell them that the world you live in is a wonderful paradise? As long as you stay together, everything will be all right? Bray says that your mommies and daddies have been force feeding you lies. Your mommies and daddies do not love you.

If your mommies and your daddies love you, they would tell the truth. The truth can be a hard pill to swallow. It can be shocking and it could be terrifying. All you have to do is look out your front doors. It is in your schools and places of worship. The places that protect you are the ones you should fear the most.

The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can be set free. As each of you understand freedom, it comes at a hefty price. Bray says he used to have a pet. It wasn’t the most charming but he loved it. That pet would have given its life for him. Curiousity got the best of his pet. The pet wanted to see what is on the other side of the tracks. He set his pet free, but it came back as he know it would.

The pet was different. The pet had a scar from its eye to its nose. It never ran away again and was always by his side. The pet learned that the world has teeth and they are sharper than his. The pet learned that you have to get them before they get you.

Bray says Luke Harper was a damaged man. He did what he had to do. He picked him up from the dirt and fixed him like a broken toy. He knew that he would have to let Luke free.

Bray gives Luke the mic.

Luke says there was a time when he did not know why a man like him existed. What was his purpose or why was he here? His family found him. HE showed him the truth and the truth is that this is all of your fault. Each and every one of you have made him what he is. You shunned him. You created him, but Bray Wyatt saved him. He opened his eyes and made him stronger than ever. He showed him his path in life and now he knows. When you pray for the rain, you best be prepared for the mud. Bray Wyatt, my life for you.

Bray says it always comes back to family. Luke Harper would go through hell for him. He already has. Roman Reigns, I tried to warn him that this is only the beginning. Bray says he is not a LIAR. Roman claims that Dean Ambrose is his brother, but Bray disagrees. If Roman cares for Dean, he would tell Dean that he is in danger and stay out of their business. He should walk away and never look back. This is your burden to bear, Roman. This is your hill to die on. You have sealed your fate. Roman, we’re here.

Bray tells everyone to FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS.

We go to commercial.

Charlotte and Becky Lynch (with Paige) vs Alicia Fox and Nikki Bella (with Brie Bella)

Becky and Nikki start things off and they lock up. Nikki with a wrist lock and she works on the shoulder. Nikki with an arm drag and kick. Nikki with a front face lock and wrist lock. Becky with a reversal and arm drag. Becky with an arm drag into an arm bar. Charlotte tags in and they hit a double drop kick and double kip up. Charlotte with a rollup and bridge for a near fall.

Charlotte with chops but Nikki kicks her away. Nikki with an arm bar and Alicia tags in. Alicia with a double sledge from the turnbuckles and she works on the arm. Charlotte sends Alicia to the mat and hits a Flair knee drop.

We see the contractually obligation viewing from the third team on the monitor in the back.

Brie distracts Charlotte and Alicia with a boot and Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Nikki tags in and Alicia with a double sledge to the midsection followed by a kick from Nikki for a near fall. Nikki with a surfboard but Charlotte with a snap mare. Nikki with a shot to Becky followed by a clothesline and Nikki with some Steiner-esque push ups. Nikki with a slingshot suplex and gets a near fall.

Alicia tags in and they hit a double suplex on Charlotte and Alicia with an elbow drop for a near fall. Alicia with her boot in Charlotte’s back and then she elevates Charlotte but Charlotte counters with a lateral press. Charlotte with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Becky tags in and hits a drop kick on Alicia followed by a suplex and t-bone suplex for a near fall but Nikki breaks up the cover and sends Becky into the ring post. Charlotte with a spear to Nikki. Alicia with a rollup for a near fall but Becky with the Disarmor and Alicia taps out.

Winners: Becky Lynch and Charlotte


We take a look at the elimination of Patrick from Tough Enough.

We see Big Show chopping the male contestants.

Tomorrow night, Sasha Banks, Tamina, and Naomi will be on Tough Enough.

Randy Orton and Kevin Owens walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus is at the announce table.

Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

They go back and forth with comments before doing anything physical. Owens pushes Orton and Orton kicks Owens. They exchange punches and Orton with a European uppercut and kick. Orton with another European uppercut and Owens goes to the floor.

Owens tries to get back into the ring but Orton tries to cut him off so Owens stays on the floor. Orton goes after Owens on the floor and they go back and forth with punches. Orton sends Owens into the ringside barrier. Owens with a punch but Orton with an Irish whip into the ringside barrier and a clothesline.

Orton rolls Owens back into the ring and he starts with the Garvin Stomp. Owens with a clothesline and he kicks Orton and does his own version of the Garvin Stomp. Owens punches Orton and Orton stops a European uppercut and hits a drop kick. Owens goes to the floor and Orton follows Owens to the floor again. Orton with European uppercuts but Owens sends Orton into the ring post and then hits a Fallaway Slam into the ringside barrier and we go to commercial.

We are back and Owens with a reverse chin lock. Orton with punches but Owens with a short arm clothesline and back senton for a near fall. Owens rubs his elbow against Orton’s neck. Owens kicks Orton and then picks him up and punches Orton. Orton with a kick but Owens with a punch. Orton and Owens exchange European uppercuts and then Orton with a back breaker and both men are down.

Owens sends Orton into the turnbuckles and connects with a clothesline in the corner followed by another clothesline. Owens with a knee to the midsection for a near fall. Owens yells at Michael Cole and wants to know how that looks. Owens punches Orton in the midsection. Owens with elbows in the corner. Owens with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner but Owens misses the cannonball when Orton moves.

Orton with two clotheslines and then he ducks a clothesline and hits a vintage power slam. Orton looks around but he runs into an elbow. Owens comes off the turnbuckles and Orton with an exploder but Owens rolls to the apron. Orton picks up Owens and sets for the IEDDT but Owens drops Orton on the top rope. Owens pulls Orton to the floor and Orton Irish whips Owens into the ringside barrier.

Sheamus gets up and he hits Orton with a Brogue Kick and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Randy Orton (by disqualification)


After the match:
Sheamus rolls Orton into the ring and Owens follows but Cesaro comes to the ring and he hits Sheamus with a European uppercut and then Cesaro with a splash onto Owens. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Sheamus and then he kicks Sheamus. Owens with a pop up power bomb to Cesaro.

Renee Young is with John Cena in the interview area. She asks him about his title defense tonight. John says that since he put his hands on this title, this is a symbol of excellence. He has had a dozen title defenses but this is the most important. Tonight he faces the Golden Boy of the Authority and the WWE World Champion. Tonight, the great debate is over. Either Seth Rollins is as good as he says he is and he leaves with both championships or John Cena shocks the world and beats the WWE Champion to prove that the real champion is here.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Becky Lynch will face Nikki Bella on Smackdown.

US Championship
US Champion ‎John Cena‬ vs World Heavy Weight Champion ‪Seth Rollins‬

They circle each other before locking up and Rollins with a wrist lock into a hammer lock. Cena with a reversal into a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle and Rollins goes to the floor. Rollins gets back into the ring and Rollins with a kick. Cena with a side head lock take down. Cena with a shoulder tackle and he blocks a hip toss and gives Rollins a hip toss for a near fall. Cena gets Rollins on his shoulders but Rollins gets back to his feet and he kicks Cena and connects with a clothesline.

Rollins kicks Cena in the back. Rollins with kicks and a reverse chin lock as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock but Cena powers out of the hold and he punches Rollins. Cena misses a splash into the corner and hurts his shoulder or ribs. Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a suplex for a near fall. Rollins with another suplex and he gets another near fall.

Rollins with a punch but Cena with a flying shoulder tackle or two. Cena tries for the Blue Thunder Bomb but Rollins lands on his feet and gets a near fall with a rollup. Rollins with a side head lock take down to counter the Blue Thunder Bomb attempt again and hits an enzuigiri for a near fall. Cena blocks a neck breaker and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle set up but Rollins with a kick. Rollins misses a splash into the corner and Cena with a Tornado DDT for a near fall.

Cena gets Rollins on his shoulders but Rollins gets to his feet and he sends Cena over the top rope to the floor, but since this is not WCW of the early 90s, no disqualification. Rollins with a suicide dive and then he goes up top for the knee to the temple but he can only get a near fall. Rollins picks up Cena and tries for the Pedigree but Cena with a take down. Rollins is pulled up from the ropes and Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins is caught on Cena’s shoulders for an electric chair driver for a near fall.

Cena and Rollins exchange punches but Rollins with a kick. They return to the punches and Rollins with the advantage followed by a knee to the head and Cena rolls to the apron and Cena is bleeding from the nose. While the referee holds Rollins back, Cena goes after Rolins. Cena with punches but Rollins with an enzuigiri. Rollins goes up top and Cena punches Rollins.

Rollins with a sunset flip into a buckle bomb and Rollins gets a near fall. The referee checks on Cena and the doctor checks on Cena’s nose. Rollins goes for the pedigree but Cena with a back drop and Rollins lands on his feet. Cena with a springboard stunner. Rollins lands on his feet on an Attitude Adjustment and Rollins with a super kick for a near fall.

Cena with an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall. The doctor checks on Cena. Cena goes up top and Rollins climbs up as well for a superplex and Rollins hits it and follows with an immediate Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins pulls Cena into the corner for a Phoenix Splash but Cena moves. Cena with an STF and Rollins taps out.

Winner: John Cena


We go to credits.

07-28-2015, 06:02 PM
** ‪#‎WWE‬ ‪#‎RAW‬ - 27th Jul, 2015 **

Clip: The Authority kicks off the night.


Clip: Luke Harper explains why he's realigned with Bray Wyatt


Clip: After The Bulgarian Brute showers Summer Rae with gifts, Lana delivers a revolting surprise of her own.
