View Full Version : Backstage Update On WWE Tough Enough "Ring Rat" Controversy

08-20-2015, 10:20 PM
On this week's edition of WWE Tough Enough, the early favorite to win, Tanner, was eliminated, setting the stage for next week's finale.

While both were already guaranteed spots in the finals, Amanda and Sara Lee had a big confrontation on Tuesday night's show.

"Tough Talk," the post-show on the WWE Network, featured Amanda claiming that she was only playing a role on the show, and wasn't actually the person she was portraying. She claimed that Sara Lee was playing a role as well, and her role was a bit more controversial.

"The most annoying thing about Sara is that she plays the role of the girl-next-door, and honestly, she's not the girl-next-door," said Amanda.

Amanda would go on to refer to Sara Lee as a "ring rat."

"I get a rep because of the way I look, and I think it's kind of funny because maybe the reason she's so 'likable,' because of being at the barracks every weekend practicing her moves, she's playing ring rat," said Amanda.

The Tough Enough judges were apparently shocked by Amanda's claims. Sara Lee was shocked as well.

"That's not true, for the record," said Sara. "She's trying to get into my head, or the heads of the WWE Universe. She can say what she wants. She said herself she was going to try to plant seeds of doubt in my head."

The WWE Tough Enough season finale airs next Tuesday night on the USA Network.