View Full Version : Jim Ross On Possibly Doing More NJPW Commentary?, Taker's Health & More

08-25-2015, 04:13 PM
The following are highlights of a new Q&A update by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

On possibly doing more announcing for New Japan Pro Wrestling: "I don't know what NJPW has planned but I'd love to do some more projects with them. Their wrestlers are from top to bottom arguably the best in the world right now."

On how Undertaker stays this athletic at his age: "Taker is a great natural athlete who is over his surgeries, by and large, is eating clean thanks to his amazingly fit wife and training MMA style which suits his body. In other words he's working his ass off and living right."

On who makes the cool video packages in WWE: "Adam Pennucci produced those and they fired me up as well. He also produced my HOF video. Brilliant young man who's still there working away."

On main eventing RAW with Steve Austin against Triple H and Chyna: "I was out of place all a cow on ice but I did my job as instructed. Teaming w/ Steve was fun but taking the pedigree from Chyna wasn't."

On the late Umaga: "His untapped upside, athleticism and his uncanny in ring abilities for a 350 pounder. Great feet, agility, and quickness."