View Full Version : Sunny Comments On Her Relationship With WWE, Skyping With Fans, DUI's

09-02-2015, 05:36 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch has responded to reports that WWE is not happy with what she's been up to lately, including her run-ins with the law and the fact that she's doing paid Skype calls with fans.

She posted the following on Facebook today:

"guess what?? the wrestling "news sites" are at it again! Now they are 'reporting' that the WWE is unhappy with me due to my current career choices and path... WELL....Let me let you all in on a little something...... The last time the WWE paid me ANYTHING was in 2012, a check for $1000, for an interview I did at Axxess during WM weekend. Before that it was 2011, a check for $5000, for the HOF weekend that I was inducted. NOTHING since then, not even royalties. They have done NOTHING to help me pay MY BILLS, and have paid me ZERO in 3 1/2 YEARS!! So, I ask you:::: WHY THE HELL SHOULD I BE CONCERNED WITH WHAT THEIR OPINION IS ON MY CAREER CHOICE, IF THEY ARE NOT CONCERNED IN THE LEAST BIT WITH MY FINANCIAL WELL-BEING AND STABILITY AND ABILITY TO PAY MY LIVING EXPENSES???? So I should live in a cardboard box just to make the WWE look good??? I THINK NOT. I'm making more $$ weekly than they used to pay me weekly when I was on the road with them FULL-TIME!!!! SO, until they start paying me weekly, I will continue to do what is best for ME, and no one else. So for now, THAT IS ALL."

"Hey, yeah I do skypes.. Yeah Ive had a couple DUI's. Yeah I spent some time in rehab and in prison.... SO F**KING WHAT. You all have never done ANYTHING wrong? I've made mistakes just like every one else. You move on. I LOVE WHO I AM.... and that's all that matters. I'd rather have done the things I've done, than lived a boring uneventful life! Am I ashamed of any of it???? HELL NO!! It's not like I've ever tried to kill anyone.... but hey, there's still time , right??? hahahahahaha"

09-02-2015, 10:04 PM
Alot of people bag on Sunny but she has a point .WWE does nothing with Hall of Famers. If they are able to represent WWE they should be used . Disabled HOFers should be offered a pension .Whats Sunny supposed to do for a living ? She never could wrestle . She certainly can't become an accountant . All she has is her tits . Let her sell programs at shows . Whatever . It looks awul for WWE to abandon its Hall of Famers .

09-02-2015, 10:07 PM
Alot of people bag on Sunny but she has a point .WWE does nothing with Hall of Famers. If they are able to represent WWE they should be used . Disabled HOFers should be offered a pension .Whats Sunny supposed to do for a living ? She never could wrestle . She certainly can't become an accountant . All she has is her tits . Let her sell programs at shows . Whatever . It looks awul for WWE to abandon its Hall of Famers .

I was hoping they would have brought her back after her HOF induction. She lost a lot of weight, looks great, and she has mic skills. I could see her doing something in a role with NXT.

Big Evil
09-03-2015, 01:07 PM
Sunny is from a bygone era in WWE and she isn't the first to struggle financially after wrestling. This is nothing new, Hall of Famer or not, to see former WWE talent struggle to make ends meet. You can try and say the WWE is at fault for this, like she is, but why? The WWE isn't required to throw money at people who do nothing for them to earn those wages. Sunny is not doing anything currently so why she expects or just thinks that the WWE should be sending her money because she worked for them in the past is absurd. I know royalties are one thing, but let's be honest here, the WWE isn't in a rush to put her on tv or the network. Paying out royalties to her is a moot point anyhow, because I'm sure the WWE owns all rights to use her image whenever they damn well please. She isn't a famous actor or a musician that you need to pay to use their songs or image. Her character is property of the WWE so they don't need to pay her a damn penny when they aren't using her.
Aside from that, considering the way she has started to sell herself out on Skype I'm not surprised in the least the WWE is distancing themselves from her. They did the same thing with Chyna when she started acting in porn, so why is this a surprise? I will agree with Sunny on one point though, that being that the WWE has absolutely no say in what she does outside of working for them. Who the hell cares if some WWE higher-ups are displeased about how she makes money? They aren't willing to book her and pay her for an appearance then they can shut up about how she chooses to make her money. Thing is, though, that Sunny has to realize that due to her choices in making money through Skype and other means she is most likely ruining any chance the WWE will bring her in to work again. Double-edged sword...
On another note, the biggest problem I see with the older talent that can't wrestle anymore and get out of the business is that they don't have a plan for what comes after wrestling. We see it all the time with athletes of all types. Everything is great while you are needed and can pull in money, but once that meal ticket expires you are on your own. Sunny seems to think WWE should pay her royalties but that isn't the case. We all know how iron-clad the WWE is and they don't let people own their own names except in rare circumstances. They do this to eliminate the need to pay someone they don't even have the ability to use anymore. Everyone is responsible for their own financial well-being, and they cannot expect anyone else to pick up the tab for them. This goes for everyone, not just athletes. Prudent planning and putting back your money will save you from having to worry about how to support yourself down the line. I don't think it is fair to blame the WWE for your financial problems. You were never promised that they would continue to pay you once you are no longer apart of the company.